Author Topic: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life  (Read 75838 times)


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An Rp written by the Player of Ellyn Coquard.  All credits for this Rp go to her.

The days blurred together for a bit. Just a day or so after Rynn's death, another anniversary loomed over her head. As Elly brushed her hair, sitting in her shift, the long angry scar from her shoulder down her side glared at her in the early morning light. Her hand started to tremble and the tears started to flow as the memories flooded back like they were yesterday, and not six years ago...

The ivory brush clattered to the table, only causing her to jump slightly. "Where has the time gone?" she asked her reflection slowly. The tears continued to pour silently down her cheeks. "How many more deaths of friends till this ends?" Six years ago to the day Elly was elected Prime Minister of D'Hara. As the sun rose on the day of the end of the referendum, a battle ensued at the Lighthouse. Most of the battle was still hazy in her mind. Elly remembered a looming figure over Pierre, and watched as he was cut down in front of her eyes. She vaguely recalls rushing to his aid, only to find herself in the middle of something she couldn't escape. Whether it was another blow by Aldrakar that caught her as well as Pierre, she will never know. Wiping her cheeks she shook her head at her reflection. "I never want to know...." she all but whispered. The wound had sliced her shoulder to hip, some spots deeper than others. It was touch and go, almost a month passed until her fever broke and she even opened her eyes. When she did, Rynn was there.. tending to her like a child, barking orders left and right. Thankfully she was not replaced as Prime Minister, and events unfolded as they did. A soft sob caught in her throat. How could a wound like hers keep her on death's door, but allowed Rynn to pull her back, yet Marco and Ulfang couldn't even attempt to pull Rynn back from the stars?

Elly picked up her brush and twisted it in her hands. It wasn't fair... she threw the brush with all her might at the looking glass, shattering it; watching the pieces hit the floor. Her maids rushed in, and with a look Elly sent them scurying away. She didn't need them, she could dress herself. She didn't want them... she wanted to be alone, yet she didn't want to be alone. The rooms had become stiffling for her, and it was almost dusk so she did what she had done the past dawn and dusks before. Donning a simple black gown, she left her hair down loose she made her way to the pier. Every dawn and dusk her ritual was the same. Kleio had brought a letter from Sholan saying he was on his way by sea, but the seas had been rough as of late. "I cannot stomach another loss," she lifted her face up to the stars, not knowing if anyone even cared. Since Rynn's death, she now feared every battle, every report.

As the sun began to set on the horizon, the crimson rays fading lighter as the sun went to sleep in the sea, Elly had watchful eyes out. Wrapping her arms around her knees she prayed and hoped that this visit to the pier would give her what she wanted, to make it so she wasn't alone... all she needed right now was him.


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Re: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life
« Reply #196: January 10, 2017, 09:00:51 PM »
The forum warns me that there hasn't been any new posts in at least 120 days, Before ohh poster. I'll take that warning and gently tuck it away again. New text to be saved for posterity.

Aldrakar's Return

Looking out over the bay of Giask, the last light of the day was making a golden mirror out of the still surface of the Euschean sea. Trying as he might, he could see very little difference from the olden days. Still crowded with merchant ships, still a magnificent spectacle of both nature and of seamanship and, as always, it was still home.

Pulling the door closed behind him a myriad of thoughts bounced around in his head. Estate, Land, Titles.. Gold. He waved a hand in front of his face as he averted his eyes. Thoughts cannot be dispelled as easily as pipe smoke but one can try. The sounds of the city greeted him as the university was left behind and the noble quarters came ever closer. ''They still sell the finest silks and silver eh?'' Aldrakar replied to a wealthy looking merchant who was clearly trying to unload some fine silver jewelry to him. ''You do realize this is the Golden City hmm? Perhaps try in Askileon.'' A barely perceptible tone of ridicule and mirth accompanying the words from Aldrakar's mouth.

The merchant looked taken aback, opened his mouth to respond but closed it again as he locked eyes with Aldrakar. A knowing stare both kind and stern silencing him. Approaching the Golden Palace Aldrakar felt particularly naked. No retinue, starved of the usual opulence and in the absence of a host of capable fighting men in his wake. The Great Arched entrance to the Golden Palace lay ahead.

The guards spied him out quickly enough. They weren't too quick to dismiss him for they could see he was a man of some importance. If not by his clothing then certainly by his demeanor and stance. ''I'm sorry sir but visitation hours are over for the day. The Emperor and his staff shall resume in the morrow and may receive fresh audiences then.'' The words that greeted Aldrakar as he just finished ascending the white marble steps up towards the main entrance. Taking a moment to drink in the sights and deliberately waiting a measured amount of time to reply, Aldrakar's eyes eventually found those of the guard.

Frustration welled as he once again had to hear people desiring audiences, late in the freaking day. ''Always the same. People never can keep an appointment.'' Malian muttered to himself. Grabbing his helmet from his desk and expertly strapped it on. Rising to his feet he carefully touched the feathered plume crest that marked him as Captain of the Palatial Gate. A fierce smirk appeared on his face that quickly faded as military discipline kicked in.  Heavy footfalls announced his presence to the men at the main entrance.

