Author Topic: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life  (Read 72964 times)


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Coming up a string of RP's between Aldrakar and the Emperor of Luria, Sholan A'Valti. The two know one another for a very long time now and funnily enough Sholan served under Aldrakar as a marshal when Aldrakar Luria's general, the Imperial Marshal. Anyhow, this RP is written by the Player of Sholan. Enjoy!

Sholan took a stroll before the coming battle, as short as it would be - stranger things had happened. He wished to survey the field and his Lurian brothers and sisters, just in case.

His Captain had told him that Aldrakar was in Maf, his unit in full attendance as well. It had been some time since he'd seen the man, longer still since he'd seen his full retinue in tow. A visit, some words over tea; it was the least he could do before all made a mess of the countryside.

He'd found his dear friend giving orders his men, as expected, and in his usual upstanding manner at that. Always a fresh breathe of elegance, Sholan swore Aldrakar was incapable of getting dirt, let alone blood, on his armor. The Gods themselves would deny the tarnish of his wardrobe if he rolled in a mass grave on purpose.

The Emperor thought about it for a moment and a sad thought came to him; Someone has to give the appearance of Chivarly on this field. The Gods knew it wasn't going to be never was.

He called out, hoping to interrupt him, "Oi! Aldrakar! How wonderful of you to grace us with your presence!" Irritating Seoras and Aldrakar was one of the few joys Sholan had as Emperor. "I do believe one of us owes the other a drink..."


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And my first reply to tha Emprah!

Imperial Visit

He called out, hoping to interrupt him, "Oi! Aldrakar! How wonderful of you to grace us with your presence!" Irritating Seoras and Aldrakar was one of the few joys Sholan had as Emperor. "I do believe one of us owes the other a drink..." - Sholan, the Emperor of all the Lurias


His legs encased in some of the finest Giaskian tempered steel leg-guards. Trailing down said limbs did pristine, smooth sabbatons take over in the duty of covering his feet in the best protection money could buy. Vambracers depicting roaring lions fashioned from leaf-gold and their fangs the fingers of the accompanying gauntlet. Binding these pieces together was a masterwork Gothic breastplate of a dozen, dozen pieces. Each exquisitely decorated with gold and engravings but overall still very smooth and without many ridges were a weapon might get caught.

The winter wind played with Aldrakar's rich brown cape, finished with an embroidered border of gold thread. ''Sholan! are you turning grey brother?'' A huge grin was the only expression capable of matching those words. ''Or are those simply the earliest flakes of snow today?''

''Ahh my presence, yes, its indeed been quite a while. I would proffer matters of state but you would know the extend of that and find it lacking. No, I've spend some time with my sons as well and also trying to understand the new governments of our enemies. So many changed its key players.'' Shrugging. ''From what I hear among the men it seems we have time to share a drink or two. It's not like we're going to have a battle today or tomorrow.''  Aldrakar gave a small smile.

''Marc!'' Marc used to be Aldrakar's squire but has since been Knighted. Not that it changed overly much in their relationship. ''Bring us some wine please.'' The young man, although resplendent in his own full plate armor still jumped and scurried but didn't fail to produce the requested wine along with 2 goblets. Strange perhaps was the fact that Aldrakar chose to keep this exchange between himself and Sholan within the line of sight of the public eye. At the edge of the bluff where he had made camp there was a small wooden table and it was here that he offered the wine to Sholan. Not, as most might have expected, inside his private tent. A massive structure all by itself.

Pouring the crimson liquid, Aldrakar looked up at Sholan for a brief moment. ''I've met Jocelin again.'' He took both goblets in hand and offered one to Sholan. ''She's in a bad state and I might have to dismiss one of my most promising servants because of it all.''


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As written by the player of Sholan.

Sholan sat at the table, and sipped the wine that was freshly poured, "Grey? Probably true! Considering you all keep starting fights and I spend all day reading about them from angry rulers..." The Emperor laughed, it was hard for him to take the League seriously any more. Days like these, where they march to attack and retreat before arrival, did little to encourage him. "I do feel the days growing on me lately"

News of Joceline's well being bothered Sholan. As Ellyn's sister, Joceline's well-being was something of a concern for him. He found it funny how things tended to get messy when a woman was involved in life. One of those mysteries, and battles, that men were always debating.

