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The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life

Started by Renodin, September 30, 2013, 11:05:24 AM

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Hey there,

In this thread I will try to post the Roleplays I've written with Aldrakar Renodin. For some I've been rewarded with RP medals, other Trust but that aside (and I am proud to have received them). I think it would be fun to share what this game has brought me and those I've been able to share with.

The RP's I've written were inspired by the people my character has interacted with and I view them in part a testimony and thanks to their contributions to this great game we all play.

I can't post all of the RP's as some are already lost due to the 30 day expiration date but I'll try to post the Fun one's here. Educational, inspirational, historic value and just for fun.

Feel free to comment on them, add your own RP's that regard Aldrakar Renodin or discuss various writing styles.

Thanks for the fun game everyone.


A battle with several nobles against a horde of monsters. The RP was written and shared after the battle, I've asked the people've included if it was alright what I had their characters do and invited them to alter what they disliked. So far people have always been happy and agreed.

Iron Rain

The lines shuffled and the officers of each contingent of soldiers barked orders as they dressed the lines. Pushing men bodily into their positions. Swordsmen stood next to javelineers and next to them stood again more swordsmen. The right flank was made up of warriors dressed in steel mesh armours covering their bodies like skin topped with slender but immaculately constructed helms. Strong recurve bows in hand with hip-quivers opened. Small round shields of fine steel quality on their back and sabers still sheathed.

Lord Amyclas made up the left flank with his Argonauts, strong men ready to hold the line. Next to them stood Aldrakar with his shieldguard. Again shoulder to shoulder with Lord Ezra's javelineers like they had in battles before. The right flank was dominated by the elite soldiers of Lord Saul.

Behind this wall of makeshift infantry stood Marshal Sholan with his Nigh Arrows brigade. He commanded the second line. Next to his men stood Lady Lucini's marksmen with splendid light wood longbows. A curious and small mob of peasants with pitchforks and sickles huddled near the archers, they were spend but still fueled with anger.

From the broken plain before the Lurian warhost a large herd of monsters had gathered and with gurgling sounds and screeches they tried to instill fear in the Lurian warriors. Their scissored claws hefted into the air and their canines a bright, ivory white in the morning light.

The metallic links churned together as Aldrakar looked back at Marshal Sholan. Their eyes met and that single look confirmed the battle-plan they had devised the evening before. Aldrakar turned his attention back to his men and the oncoming enemy. The beasts had started to move. They came on slowly but every step of theirs was 5 of any normal man or woman. Thick and heavy hides of smudged browns, dark, near black eyes and curved upward turned horns protruding from their skulls.

Aldrakar unsheathed his broadsword and let the flames that leapt from the blade be a beacon for his men. ''Lets bring fire and steel to their hearts!'' He tried to make it sound confident and somewhat cocky and didn't do all that bad if you could believe the few chuckles and grins from his men.

Marshal Sholan had different idea's though and his voice rang clear as he issued the order to open fire. Air dragged away and tugged at hairs and shreds of fabric as the missiles flew over the heads of the infantry. Cloud after cloud of arrows and javelins sailed through the air and arched down onto the lumbering monsters. Sequels, shrieks and guttural roars exploded from their ranks as the missiles found their marks.

An arrow dove into bestial  flesh, puncturing the skin, ripping through the muscle and severing sinew until it ultimately shattered the bone it found deep inside the meat. Pieces of said bone expunged from the monster's flesh. A javelin was seen caving a skull in, the sound both wet and crunchy. The spectacle was bloody and almost pitiful. The monsters had no chance at all. They never even managed to travel half the distance to the infantry line before they were decimated. Only a handful of stragglers managed to break away and run for cover.

After the aerial slaughter the infantry wall eased up a bit. Tension released through outlets of breath, sighs and some laughter. Aldrakar put his sword back into its sheath and turned about to face the archery line. His eyes once more locked with Marshal Sholan's and they exchanged nods. At times gestures speak volumes and this was one of those gestures, their plan had worked.


This following RP was written with some back story to it. Aldrakar had gathered several Unique items and one of them, an Accesory knows as Dazzling Oil was the most prestigious one he had. Lady Lucini Talratheon had been quite kind to Aldrakar before and helped him out several times. This sparked him to offer her a gift.

Lady Lucini and the Dazzling gift

After the battle of the morning against the herd of monsters the Lurian warhost resumed its other duties. Some officers took men to work on repairing roads. Others set to improving wooden bridges over streams and rock-faces. More than a few groups set out to patrol the main-roads for bandits or malpractices. Whatever they were going to do, it had something to do with restoring Girich to working order. The D'harans had destroyed much.