''Right, you heard my men. Begone for the day and reschedual your audience. His esteemed, Imperial Highness may have time for you tomorrow. Now go..'' Malian uttered in a strong and singularly directive voice. The last two words trailing off into silence as his eyes fell on the man in front of him. Horror and dumbstruck stupidity warred with discipline and clearly won as he face showed all the emotions. ''Emperor Aldrakar..'' Reverence abounded. Almost in equal measure as the quickness he displayed going down on one knee.

The rest was announcements, rooms being arranged and messages send to the realm's nobility. An Emperor of the past returned.


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Re: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life
« Reply #197: January 27, 2017, 06:57:45 PM »
A wee little Rp. Just big enough to spark the imagination I hope. My intend was to provide a starting point for a mutually written RP. I wrote it following a IC letter invitation to visit. Not sure if the person in question actually wants to Rp but to the wind with caution!

Arriving at Manor Caesara

Men laughed as they often do when they feel at ease. The unliving they had left behind. The Town called Irvington had survived two waves of the bone horrors these last few days. With bows and good arrows one can do a lot. These men proved it. That, and they were damned good with a blade.

''Oi! Don't make me come tear your ear off.'' An appraising eye spied for further signals, failing to spot any, additional words would have to do. ''I Will! I'm telling you, I will!'' The man startled at a sudden tap on his left shoulder and lept up a full arm's length into the air. Laughter ensued from the sixty or so other men. fifty nine if you want to be exact. Number sixty wore an impish expression on his face as he fastened his sheath back onto his belt. The instrument with which he tapped the Captain on the shoulder. ''Why you little inbred..'' the torent continued and as it did, the laughter evolved into taunting and braying, jeering was the word perhaps. Aldrakar didn't mind. He let the thoughts wander through his mind as he rode at the front of the company of men. The smallest of smirks, ever on his lips.

Twisting his body in the saddle to face the men behind him. ''Shape up! If you want to continue to be worthy of my name and be the Rendorian Elite then act the part.'' Aldrakar let his gaze rest on them for a moment, the fact his horse kept on walking must've made it look comical. None laughed now though. The men, warriors one and all of high caliber, quickly organized themselves into a presentable fashion. A double column starting right behind Aldrakar. ''Hgmm, better.'' Returning smirks appeared on the faces of the men and Aldrakar winked.

Ahead lay the Manor of House Caesara, the traditional residence of the Lord or, in this case, Lady of Cadier. Caesara being the current dynasty in control of the region. As it came into view Aldrakar wondered, what did he know of the Lady Vespesia Caesara? Woefully little was his conclusion. On his left, some hundred paces give or take, a great herd of wild horses rode past. Their chestnut, bay and dun coats shining in the sun and beautifully meshed with the verdant background. A landscape of unending flowing hills and meadows, dotted with wildflowers and tough brush.

With the herd of wild horses disappearing from sight, the Manor took center stage. Arriving at the spacious central court which sat at the front of the impressive building, the captain gave the order to stand at formation. A thing entirely unnecessary and completely for show. The men were highly disciplined and preformed flawlessly. When they needed to of course and this was one such an occasion. Aldrakar nudged his horse, a black stallion of rather large physique, to the center of the square and dismounted with ease.

As the Lady's servants were well aware of the approaching Noble they were fully prepared. As such Aldrakar was initially greeted by the Manor's Steward. Whom informed him that the Lady would be receiving him presently. Aldrakar smiled at the man and gave him a small nod. All the while pulling off his riding gloves, tucking them into his belt.


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Re: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life
« Reply #198: January 28, 2017, 07:58:27 PM »
The response from the player of Vespesia Caesara. I had some trouble figuring out if this was the player's first time RPing like this. If it is, its pretty damn good.   

Vespesia heard her steward Otto greet the visiting Royal Aldrakar downstairs.  This was the first opportunity she had to formally entertain a visiting fellow Noble of Luria, and she hoped to make a good impression with the former Emperor.  Although she never would have admitted it, she had fretted most of the morning over the proper wear for the meeting.  A finely cut dress given to her by her father?  Her full armor, black as her hair?  No, she had decided simply to have her simple leathers, with her sword at her waste, a classic look, but sometimes those were the best.

She quietly began to walk downstairs and saw Aldrakar removing his riding clothes and cleaning off the cloying dust of the road.  "Royal Aldrakar, well met sir, I welcome you to Southwatch Manor.  I do hope you will stay a while and share my food and fire."  She said these things smiling as she had been trained to do in her youth, before her father had given up trying to raise her a true genteel lady.  "I do hope you will be able to join me for some lunch, my steward, Otto, has prepared some roast pheasant for your arrival, and I have brought forth the last and best of my last wine from Flowrestown, I should like to sit and talk if you please, to get to know each other."

As she said this, she gestured toward the dining room, having been prepared with all the amenities the country estate could offer.  A small fire burned brightly in its hearth on the far wall, over which a large painting of the West Divide mountains hung.  This painting was paired with another, a landscape painting that had been in the estate when she had arrived.  A wide open plain with a bright blue sky, and wild horses, a staple in Cadier, were the subject of the painting.

"I would be delighted for you to join me, Royal Aldrakar."


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Re: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life
« Reply #199: January 28, 2017, 08:21:15 PM »
aaaand, my response to her suggestion to go into dinning room for lunch. I really liked how the two paintings were portrayed. So, I went a bit over the top and looked at the respective region' description and pretended my character knew about the land intimately. Such a showoff!