"Unfortunate to say the least. Hopefully her state is something you can attend? If not, I'm sure Ellyn will be happy to yell at us both about it later" He remembered that he was supposed to already be on his way back to Sulorte at this point. "She has a fair bit to say to me already..."

Grunting a begrudging acceptance to his future state, he finished the remaining majority of his glass of wine in a single drink.

"Anything I can do to help in regards to Joceline?"


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My response.

Imperial Assistance

"Anything I can do to help in regards to Joceline?" Sholan, the Emperor of all the Luria's, after downing the remainder of what was left of his wine.


Aldrakar shrugged, inspected the wine inside his gobled for a moment and then responded. ''I think she hates me.'' His eyes locked with Sholan. ''So.. I'll probably lose not only one of my most promising officials but also Jocelin herself.'' Taking a pensive sip of the wine Aldrakar put the goblet down on the table. Half of the wine still left but he pushed it away from him anyway. Swallowing the tannin rich liquid making him squint his eyes.

''You look terrible. You've admitted as much already but you look 10 bad, long winters older than the last time we met. You aren't overindulging are you?'' He took a deliberate look at Sholan's stomach. ''We could always train together. Batting swords together does wonders for the body and the spirit.'' A troupe of soldiers marched by them, the commanding officer shouting far too loud and his mood more sour than raw lemons.

''I don't think you can help me with this one Shol. Although, maybe you could explain to her, in person perhaps.. why I had to rush out on her to get to the front? To sit here idly while our enemies bravely flee before the sight of our banners?'' The satirical aspect of the whole situation made him grin as he rested his face in the palm of his hand.


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As written by the player of Sholan.

He glowered at the comment, "For me to indulge, let alone overdo such a thing, would require me to sit still for more than a few days. I spend more time eating trail breads and jerky and marching the countryside than I do drinking myself to sleep in a plate of pork." A small chuckle escaped him, "I probably have to be the least indulgent ruler of Luria, possibly Dwilight, in some time. I don't think I've had the pleasure of throwing my titular 'Imperical Weight' around more than a couple times, if at all. I don't even remember the last time I stayed the night in the Palace..."

Sparring with Aldrakar was an embarrassing thought, to say the least. "I'm a terrible swordsman, that's what I keep Hildric around for" He said, nodding in the general direction of the Captain - who was currently occupied with one of Aldrakar's men. Captain Hildric gave a distracted look in their direction at the mention of his name, but continued his discussion. "He's twice the swordsman I'd ever be, I only ever learned to fight dirty. Boot knives and terribly uncouth of an Emperor!"

"If it makes you feel any better, you know how hard it's been for Ellyn and I to spend any time together. Gods, she was nearly assassinated the last time we were alone for any length of time. Rynn's house is filled with fiesty, loud, and headstrong members - the women most of all. I doubt she hates you, but I'm sure you're like to get as much - if not more - of a sounding from her next you see her as I will from Ellyn. I don't know what happened before you left, but if it didn't end in her getting stabbed then I'm sure it isn't nearly as bad as you think. She's been through a lot these past few years, she probably just wants some stability for once. Don't we all?"

Sholan poured himself another glass of wine and smiled, "You're here now, she's at home calming down...hopefully. Ellyn might see her while we're away, spreading some sisterly gossip," he paused for a moment, "She proposed, of all things..."


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aaaand, my reply to tha Emprah.

Imperial Wedding Plans

Sholan poured himself another glass of wine and smiled, "You're here now, she's at home calming down...hopefully. Ellyn might see her while we're away, spreading some sisterly gossip," he paused for a moment, "She proposed, of all things..."


Looking up and eyes wide ''Ellyn Proposed to you?!'' Aldrakar threw his head back and from his white, tooth filled mouth came a roaring laugh. Footmen and sergeants alike paused to look up at two of the most powerful men in the Empire. Aldrakar slowly collected himself again. A helpful indexfinger picking away tears from his eyes and cheeks. ''She what? got impatient?'' Aldrakar gave Sholan a jab on the shoulder as he snickered.