Having refreshed himself in his tent Aldrakar had gone over several ways of how he could best present his gift to Lady Lucini. He had even forces a body servant to pretend to be Lady Lucini and together they had played out several mock encounters. The servant was extremely hesitant and awkward at first but soon grew comfortable and demanding or even mean! He started to like it even and got more and more into his role until Aldrakar growled at him and dispelled the illusion.

The field tend that served as his dwelling was ill suited to regal preparations and at some point, about an hour later give or take, Aldrakar gave in to this fact. He was now dressed in his practical splint-mail armour and his rich brown cape that he had acquired when he was made lord of Aveston. It was embroidered with dark yellow thread of which an intricate border was made. He wore no jewelry other than the seal ring that marked him as an Earl. His blond half-long hair tied back with a black piece of leather in a liberal ponytail, hairs falling left and right of his face.

''Right best just get it over with.'' Aldrakar muttered to himself as he took the gift in hand. It was an exquisite vial which contained one of the most dazzling oils he had ever encountered. Not that he had encountered that many at all to be honest so that made it at least thrice as special, at least in his eyes.

Lady Lucini had participated in the battle this morning, snow hadn't started to fall yet then. It did now though, a gentle covering of the white temporal stuff now lay on the earth. It still quickly melted though as the ground was not frozen yet and the warmth of late summer banished the flakes rapidly, a battle it would ultimately loose though.

Stepping out of his tend Aldrakar made for the current residence of Lady Lucini. His gift was wrapped in the fur of a red lynx, the 2 remaining claws so arranged as to hold the gift wrapped like a simple seal.


Part 2 of the RP continued by Aldrakar. Sadly I am missing one of Lucini's RP's its gone already I think. In it she described her tent, the inside, outside and preparing for Aldrakar's arrival.

Lady Lucini and the Dazzling gift prt 2.

Crunching the light sprinkling of snow under foot Aldrakar walked up to Lady Lucini's grand tent, a pavilion really. It easy dominated the entire encampment in its splendor. Feeling the early winter chill nibble on his skin Aldrakar rubbed his left cheek as he neared the tent, balancing the red lynx fur wrapped gift in the other hand.

Before him he saw 2 guards in gilded golden armor draped with very fine capes. Both of them were broad of build and exuded confidence. A huff of snow twirled past the three of them as Aldrakar joined them at the tent's entrance. ''Greetings Marshal.'' One of the guards said in a heavy timbre that bespoke of years of service in the army. Both guards sharp as eagles in their observance but hid it well with their casual stance. ''Just a moment my Lord, Lady Lucini will see you soon.'' Aldrakar was informed by one of the guards.

Accepting the fact he took a few steps away from the tent and stared around him at the camp. His radiant blue eyes taking in the little details of the military camp. He made a mental note of the few things that didn't please him. Like the lazy gate guard on the east gate, the lingering main lane patrol and a handful of tents not erected in neatly enough lines. Little things perhaps but every little bit mattered in battle and thus in the military protocol.

Aldrakar was reminded of the weather as his body gave an involuntary shiver. It caused some of the snow that had collected on his shoulders to fall down in a miniature waterfall of snow. One of the two guards at the Grand tent chuckled. ''It's only going to get worse M'lord.'' He spoke the words with a smile and Aldrakar accepted them with a smile in turn. A man dressed in the same kind of Gold Gilded armor emerged from the tent but his armor was more adorned than that of the 2 guards. They in turn straighten up and stood in rapt attention. The aged soldier spoke briefly before he continued on his way. ''Lady Lucini will receive you now Marshal Aldrakar.''

The imposing man had even caused Aldrakar to stand a little bit taller, his face had taken on a serious note and his prior thoughts entirely banished. The wind wasn't impressed at all though and still insidiously tugged with her cold hands at Aldrakar's unbridled blond hairs, the majority still trapped in the pony-tail.

The two guards opened the tent flap to Aldrakar and he with a confident stride moved through it, entering Lady Lucini's tent. The semi gloom of the outside a stark contrast to the interior he suddenly found himself in. The warm embrace of mild air enveloped him instantly and the light of the numerous torches cast their playful light over him, making his splint-mail armor a reflection of flames and grey.

His gaze not wandering long as Aldrakar saw Lady Lucini in her Jet black robes standing before a finely carved desk of dark wood, mahogany perhaps, the thought skirted through his mind for a moment. It took a short while before Aldrakar had taken in the entirety of the person that was Lady Lucini. The dominating color being black in her attire as well as her hair had played a small optical trick on his eyes in the confines of the grand tent but he saw her clearly now. Her stature was fairly small but then again it didn't cross Aldrakar's mind that she was petite. Women were supposed to be physically smaller than men he believed. This woman before him stood a fair bit shorter than him but he hardly noticed for her emerald eyes defied any belittlement and drew away all attention from her height.