Lunch, for two

She gestured toward the dining room, having been prepared with all the amenities the country estate could offer.  A small fire burned brightly in its hearth on the far wall, over which a large painting of the West Divide mountains hung.  This painting was paired with another, a landscape painting that had been in the estate when she had arrived.  A wide open plain with a bright blue sky, and wild horses, a staple in Cadier, were the subject of the painting.

"I would be delighted for you to join me, Royal Aldrakar." Vespesia Caesara

His eyes roved the length and breath of lady in front of him. He blinked once, twice, ending up coughing into his hand as he tried to hide a mischievous smile. ''Yes, lunch. It sounds delicious.'' Having recovered from his initial but hopefully, subtle, shock. ''As you already seem to know my name, I would feel silly for introducing myself again.'' He looked thoughtful for a moment. ''Perhaps it would be best if I awaited the questions you might have for me.'' With that he walked into the dining room. Taking his time to appreciate the decorations. He stopped at the dual paintings, looking up at them. ''This ridge here, would that be in the northern regions of the West Divide?'' His hand had involuntarily already moved to indicate the section of the painting he was referring to. ''Near the pastures that so surprisingly feed all the of the mountain people?'' He glanced back at Lady Vespesia.

A soft bell rang and quickly following it, staff entered the room. They moved like silk. Soft, flowing and unobtrusive. They waited a moment for their chief butler to make a measured gesture that indicated for the two Nobles to take a seat. Aldrakar took his que from that and moved to pull out a chair for Lady Vespesia. Naturally he had selected a chair opposite the one he desired to sit at. ''Please.'' After the act he smoothly went over to his side of the table and sat himself down. ''Wonder what it is that your cooks have prepared for us. By the smell of it there is some sort of fowl under one of those lids.'' He offered a disarming smile. ''Please, don't think of me as some sort of ancient figure of legend. That would not do justice to history and I would never be able to live up to the expectation.'' He paused a moment to let his words sink in.

''While it was surprising to have been invited here, I must admit I am very happy you did so. Judging by your choice of clothes, you aren't the typical Lady. Then again, few people are what they seem. So with that said, ask me whatever you'd like. The old part was true after all.''

And so Aldrakar sat down with Lady Vespasia for lunch. His stomach more happy with the prospect than his mind might be willing to admit. Tough warrior mentality they call it., rubbish.


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Re: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life
« Reply #200: January 30, 2017, 08:08:34 PM »
As written by the player of Vespesia Caesara.

Of Lunches and Exiles;

Vespesia sat with Aldrakar for a short while as Otto quietly darted to and fro with is small army of cooks, servants, and waiters.  before long, wine was poured, and Vespesia allowed herself to drink as much as she could politely could.

 "Royal Aldrakar, I am glad to finally meet with one of my new fellow Nobles of Luria, away from the field.  I must admit I watched with great interest from the upper floor as your soldiers came into the area of the manor.  They handle themselves well.  Perhaps while you are here, my retinue could perform some training exercises along side them.  Many of my men are recently obtained in Giask, however there are a few good men left who traveled with me from Swordfell, to Westfold, and finally here, and I would like to get those men acquainted with the proper fighting techniques here in Luria."

As she spoke, the various house staff had finished presenting their meal:  roast pheasant stuffed with wild berries and topped with thime, freshly baked bread complete with aged cheese purchased during Vespesia's last visit to Giask, alongside these, fresh cucumbers and small tomatoes from her garden, all prepared under the watchful eye of the manor's chef, who in turn operated under the more watchful eye of Otto.

Vespesia cut the pheasant and served a good portion to Aldrakar, who nodded in appreciation and began to eat with some excitement.  Vespesia knew well that travelling was hungry work, and allowed a small at the shared experience of all men and women who took up arms.  "As I previously told you in my letter, I enjoy frank and honest speech and so would like to perhaps clarify a few questions that you orothers of the Nobility of Luria might have about myself and my fellow Swordfellian exiles.  In your letter you stated that you were worried that we might be hesitant to give up past allegiances, and past grudges.  I can only speak for myself, of course, but I rather like it here in Luria.  My father used to tell me stories of the great Empire to the south when I was a girl, indeed I believe you might have been the subject of one or two of the more raucous tales." 

 "We take our oaths quite seriously, Royal Aldrakar, and so I can assure you that we are loyal to the Emperor and to Luria.  We wish merely to give our swords and fealty to a realm that will accept  us, and I will not forget that Luria has given us that home.  I am happy to be a part of the reclamation of Luria Nova's ancestral holdings.  It was good to be out in the field again, protecting townsfolk from the scourge of monsters and the vile undead.  I have traveled too far, come over too many mountains, slept too many nights in the rain beside dwindling fires to hold old grudges of the past.  I am no longer a daughter of Swordfell, indeed I wish to be a woman of Luria!"

"I propose a toast!"  Both Vespesia and Aldrakar raised their dwindling glasses of wine.  "To new homes and to new brothers.  To the reclamation of Luria and to better and more glorious days ahead."  Both of those seated finished the last of their glasses, and despite her best efforts, a bit of blush appeared on Vespesia's cheeks from the rush that only good wine can give. 