Taking a few deep breaths he attempted a more serious tone. ''Tell you what Shol, if you do get the Golden Shackle you must allow me to host you at the Golden Palace. It's only fitting!'' A thought struck him there and then. ''But erm, I know the Empire doesn't adhere to primogeniture or any similar style of succession.'' Aldrakar allowed a small pause. ''Isn't she a bit old to have children or does that not matter to you?''.

After digesting this latest bit of new from his friend, the Emprah as he called him mentally, Aldrakar reached for the half full goblet of wine he discarded earlier and downed its content.


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As written by the Glorious Player of Sholan.

Aldrakar was busy laughing while Sholan rolled his eyes at him, "Har har, you're so supportive..." Maybe she did get impatient, wasn't as if he hadn't thought about it himself. "It was something we'd talked about a long time ago to be honest. We thought it would happen out of politics, when that didn't happen we had other plans. I'd expected the war to end first - to be honest..."

He told Aldrakar of his old plans; namely how he wanted to announce such a wedding on the eve of the war ending, and the dawn of his leaving the Throne. "Always seemed like good timing for everything, I never intended to stay Emperor forever after all. Shackle some new poor soul with the 'new, peaceful, Dwilight' and Lurian relations toward a broken League."

He continued to nurse his wine, "But of course, if you wish to host such an event I wouldn't deny you. I'm sure it would be a wonderful celebration." Children were something he'd never thought too much about, "I've spent so much of my life thinking I always had time to worry about it later, I grew old quickly it would seem. We're both probably too old to have children, but at this point I'd settle for a night alone that doesn't get interrupted with war drums. To be fair, I never saw myself as the marrying type. I always expected to die on a battlefield, now I'm always thinking about how upset she'd be if I didn't return."

"Ellyn always jokes about how we'd be related by law if things worked out that way. I always joke about how much it irritates Rynn that both of his daughters came to Luria, during the war no less..." Sholan smiled a bit at that last part, the enjoyment in the spite of it probably an affect of the wine...maybe.


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The Rp between Aldrakar and Sholan ended as the Army moved on. However, it did give me an opportunity to write a bit about how Aldrakar felt about the next patch of dirt they were all fighting over.


The big, bright light that was sun was washing the world in fat rays as it climbed the ever distant horizon. ''Doesn't look like much, does it Marc?'' Aldrakar looked around the 4th village they'd passed this morning. Over a hundred well armored and well trained men at his back, all of them wearing his livery. Marc rode up to his Liege lord. The young man was doing well in his new role of Knight, Aldrakar thought to himself. ''No it doesn't Lord Aldrakar.'' Marc sounded more confident with every passing day. He had to smile at that.

''Alright! Stop here men. This village will do as well as the next.'' Aldrakar turned his big destrier around. ''Inform the locals that they once more serve Luria and that there will be a temporary tax relief for the duration of the Liberation Celebrations.'' He waited a moment for their reaction, when none was apparent he continued. ''You! Estrix, take your men and remove any Fissoan Flags you see and replace them with Lurian one's.'' The man saluted.

''Well don't just stand there, go! Do what I told you to do.'' Aldrakar couldn't help but laugh and the men grinned sheepishly. They had all expected a fight, a bloody fight at that but instead fate had liberation feasts in store for them. As the soldiers dispersed Aldrakar sighed. I left Giask for this? Hovels and huts? He shook his head and headed for the village elder, the man would have to be replaced and a new elder appointed.


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Hey there! What you are about to read is a side branch of the Aldrakar Renodin Story. Its written entirely by other people than myself. All credit goes to the people that wrote it and I am very grateful for their contributions to the history, backstory and flavor that is my character.

