Author Topic: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life  (Read 73322 times)


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Re: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life
« Topic Start: September 30, 2013, 11:20:19 AM »
Part 2 of the RP continued by Aldrakar. Sadly I am missing one of Lucini's RP's its gone already I think. In it she described her tent, the inside, outside and preparing for Aldrakar's arrival.

Lady Lucini and the Dazzling gift prt 2.

Crunching the light sprinkling of snow under foot Aldrakar walked up to Lady Lucini's grand tent, a pavilion really. It easy dominated the entire encampment in its splendor. Feeling the early winter chill nibble on his skin Aldrakar rubbed his left cheek as he neared the tent, balancing the red lynx fur wrapped gift in the other hand.

Before him he saw 2 guards in gilded golden armor draped with very fine capes. Both of them were broad of build and exuded confidence. A huff of snow twirled past the three of them as Aldrakar joined them at the tent's entrance. ''Greetings Marshal.'' One of the guards said in a heavy timbre that bespoke of years of service in the army. Both guards sharp as eagles in their observance but hid it well with their casual stance. ''Just a moment my Lord, Lady Lucini will see you soon.'' Aldrakar was informed by one of the guards.

Accepting the fact he took a few steps away from the tent and stared around him at the camp. His radiant blue eyes taking in the little details of the military camp. He made a mental note of the few things that didn't please him. Like the lazy gate guard on the east gate, the lingering main lane patrol and a handful of tents not erected in neatly enough lines. Little things perhaps but every little bit mattered in battle and thus in the military protocol.

Aldrakar was reminded of the weather as his body gave an involuntary shiver. It caused some of the snow that had collected on his shoulders to fall down in a miniature waterfall of snow. One of the two guards at the Grand tent chuckled. ''It's only going to get worse M'lord.'' He spoke the words with a smile and Aldrakar accepted them with a smile in turn. A man dressed in the same kind of Gold Gilded armor emerged from the tent but his armor was more adorned than that of the 2 guards. They in turn straighten up and stood in rapt attention. The aged soldier spoke briefly before he continued on his way. ''Lady Lucini will receive you now Marshal Aldrakar.''

The imposing man had even caused Aldrakar to stand a little bit taller, his face had taken on a serious note and his prior thoughts entirely banished. The wind wasn't impressed at all though and still insidiously tugged with her cold hands at Aldrakar's unbridled blond hairs, the majority still trapped in the pony-tail.

The two guards opened the tent flap to Aldrakar and he with a confident stride moved through it, entering Lady Lucini's tent. The semi gloom of the outside a stark contrast to the interior he suddenly found himself in. The warm embrace of mild air enveloped him instantly and the light of the numerous torches cast their playful light over him, making his splint-mail armor a reflection of flames and grey.

His gaze not wandering long as Aldrakar saw Lady Lucini in her Jet black robes standing before a finely carved desk of dark wood, mahogany perhaps, the thought skirted through his mind for a moment. It took a short while before Aldrakar had taken in the entirety of the person that was Lady Lucini. The dominating color being black in her attire as well as her hair had played a small optical trick on his eyes in the confines of the grand tent but he saw her clearly now. Her stature was fairly small but then again it didn't cross Aldrakar's mind that she was petite. Women were supposed to be physically smaller than men he believed. This woman before him stood a fair bit shorter than him but he hardly noticed for her emerald eyes defied any belittlement and drew away all attention from her height.

Aldrakar gave a small inclination with his head towards Lucini as he knocked some of the fresh snow of his boots before entering the tent any further, all the while balancing the red lynx fur wrapped gift. Feeling satisfied that he won't stain the nice rugs inside the tent too much with his boots Aldrakar took a moment to look around the tent before returning his gaze to Lucini. ''Lady Lucini, even far away from the city you manage to bring excellence of both taste and comfort wherever you go.'' Taking 2 steps towards her he used the brief time it afforded to look her in the eye and try to read what kind of person he was dealing with. Unable to learn much he continued when he was closer to her. ''My name is Aldrakar Renodin, your Marshal and grateful fellow noble of the realm. We have sadly never extensively met in person but our letters are many.''

Taking a moment to allow a smile to curve his lips Aldrakar's blue eyes looked at the tapestries and without his desire perhaps some amazement crossed his features. ''I have only seen their equal in the ducal palace in Askileon, when the Grand Duke of Fissoa visited us last spring.. was it?'' A brief quizzical look he gave Lucini. ''Today I hope to give you a small token of appreciation that will have a hard time to rival the quality of your tapestries. It is neither as large and neither does it catch such visual attention but perhaps a lady as yourself may find it a pleasing gift still.''

As he said the words Aldrakar took a few more steps towards Lady Lucini, not quickly and neither in a straight line entirely. At one turn he even had to brush aside a recalcitrant strand of blond hair that conspired to obscure his vision but was swept aside by a gloved hand. Standing about a meager arm's length away Aldrakar gave a small smile as he offer Lucini the red lynx fur wrapped gift with both hands. Inside the animal hide wrapping a relatively small vial rested. It was quite exquisite in design and made of a rare crystal substance. Inside it was the true gift however, an oil of Dazzling quality and effect.