Their plates now emptied, Vespesia gracefully, or as gracefully as a slightly tipsy woman in leathers with a sword can be, stood up and said, "Of the many things I was surprised to find upon my arrival to the manor was a wonderful garden.  Perhaps you would like to join me for a short walk?  The summer flowers are blooming beautifully."


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Re: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life
« Reply #201: January 30, 2017, 08:10:08 PM »
I took the liberty to set another stage, this time the garden. My aim was to give a rich ambiance which at the same time would offer potential places to go to or to include as aids for the other writer. Enjoy!

The Garden in Ochre

Their plates now emptied, Vespesia gracefully, or as gracefully as a slightly tipsy woman in leathers with a sword can be, stood up and said, "Of the many things I was surprised to find upon my arrival to the manor was a wonderful garden.  Perhaps you would like to join me for a short walk?  The summer flowers are blooming beautifully."

His stomach was full and throughout his body a warm and sluggish feeling was spreading. Thoughts wandered towards a very comfortable sofa, with a blanket and a soft pillow. Eyelids started to droop. However, he was at a formal meeting. Well, formal was just a word for it. A better word was perhaps informal, or casual.. friendly? Aldrakar lifted his head to the sound of Vespesia's words. ''The Garden? why yes, I could do with some fresh air.'' His tone so obviously a tailored lie, it might've sounded comical. He allowed himself to stretch and offered a wry grin. ''The food was excellent.''

Passing through the hall of the Manor his eyes calmly took in what was on display. Several servants hadn't anticipated the two Nobles to go this way and they tried their best to become invisible. Aldrakar nodded almost imperceptibly at them, blinking slowly as he did so. Not wanting to allow too much distance between himself and Vespesia he slowed his pace to a trudge. ''You made a fine toast, but not nearly as fine as the wine you served. What was that? I might want to get some of my own.'' The passing comment he used to study Vespesia a bit. She was a young woman who didn't fit his image of a Noble Lady. Not really at least. No pomp and she seemed more akin to the battlefield rather than at court. His eyes told him she was pretty but his brain informed him of the steep age gap. The wine was playing its role too but it was unclear for which camp it was rooting.

In an attempt to clear his head of some of the wine he looked up at the ceiling for a moment feinting thought, a futile thing to do really. Once wine takes hold, it'll stay with you the entire night. Usually at least. As the entrance to the garden came into view and thus the exit of the manor was reached. A gentle yet suddenly cold breeze welcomed them. The sun had started to dip beyond the rim of the world. That place no man or woman could ever reach, yet had to imagine. The sky taking on hues of lavender and of deep ochre. Broad bands stacked one atop another in the sky like thick layers of molten wax.  One mixing into the other until a scene was revealed to stretch the entire, early evening sky. The wildflowers and roses, whatever their color had been, were now made of bronze, of darkened gold and of the color of women's lips, kissed too often and too hard.

The pebbles crunched underfoot as Aldrakar took his first few strides into the garden. His blond hair summoning a will of its own but he had long ago made peace with that. Aldrakar took in the garden for what it was. A place of relaxation now bathed in the most miraculous of lights. Further along he could see torches being lit by servants and spotted a modest gazebo with an inviting brazier. Its flames illuminating the interior of the gazebo and undoubtedly dispelling any chilliness that had tried to live there.

With some mixed feelings Aldrakar turned to Vespesia and offered her his arm. A flash of Lucini passed his mind's eye and was followed by a memory of Jocelin. He welcomed them but as he realized it himself, he hoped Vespesia hadn't noticed his lapse of attention. ''What would you like to show me first? The roses?'' He motioned off to where he assumed where the rosebushes. He made brief eye contact before turning away again. ''Still no questions I assume.'' The last he said with a bit of a smirk on his face. ''I trust you want to be Lurian, who doesn't. So let's no longer contest that.'' A nearby bush covered in tiny, purple flowers was tugged at by the wind and all but enveloped Vespesia and Aldrakar in a cloud of wonderful fragrance.


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Re: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life
« Reply #202: February 02, 2017, 08:07:34 PM »
Written by the player of Vespesia Caesara. An interesting proposal!

The Only Way to Know Someone...

The sun was making its daily last stand as her garden was bathed in golden light.  On the far edge of the horizon, the moon pushed out the last light of day with all its titanic might, only, Vespesia knew, that it would in turn be bested and the sun would rise again.  Vespesia was more at ease than she had been for almost a year.  Constant war, travelling on the road, putting down monsters, and keeping up appearances before her soldiers could drain even the mightiest of warriors.

It was good to be in Noble company again, the constant bowing and reverence of her staff and soldiers made Vespesia grow weary, and she relished the chance to talk with an equal.  No, someone far more traveled and experience than she.  The pair walked amongst the roses and marigolds, talking and laughing as they shared their stories of court and war.  As the last rays on sun began to fade, they came upon a small clearing in the garden, used for the entertaining of guests at parties.  Summer wildflowers bloomed all around them, and Vespesia gave mischievous smile, as she could finally do what she had wanted to do with Aldrakar since she had first laid her eyes on him...