As written by the player of Jocelin Le Drake

Jocelin was glad to hear that Seoras had finally arrived.  She wasted no time in preparing herself for a visit.  After much consider she dressed modestly in a dark blue gown, the border stitched with the familiar patterns that the Bloodstars were often depicted in.  One of her maids plaited her hair with a length of red ribbon, and applied something to conceal the yellowing bruise on her cheek.  It remained faintly visible underneath, and she was careful to arrive at a later hour when the dark might conceal some of the mark.  The guard she presented herself to announced her arrival to his lord before allowing her to enter; her great height forced her to duck slightly upon making it through the tent flap.  Jocelin curtsied, "Thank you for meeting me, Penitent Protector.  I trust the journey was uneventful?"  Though the need to observe the formalities was great in her, it was clear that she was anxious to be done with them, and that something weighed heavily on her mind.


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As written by the player of Seoras Madigan Nifelleisca

Seoras looked up at Jocelin's ducking and curtsy. Had nobility grown taller or was it just the westerners? Perhaps he might have the tent adjusted. It hadn't been the first time he'd had to enlarge an entrance way. Then again, he hadn't use of a tent lately, usually residing within a temple.

Considering the public nature of the slap within Viscount Theon's camp, rumours had begun to circulate amongst local minor nobility and the attendants of those more prominent nobility within Girich. Seoras had been busy writing, away from the various serving staff, and yet to meet with any merchants or local nobility, so was still unaware as to the extent of the situation.

Seoras chuckled softly at her greeting, standing, and bowing his head to her in respect, "I hope the same of your journey, Invocator?" Motioning to the mats, lighting some incense, "shall we sit?"

He could tell she was anxious. He sank to the ground, keeping his feet planted upon the ground while kneeling forward upon his knees. Sensing her discomfort with the position, he relaxed the pose by moving his toes from supporting his weight to resting under him. As they sat across from each other, he rested his hand upon her knee with a look of compassion and continued, "To ease one's mind in times of turmoil, a meditation upon the stars is suggested". Withdrawing his hand to rest upon his knee, he instructed her in the method.

Repeat within your mind the three Prophets' names - Mathurin, Rabisu, Malus. Focus your mind upon a quality they share as you chant, I shall focus upon their solitude, not letting your mind drift from that quality, constantly reinstructing your mind back to that quality.

And so they sat, Seoras with eyes closed. As the incense finished its burning, his eyes opened, smiling. "And what is it that has brought you to me?"


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As written by the player of Jocelin Le Drake.

Jocelin nodded to both, silent as she followed Seoras' example.  She too sank down, the gesture clearly practice by the ease with which she made it look graceful.  Her posture did not relax until his did, and stiffened again not a moment later when he rested his hand on her knee.  But his clear compassion had her smiling gratefully.  "Thank you, Protector."  At the suggestion of meditation she looked to the nearest censer.  The lazy trails of smoke that drifted upward held her attention while she listened to his instructions.  "To be honest I've not studied them as people.  I learn about the Prophets through their writings."  She needn't have qualified that, but being in his presence made her feel slightly foolish.  I don't know them well enough to focus on a shared quality between them.  But I imagine they'd have to have been kind.  Jocelin saw that Seoras had closed his eyes and quickly followed suit.
The minutes stretched out.  Tiny things invaded on her meditations: the wind had kicked up outside, and the tent flapped in response.  Perhaps there was dust from the desert involved, for one of the guards without sneezed, only just audible through the thick fabric.  The incense had multiple notes that she resisted identifying, pushing it out along with anything that was not the three Prophets or her chosen quality.  It took her some time before she'd slipped down to that place where all else was excluded... and all too soon Seoras was speaking, drawing her back up.  She was slow to open her eyes again, and it was clear that she'd calmed... for a time.

"I can't stand to be near Aldrakar."  Jocelin flinched, ashamed to have finally said it aloud.  Her cheeks burned with embarrassment: for a woman who strove so hard to be the epitome of nobility, to admit that anything might be wrong was completely out of character.  Before he could say anything she continued, "He regards you his friend... and I thought you could help me.  I love him dearly, but for weeks now I haven't been able to stomach the thought of seeing him.  He's so distant--"  She either failed to see the irony of that statement or refused to acknowledge it, "--and focused on his duties.  It's admirable, but I don't want admirable.  I want..."  She trailed off, dropping her eyes from his.  Jocelin's hands twisted anxiously in her lap.  In the short time she'd been in his presence she'd shown more emotion than she had in a week, barring her altercation with the Viscount.  But she couldn't bring herself to describe the desperation in her for affection, for the smallest gesture of kindness to be thrown her way, even scraps.  It was why she'd reacted the way she did when he touched her.