Aldrakar gave a small inclination with his head towards Lucini as he knocked some of the fresh snow of his boots before entering the tent any further, all the while balancing the red lynx fur wrapped gift. Feeling satisfied that he won't stain the nice rugs inside the tent too much with his boots Aldrakar took a moment to look around the tent before returning his gaze to Lucini. ''Lady Lucini, even far away from the city you manage to bring excellence of both taste and comfort wherever you go.'' Taking 2 steps towards her he used the brief time it afforded to look her in the eye and try to read what kind of person he was dealing with. Unable to learn much he continued when he was closer to her. ''My name is Aldrakar Renodin, your Marshal and grateful fellow noble of the realm. We have sadly never extensively met in person but our letters are many.''

Taking a moment to allow a smile to curve his lips Aldrakar's blue eyes looked at the tapestries and without his desire perhaps some amazement crossed his features. ''I have only seen their equal in the ducal palace in Askileon, when the Grand Duke of Fissoa visited us last spring.. was it?'' A brief quizzical look he gave Lucini. ''Today I hope to give you a small token of appreciation that will have a hard time to rival the quality of your tapestries. It is neither as large and neither does it catch such visual attention but perhaps a lady as yourself may find it a pleasing gift still.''

As he said the words Aldrakar took a few more steps towards Lady Lucini, not quickly and neither in a straight line entirely. At one turn he even had to brush aside a recalcitrant strand of blond hair that conspired to obscure his vision but was swept aside by a gloved hand. Standing about a meager arm's length away Aldrakar gave a small smile as he offer Lucini the red lynx fur wrapped gift with both hands. Inside the animal hide wrapping a relatively small vial rested. It was quite exquisite in design and made of a rare crystal substance. Inside it was the true gift however, an oil of Dazzling quality and effect.


An RP written by Lucini Talratheon.

Meeting the Marshal

Lucini wrung her hands nervously though she'd hoped that people would never know the truth of her nervousness, it wasn't exactly a secret but still it felt like an embarrassing factoid. When Aldrakar finally entered  she stopped wringing her hands and smoothed out her dress and robes he seemed to look the very part of soldier, warrior and noble. Rugged, he looked tough his eyes told several stories and she smiled softly and looked down to the floor a moment before looking back up to him. She waited for him to approach further  and smiled when he mentioned her living conditions, "Thank you Marshal Aldrakar, I find it's easier to work when I feel I'm at home. so I bring everything from home I value." She admitted,  she stepped forward as he did to close in the distance between them.

A short giggle, escaped her before she cleared her throat in the realization before trying to regain her composure. "I mean I.. don't be Marshal sad that is, not grateful. What I mean to say is.. I don't actually meet many other noblemen or women. I'm more of the ... voice behind the quill of sorts." It might have actually shown now in person, the timid and nervous Lady who was Lucini. Of course she hated it, she sometimes wished she had the social and verbal constitution to be like Priestess Himoura or the Late Empress Arundel at least in front of other noblemen. To commoners it was easy, child's play, they were beneath her and not noble peers. "Yes I've enjoyed our correspondences Marshal Aldrakar, you are quite the commander from what I read and hear."

Her eyes followed his when he looked to the various tapestries and still she continued to smile seemingly to have a perpetual joke in her own mind that somehow kept her happy. He nodded slowly, "Yes I believe you are correct, I was in Vaal at the time attempting to quell the civilian uprisings there, it was rather fortunate in a jesting way because there was a situation where the taxation accounts of the land had been overly miscounted by nearly forty... never mind. But please I do not mind, I rarely get gifts." she said the last with a slight amount of excitement and exclamation, those who spoke to her in person would easily not the different when speaking to her in person. Though such was likely the same with many people, at least in her own understanding.

Her face lit up slightly and her smiled changed from being slightly to brightly and she reached out with both hands to gently collect it from him, in her hands she turned and moved towards her desk placing it down as his dainty and ink stained fingers slowly began to unwrap the red lynx fur revealing the vial inside. She still held that smile as he turned and looked to him and bowing her head, "Thank you very much Al.... Marshal Aldrakar it is a very generous and kind gift you've imparted upon me." She sighed and slowly shook her head, "Apologies I didn't mean to offend you, I should have known better." She quickly wanted to correct her self and her words lest he got offended.