Vespesia walked to the center of the clearing, as Aldrakar stood, closing his eyes and breathing deeply of the cool summer air, and the wonderful smell of flowers.  Vespesia noticed that he seemed far away, as if in a memory, she smiled to herself that a man such as he would likely have much to remember.  Vespesia cleared her throat, snapping the man from his reverie, "Aldrakar, I would like to thank you for a wonderful afternoon.  I have enjoyed your company, and if would not be any trouble I would love to hear more about your time as Emperor of Luria Nova, as I'm sure you have a great many humorous anecdotes!  But first I will ask you to indulge me!  Otto, if you would please..."

As she spoke, Vespesia's steward, Otto stepped quietly into the small clearing, holding a long and thin object, covered in fine velvet cloth.  Otto quickly walked over to Aldrakar and pulled from the velvet cloth an arming sword.  It was simply made, the only special ornamentation being its silver crossguard and an inscription along one side of the blade, "The Truth Will Set You Free".  Aldrakar took the blade with some hesitation, unsure about what Vespesia intended, but she didn't make him wait long for an explanation.

"My fencing instructor was a man by the name of Berthold.  He came from Astrum in the north and spent many years fighting both men and beasts.  He had a belief that he in turn spent much time instilling into me:  that you can never truly know someone, indeed, understand them and they understand themselves, until you do battle with them.  Personal combat strips away all lies, Royal Aldrakar, both what we tell to others and those we tell to ourselves.  It shows us who among us who are cowardly, who are brave, who are cautious, or those who are headstrong.  The sword lays all bare to those that wield them.  And so, Aldrakar, I ask that you will allow me a chance to truly know who you are, and in turn show you who I truly am.  Let us test ourselves in a friendly sparring match.  I very much want to test myself against one of such experience and renown as yourself!"

Finishing her speech and letting down her long black hair, Vespesia took off her leather coat and slowly drew her own sword, a slimmer and longer sword than most, with a hilt and crossguard made of blackened steel.  SHe smiled broadly and shook the last sharp vestiges of wine and heady fragrance from her mind, hoping that her offer would be accepted...


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Re: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life
« Reply #203: February 02, 2017, 08:10:09 PM »
Let us find out, the truth! Was fun to write one of these RP's again. Its usually a bit challenging to describe what it is that one sees in the mind's eye and I can only hope you can get a clear picture of the events as you read them. Enjoy!

Game Mechanic:
Duel   (2 days ago)
Vespesia Caesara, Countess of Cadier meets her challenger Aldrakar Renodin, Royal of Luria Nova for the agreed duel till surrender.
Aldrakar has decided to use the 'trick moves' strategy while Vespesia has chosen the 'overrun' strategy, giving Aldrakar the advantage.
The duel goes back and forth for a while. Finally, Vespesia surrenders after suffering a light wound. Aldrakar, although the winner, has also been injured.

Crossing Swords
As Vespesia spoke, her steward, Otto stepped quietly into the small clearing, holding a long and thin object, covered in fine velvet cloth.  Otto quickly walked over to Aldrakar and pulled from the velvet cloth an arming sword.  It was simply made, the only special ornamentation being its silver crossguard and an inscription along one side of the blade, "The Truth Will Set You Free".  Aldrakar took the blade with some hesitation, unsure about what Vespesia intended, but she didn't make him wait long for an explanation.

The sword felt alien to his hand. A length of steel that wasn't made for him. Its grip unfamiliar and not tailored to his hand. The silver on the crossguard fine yet distracting in its many reflections. Aldrakar's eyes read the words upon the blade. He sighed. Vespesia made her request and the words she spoke mostly flowed past him. His senses already sharpening, a habit age had yet to degrade it seems.

As she let her raven black hair flow where it would, Aldrakar's expression became like a fox'. Studious and elusive. He drank in the tenseness in her shoulders,  the slight hint of  her unsteady pace backwards as she took her coat off, the way her fingers grasped the hilt of her blade. Clearly a personal weapon. It was longer than his. Lighter also, a woman's blade with the intend to fight at a longer distance. Or simply to compensate for the fatigue a heavier blade would impose.

Her smile cut across her face from ear to ear. Like stepping through a portal, entering a garden of tranquility she seemed to undo herself of worry and of distraction. Taking one, then two steps, Aldrakar turned his body to face her. One hand firmly on his blade, the other supporting it in a quasi double grip. Pointing the blade upwards, centering the hit at hip height. Eyes met, the words unspoken, I am ready.

The world sank away and joined the fading sun. Vespesia rushed forwards in an explosion of force. Her long blade held with both hands and raised to just above her bosom, angled directly at Aldrakar. The tip aimed at his chest. She crossed the square in less time than it takes to describe it. Sensing she came in range, her arms uncoiled their tension and her muscles drove the sword at his heart. Aldrakar was already striding backwards, bringing his blade up to parry. Steel kissed steel and both combatants felt the strength of the other.

Not wasting time, Aldrakar flicked his blade at Vespesia in a simple two stage attack. Right swipe, left swipe. She parried one and powered through the second. Pushing Aldrakar back again, yet this time, the other way, the way she initially came from. A flurry of strikes ensued. Aldrakar danced and dodged. His blade ringing and chirping with each impact or glancing blow. Twice he retaliated with counter blows that threatened her flanks but both times she managed to adjust. Preferring to use her superior range to take the lead and force Aldrakar to react.