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As written by the player of Seoras Madigan Nifelleisca.

"I can't stand to be near Aldrakar"

Seoras laughed lightly at this, amused, but stopping himself at Jocelin's flinching. From her letters prior to his arrival, he had thought Viscount Theon troubled her, and so to a degree, he was caught off guard. And yet this was not the first amusement, for the letters he had been reading from Aldrakar most recently had also contributed to his humour at her statement.

"He regards you his friend... and I thought you could help me.  I love him dearly, but for weeks now I haven't been able to stomach the thought of seeing him.  He's so distant and focused on his duties.  It's admirable, but I don't want admirable.  I want..."

Seoras nodded slowly, as a stereotypical therapist would in another time and place. A smirk crept back upon his lips upon the words distant and duties.

"...someone to hold you close, for you as a noblewoman, and not as your recorded deeds within a book?" Seoras continued from Jocelin's words. "Aldrakar is my oldest, dearest friend. Yes, there are family friends who have stood by me longer than I've known Aldrakar, but he has always been my personal companion, even if our paths have diverged physically and spiritually."

Seoras exhaled, selecting a pomegranate slice for his enjoyment, "Yet he is," pausing, "distant and firm. Even as his friend, we are often more focused on duty," laughing lightly again, "But he often tells me I am too focused and impersonal. The irony of you coming to me should provide a good teaching aid into my next meditation. And how was it? It seems many don't meditate as much as the first prophet promoted in the early Church."

He sampled the pomegranate briefly, taking care to not pause lest he not return the conversation, "To Aldrakar though..."

He rose abruptly, striding to an inner tent flap, unlocking and opening what sounded like a drawer, and returning within three minutes of departing, letters in hand. Handling one to her, carefully folded to prevent sight of the topmost passage, his finger pointed out:

Your religious meaning or intend in my words is lost on me. There is no chasm in the faith, only different ways of seeing things. You praise blood and slaughter and I do not want it. You would urge peasants to rise up against Knights and be butchered. This is folly. I dread the day you will stand upon a high rock and with a mad gleam in your eyes cheer on a great massacre below in the shadow of your high perch.

Speaking again, "he has long considered me filled by the Maddening, as you evidently see. And what was it I wrote him that brought this reply, but to meditate upon the meaning of 'in a ravine so deep that in a dozen lifetimes should could not hope to climb out'? I wonder if it is his mind drawn to the Maddening over and over."

He shook his head at himself, "No, that is not my point. The point I intend is that Aldrakar, our dearly beloved, is a strict and firm man. Even as his friend, this is so. He has always pushed and compelled me onto a better path, and I thank him for it, even for his false vilifications of myself for even those are teaching obstacles we must both overcome. And if you were to ask him, he would say the same of myself and duty, to lighten myself, where you have come to me in earnest search of forming that deeper connection with Aldrakar."

Finally, with a twinkle in his eyes, "And, while it is of more personal nature than I might feel comfortable sharing, he was quite remiss in his correspondence to myself to have not had your company upon his return to Giask. He mentioned an incident with a servant who Aldrakar had had disciplined for that servant's mistreatment of you, above his station in life? As usual though, was called by the Emperor to the frontlines of duty, " Seoras mentally strengthened the memory, for a later time, of Aldrakar at the front lines, not holding courts in much-needed regions, "But this all tells me that his heart does yearn for you, was even dealt a blow by missing your company upon his return, even as he places his oaths quite highly, as one should."


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As written by the player of Jocelin Le Drake.

"... Someone to hold you close, for you as a noblewoman, and not as your recorded deeds within a book?"

Jocelin nodded, her blush intensifying, "Yes."  Seoras continued, and she remained fixated on him, drinking in his words.  She almost interrupted when he called Aldrakar distant and firm but held her tongue... until he mentioned how ironic it was that she'd come to him.  "You're--"  You're the Protector and his friend.  Who else could I talk to?  Ellyn would have listened, but would she have had Seoras' insight into the man that was Aldrakar?  She doubted it, which is why Jocelin had asked to see the leader of her faith.  He was supposed to help her.