For twenty heartbeats this continued. Both combatants were breathing through their mouths by now. Not a lull in the fighting for Vespesia simply changed tact and switched effortlessly from swiping her long blade to pecking at Aldrakar's defense with jabs. The man nearly twice her age lept and shied away and seemed to glide over the square like a water dancer does among the foils in a pond. Suppressing a smirk he couldn't help himself from uttering. ''Woof, said the wolf to the dog.'' Having finally managed a tiny amount of distance from her he made a flourish with his sword both graceful and deceptively simple.

Black hair shone with a bronze edge in the firelight. A crescent in full motion as she rained blows on him. Sparks could be seen. The silver at the guard of Aldrakar's blade was chipped by an expertly executed strike by Vespesia. With eyebrows raised Aldrakar entered her personal space as he caught the blow on the guard and stepped away from her again but not before planting his hand in her side, putting her off balance.

Cutting low and working up to her midsection, his blade sought an opening. Vespesia attempted to use the length of her blade once, succeeded, twice succeeded again, but each time Aldrakar stuck faster. His shorter blade allowing him to do so with less strain than her. He pressed her with his attacks. Patience was not her strategy and she stepped backwards, out of his reach and went for an overhead chop. Feinting to the left Aldrakar stepped into the blow from the right. Raising his blade just enough to catch it. Forcing himself close to her she tried to disengage and Aldrakar leaned to the right, to do the same.

Vespesia, grateful for the switch in initiative prepared to get back on the offensive. Her core shook. Something hard impacted on her waist. Pain shot through her body. She began to fall. Instead of disengaging as Aldrakar pretended, he instead kicked out, squarely hitting Vespesia and knocking her to the ground. The big blade clattering onto the ground next to her.

She was quick to get to her feet again though. Aldrakar stood a few paces away, readying himself for her next attack. And it came with a vengeance. Nostrils flaring, the black blade licked out. Almost tasting Aldrakar and he was hard pressed to avoid its seeking steel. Circling where he could, making small and feeble counter attacks. She gave him no pause. Side stepping, Aldrakar created an opportunity as the big blade was committed. He sensed an opportunity and went for it. His shorter blade went in for the kill. It sought her flesh that was exposed at her wrist. Disabling your opponent by taking a finger was just about as effective as killing them outright in real battle. They were out of the contest. Through a sheer effort of will Vespesia lurched her blade from its original trajectory and heaved it into Aldrakar's direction. A monumental achievement. Panic showed in Aldrakar's eyes as he perceived the incoming blow. He tried to circle away from it but failed as it grazed his shoulder.

A trickle of crimson fluid, warm and sticky nudged its way through his clothing. A smile that turned into a small grin appeared on his lips. Seeing she was pleased with the score he played along. He worked up a temper and struck out at her. Small combinations of two's and three's. She parried them or dodged them. Steadily increasing the speed of the combinations Aldrakar paid close attention to Vespesia. She seemed to manage but she was getting into trouble and she knew it. In a stroke of brilliance she knelt down and swung a forward arch. Forcing Aldrakar to leap backwards. Instantly, like a much younger man, he dashed forwards and let sing his sword as it met Vespesia's black steel. The song was shrill and angry. Aldrakar danced the dance of blades and she held her own. She began to sing back. One, two.. one, two, three.. one, two.. As their blades crossed and the highest note was played both disengaged and stepped in again to play the following note. But Aldrakar switched grip from his right hand to his left. Dove past her blow and turned on the balls of his heels and struck.

Blood oozed out of a long red stripe across Vespesia's upper leg. From about a hand's length north of her knee all the way to her belt. To her credit she did not scream out. He leveled his blade with her face. She slumped. The pain tantalizing and whispering words of fear into her mind. She did not give into them. Thoughts materialized in her mind. She would not be able to match his speed with a wounded leg. She yielded.

Not much later they were both being tended to by healers while sitting or in her case, recumbent on a sofa. Both enjoying some more wine. Not quite the same quality as the wine they had early that afternoon but still, very good wine. Proper contest does that to you. It makes things that much better. 


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Hey there! It has been quite a while since I wrote a proper Rp. One I felt I should record here. It's a letter with a bit of a vague but perceptible message which I send to the Rulers of Dwilight. Its an RP where I describe a scroll / letter and how the actual material looks like upon which it is written. Quite a different angle to Rp perhaps but I like to do it from time to time. Enjoy!

Vellum' Renodin

Your eyes behold a rich piece of vellum. Clearly worked by the hand of a master craftsman and afforded every expense in its creation. The writing opulently bordered with graceful artistry in gold-tread  and tiny, sparking gems. The distinct and recognizable crest of House Renodin worked into the pattern as to make it an integral part of the artwork. Its traditional oak brown colors meshed with gold almost organically incorporated.

The lettering suggests a very deliberate and puissant effort, at times showing rough finishes and a quill used almost like a spear as dots were practically lanced onto the parchment.

Most esteemed Rulers of Dwilight,

These here words written by my hand are to inform you that the world and your politics have caused me to stray from the path of peace and onto the coals of war.

As you make my feet burn I shall resist the inner, screaming voice urging me to step aside and let events unfold as they would. The world is wise, its Rulers full of virtue. Men and women of great quality. Yet with the air changed, the wind blowing in the cold of winter, I must find shelter in kinship. My position is small and my influence marginal. My word stands as it ever has.