Seoras stepped out.  Jocelin was left on her own to reflect on earlier meditations, and by the time Seoras had returned she was up and pacing about.  It was a stretch to say she'd been snooping... but when he reentered she was quick to put down whatever she'd been into.  She took the letter he extended and followed his finger across the page; when she'd finished Jocelin made a face.  "Does it seem sometimes that he vilifies everything that disagrees with him?"

"I don't want to talk about what happened the day he rode out," She continued, "And he's got no reason to be upset that I wasn't there."  It was a bald-faced lie, and it was clear she knew it.  There might have been more forthcoming if a messenger hadn't been announced; he came in quickly through the tent flap, ignorant of her presence.  "News from the front Your Grace.  Sir Lyrus has slain a D'Haran, Margrave Rynn--"

"What?"  The color drained from her face.  The messenger repeated himself, seemingly unaware of his word's effects on her.  For it was clear that they filled her with panic: her breath quickened, and she started to tremble, rapidly losing the strength to stand.  Jocelin sank to the pillowed floor like it had pulled her down.  "Father?"  Her voice was small, immediately child-like at the news, but it was clear from the gathering tension in her frame that a scream was coming.


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As written by the player of Seoras Madigan Nifelleisca.

Seoras received the news with shock. A joke? A cruel one, if so. And anyone that knew Seoras knew that Kendal Forbes' death would strike more effectively than Rynn's, should any attempt to fool him with such news. Victory over an old d'haran enemy, even a rival great house! The particular oddities of a former Light of SA slaying one whose marriage had been officiated by the First Prophet. Had the former SA priest attended the wedding in Mimer? Another heroic death for Dwilight, the bloodcycle flowing stronger. A divine spark passing from this plane of existence, for now. An opportune moment for a long-deserved announcement. Memories of Pierre and Aldrakar. All, in a flash of her response and the messenger's repeating himself.

And then, Jocelin sank before him, a meek wounded sound escaping her lips, but unheard in its specific nature. Quickly, he tossed the messenger some silver coins of gratitude and waved him begone. As he looked down upon Jocelin, bewilderment passed yet again. And then he accepted the moment.

Kneeling in front of her, he started to reach out for her hands, but pulled back, looked her in the eye, nodding ever so slightly, then looked upward and screamed.


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As written by the player of Jocelin Le Drake.

He's dead.  Her heart and mind were numb, those two words a chant between her ears.  He's dead.  Oh Stars, he's dead.  She was vaguely aware of the messenger leaving and Seoras joining her on the floor.  He reached forward but recoiled, and before she could unload her grief he did it for her.  Jocelin started, startled out of her growing panic by his howl.  Like a dam she broke: she flung herself into his chest, clinging like a shipwrecked survivor.  Her choking sobs were clearly audible outside the tent, and for many long minutes she was inconsolable, heartbroken by loss.

After a time her crying quieted, descending finally to a whimper.  Jocelin leaned away from Seoras, hugging herself as she broke contact.  She seemed to be trying to get a hold of her situation, though it was clear that she was struggling with it.  "Where's Aldrakar?"  She wanted him, needed him, her anger overridden by the familiar pain of loss.  Another thought quickly invaded; Jocelin's fear became obvious.  "Ljúfa!"

Rynn wouldn't let Jocelin take her to Luria Nova, and he refused to send her with an escort once Jocelin had established herself.  And now her daughter was alone in D'Hara, the ward of a dead man.  There was no way she could go sailing into Port Raviel to bring Ljúfa home... but there was no stopping an escort now.  Those golden eyes of hers looked up from the floor, her desperation obvious.  "He can't keep my girl from me anymore, Seoras.  Rynn was afraid for her when I came here, and afraid of the war even when he was assured I was safe.  Ljúfa is alone now."  That seemed to override the rest of her fears: that her daughter might be suffering greater than herself, the only father she'd ever known slain.  Thinking about it only made the panic rise once more, though she fought it down a little more easily than before.