The kin of my kin, Lurians, are threatened. Hands are raised not to block out the sun or to provide comfort. They bar the way where hands cannot bring food to mouth. They push where they ought to embrace. They grasp steel where cloth would have been magnanimous. My hand is forced, my heart troubled, my course set. Among you, you may know of what I speak. Should you not then you need not worry. Words I bring but they are always true and those of you that know of my name will agree. Move I do not lightly but now I will storm, to the aid of cherished friends.

Deep in this heart of mine, I wish to count you among my many friends, some of you are kin. The world will turn I fear and ties tested. Will the ship called future crash into the rocks? Perhaps it will be dragged out to open sea. Peace is what I strive for and that is what I love. Steel I must now take in hand and heavy grows this heart of mine.

Those that I will face, know I will grant you all the honors of the battlefield. Your bodies, if fallen to the ground in death, will not feel the touch of mutilation and be afforded proper burials. None of you I wish dead but some of you may oppose me in my quest to fulfill the bonds of friendship. To those, prepare yourselves and know that you are but a fisherman's raft upon a roaring, angry sea.

With utmost respect,

Aldrakar Renodin

Half of the crimson red seal that once closed the letter dangles at the bottom of the scroll. The Insignia of House Renodin cleft in twine.


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Hey there!

I was browsing the Battlemaster Wiki and came across a collection of RP's by Aldrakar. Not just him but also of those that Swore fealty onto him. The whole process and oathswearing involved. It is a history of Aldrakar as the Lord of Giask, A large city in Dwilight. Some gems in there, enjoy!

Yes, that is a link to the wiki. Click it, go there and peruse at your leisure.


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Re: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life
« Reply #206: August 11, 2017, 03:30:10 PM »
Welcome! Another little tid bit of Rp for you to enjoy. Here you'll read about Kyryn Kye of House JeVondair and Aldrakar. Kyryn is a young Noble that grew up in the care of Aldrakar and close relations of him. Defacto, you could see Kyryn being an unofficial Son of Aldrakar, the young man grew up along side his own two children. Its ongoing so more may be coming.

Two minor Rp's led to the latter one, all in Askileon Purlieus:


At the head of a sizable troupe of some of the finest warriors the Empire has to offer Aldrakar catches sight of the banners of Kyryn of House JeVondair. The wind wills his cape to bellow and flow off his steed yet his face is unfazed by its touch. His head inclining in a nod, offering recognition to the young Noble as he passes by.


Kyryn sat atop his horse, looking down on some local dignitraries as the bickered about grain shipments in the reason. The arrival of Aldrakar fully captured the young man's attention. He bid the dignitaries figure it out or face dismissal as he wheeled his horse about and kicked into a canter to catch up with the former Emperor.

On the Road in Askileon Purlieus

The paved road resisted the boots of the Rendorian Elite as it would wheels, hooves, rain and all other manner of abuse. Its only compromise the signature click clack clack sound of the iron shot hooves of Aldrakar's horse as they rapped lazily off its flagstones. Hearing another, much quickly melody of hooves on stone, Aldrakar turned his head around to see that boy grown man, Kyryn, approach hastily.

As the young Noble rode up he passes a group of at least five dozen men born in the fires of war. Hard men tempered with discipline and devotion to order lest their inner fires overtook their actions. Many carried recurved bows or crossbows, the liberty of choice afforded to their proven skill and dedication. Wearing fine armors of segmented or partial plate mail crested with expertly fitting helmets and flowing from their shoulders sturdy and impressive cloaks. The livery of the young Noble wasn't unfamiliar to them but they didn't deign to grant him much of the road he tried to use to overtake them.

''Ah, Kyryn my boy. Looking good in the saddle!'' Aldrakar calmly drank in the spirited image of the young man. ''Aren't you supposed to be somewhere, assigned to a certain army?'' An accusatory eyebrow arched but didn't convey malice for the lips set well below them curved upwards into a smile. ''Glad to have caught you.''


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Re: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life
« Reply #207: September 29, 2017, 07:18:53 PM »

After a huge resurgence of monster spawns I decided to write this little Rp to mark a surprise meeting.

Just after the battle in Poryatu

Stepping away from the walls Aldrakar cast his gaze towards the figure of Lady Ciarghuala. He flashes a grin that's still white despite his advancing years. Some white has started to mingle with his golden, half long hair and under his clothing one could be certain he no longer looked like the young god he once did during his prime. Today there still remained a steadfast physique that bespoke of hard training and innate good breeding. Although marked by the scars of war.

''Fancy seeing you here.'' His eyes laughed as behind him the fields were strewn with arrows, javelins and the corpses of dozens of monsters and undead.


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Re: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life
« Reply #208: October 19, 2017, 12:20:03 PM »
Hey everyone. A bit of traditional Lord - Knight RP.

This is a letter from the Player of Ceryn Onyxis followed by an RP / Letter from Aldrakar. As you'll see it centers around the swearing of Fealty and how a Lord could handle receiving a new Knight entering his service. Sure it is a bit elaborate but hey, if it would happen to me as a Knight I'd be delighted. From that perspective I made this. Hope you like it.

The ingame message is an actual RP with the descriptions and such with plaintext and the letter parts of the message are quoted to stand out.

Letter from Ceryn Onyxis 

My liege, Aldrakar Renodin, Imperial Magistrate and King of Earth's Hall,

I hope this missive finds you well. I write today to introduce myself, and to reaffirm the pledge of fealty which I have made to you, your Kingdom, the city, and the Hegemony at large.

My name is Ceryn, the grandnephew of the recently deceased Lord Claude Onyxis. Upon this unfortunate event of his passing, I and the Onyxis family at large have concluded that I should come into the public light and represent the family in his stead. It will be a pleasure to meet you in person; my granduncle had spoken highly of your diplomatic and rhetorical skill, as well as your dedication to your noble duties.

I will do my best to serve you and the realm as best I can. Of course, if you have any particular guidance or orders, I am happy to receive them.

From the hand of,
Ceryn Onyxis
Knight of Poryatown


The Oath of Fealty

Your scribe carefully hands you a heavy scroll case. The leather a soft brown worked with oils until it reached a smooth oaken hue. Set around the top and bottom your eye catches fancifully cut gemstones that add luster and weight to the thing. Their sparkle a rainbow grasped firmly in their greedy, crystalline hands. Upon opening the container you find two pieces of vellum. One lighter and one far more ceremonious. Possessing not only a heavy and officiously looking seal poured over gold-thread strings, but suspended from them a rich brown, velvet piece of cloth marking the banner of Aldrakar Renodin. Looking back at the scroll container you notice nearly the entire surface of it has been carefully and expertly embossed with insignia and heraldry and indeed markings, associated with House Renodin.

Taking the lighter piece of vellum out first your eyes roam the material and absorb the message written upon it. The lettering suggests the hand that wrote them was patient and had received proper training perhaps for years on end.

Sir Ceryn, Scion of House Onyxis, Knight of Portyatown, Subject of the Kingdom of Earth's Hall and Noble of the Hegemony of Luria Nova.

Your letter is well received.

The mention of your Grand Uncle along with your family choosing you to fill his considerable shoes is a compliment in and of itself. Know that by stating such you raise the bar of my expectation substantially. Lord Claude perished fighting the beasts of the dark in defense of humanity and the Empire. With that being his last deed you would do well to secure a capable company of men and follow in his footsteps. However, before we get to that I present you with the Sacred Vows that accompany a Pledge of Fealty.

These here words you offered and the ones I offer in return bind you to me, until death. Shun all which I shun and love all that I love, that is our pact.

You take out the heavier piece of vellum and allow your eyes to glean its message. These words are styled to look grand. To impose and great care has been taken to perfect each individual letter.

To your Oath of Fealty I shall hold you. Until such a time that I release you from it or death does claim you. In turn I will provide you with an upkeep suitable to your service rendered onto me. Providing enough so that you may command a company of good and loyal men in my name and do battle for the pleasure of the Realm and our Sovereign master, The Emperor.

I swear to do right by you as long as your Oath is strong and shelter you in my homes, provides you cloth to garb your body in and see to the nourishment that grands you life. Justice shall be mine to give and my hand to shield you from the evil of others. This is my sacred vow onto you as Liege and I accept your Oath.

The estate known as Essenhorn Tome Hall is now yours by bond and oath, use it wisely.

Sir Ceryn, you do me proud and make swell my heart with hope as the future just turned to a stark Gold against the black night sky.

Having digested the message you look back at the first letter.

Now that you are my bannerman and indeed, my Knight. Here is your first mission. It will allow me to see you in action and gauge your quality and virtue. Write Sir Kyryn Kye of House JeVondair. He has been given overall command of the expedition to the Tomb Islands, home of the D'harans. Their charge being to aid in the defense of the Tomb Isles against the oncoming hordes of monsters. You will offer your service to Sir Kyryn and be part of this expedition. Fight the monsters that took the life of your beloved and famous Grand Uncle. Kill as many of them as you can but always keep in mind, you fight to keep the people safe.

Do this and show your worth.

With a benevolent eye,

Aldrakar Renodin


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Re: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life
« Reply #209: October 24, 2017, 08:34:45 AM »
Morning! Welcome, come closer. Don't be shy.

I've got a little introductory RP. One that hopefully will start a chain of Rp's with a foreign dignitary that Aldrakar is receiving in Giask. Can't say much else than that I tried to depict how it would look like when Aldrakar returns from an unsuccessful battle against Monsters. Hope you like it.

The Return From Battle

Arriving through the northern gate guarding the grand docks of Giask, comes a mangled and bloodstained troupe of veterans. They bear good arms and excellent armor but dented, scratched and covered in grime. The men look sullen and between them some eight stretchers and even some carts depict the wounded and indeed the dead. Of the eighty or so, only twenty two remain breathing.

Leading them is a physically impressive man. Not because he is the spitting image of a young god, rather he is zeusian in his looks. A fine young man grown to a riper age. Like prized wine he weathered the years and it has added quality rather than worn away what quality there was at inception. Golden hair now mingling with errant silver. A face angular and handsome yet marked by lines and small scars. Radiant blue globes for eyes that are warm in their innate benevolence and a demeanor both approachable and graceful but in possession of that quality which makes Kings.

There walked Aldrakar Rendorin, former Emperor of the Empire, at the head of his men. Leading them back to safety and away from the carnage of battle. Having participated personally in the action. His armor showing the signs but his will undaunted as he walks tall. Allowing his steed to carry a brother of battle not quite on equal footing with his own Noble descent.