The continuation from Aldrakar's perspective.

Lady Lucini and the Dazzling gift prt 3

Hearing the soft voice coming from Lucini that occasionally pitched and seemed dotted with short giggles and intermingled with quickly stolen glances caused Aldrakar to make a somewhat dumb face. He was more than a little dumbstruck would be the proper term. ''Ermm, not at all.'' He quickly offered her as she started to apologize for her slight misstep in protocol. In all truth it lifted the burden of formality even further off his shoulders.

Taking in the expression of Lucini as she unwrapped the gift had made him feel rather happy and glad the he finally found a good use for the dazzling oil. ''I'm told it was found among some ancient treasure, I don't know if that's really true but even if it isn't its a treasure in itself.'' Dimples created small dents in his cheeks as he smiled at her. "I had imagined a very different person standing before me, Lady, Lucini.'' Aldrakar obviously separated the title and the name with a pause, trying to gauge if she wanted to discard one and keep the other.

Giving Lucini a moment to ponder her response Aldrakar turned about halfway and admired the tapestry once again but this time only in mock exercise though. Using the time himself to remove his dark brown leather gloves, the warmth of the torches and the well insulated tent urging him to seek relieve from the intruding heat that his well padded armor all retained. He tucked and hung them from his belt.

Noticing Lucini may become a bit nervous again Aldrakar couldn't suppress a chuckle and he let it out uninhibited. ''Apologies.'' Quickly followed his chuckle as he gestured towards her with his hand as if offering the word as a token. ''Fear not my presence Lucini. If anything I should be the one afraid! I came with a gift without knowing if it would be appreciated or a type of gift appreciated by you.'' His radiant blue eyes now blatantly staring at her for a while. Making an elaborate shrug with his shoulders and arms he continued. ''I am glad you seem to like the gift though, perhaps I should've added something gold colored though. You seem to like that color.'' He motioned towards the armor stand that held Lady Lucini's battle gear.

''I am a far more simple man.'' Aldrakar said as his thoughts turned to self-reflection and his tone lost some of its merit. His eyes returning in an attempt to meet hers. ''Both for lack of riches and desire to spend the wealth I do possess on lavishness.'' He tapped the practical splint-mail cuirass. It was a linked and riveted chest armor of carefully arranged metal plates and strips joined with chain-mail and heavy padded and boiled leather. ''Perhaps I could learn a lot from you in in terms of finer living.'' A smile curled his lips into a half moon once more as he turn around and looked around the tent once more. ''Finer than most manors I've visited.''


The continuation from Lucini Talratheon's perspective.

She smiled slightly and nodded to him, "I understand the notion, I don't get visits from my peers often. Most of my communications are done through letters or messengers, the last time I actually seen one of my peers was when Luria was ruled under the reign of King Fulco D'Este and it was himself whom I saw. What I mean is people have seen me but never actually spoken to me or visited me personally. I suppose Marshal Aldrakar, I'm not actually all that interesting ... just the seemingly elusive Imperial Conciliator. though in part I actually envy you, you get to see battle and combat and have traveled the seas." She smiled again slightly as she slowly turned to the side and wrapped the vial back up to keep  it from accidentally falling out with a single hand.

She reached to her face and moved a few strands of the silky black hair  from her visage, before turning to him, "Please Marshal Aldrakar we are alone, please call me Lucini. Unlike my more posh styled brothers I've never well been terribly good at their definition of being a noble I never sought the glory of combat, nor the intrigue of politics I found my joy in procedure and .. num..sorry, I can be a bit talkative at times." Had she the complexion to bluff she might have easily done so in the moment, but instead her paled yet youth features only remarked upon the slight smile she embraced.

She smiled and relaxed a bit as he chuckled and offered apologies, it made her feel a lot more at ease, it was always unnerving trying to walk on egg shells around nobles who felt to get offended at the simplest of mistakes of terminology or title. She laughed now as he expressed a degree of fear from her, he looked into his eyes with her own and slowly shook her head. "Marshal Aldrakar I assure you, I'm hardly worthy of being feared... despite what D'Harans and that assassin from Morek says of me." She looked about at the comment of gold and scoffed very softly. "No Marshal Aldrakar your gift is very appreciated and more importantly an extension of your gratitude the gold is .. it's mostly gifts from the Imperial Palace and various merchant clans seeking favor into Giask. The tent, the armor I simply use what I am given. It is rather nice in fact to be given a gift that is more meaningful than material."

She looked to him now and listened, smiling and remain quiet following his hands as it tapped the front of his armor her eyes having looked into his the entire moment. Until of course he looked about the tent and she her self looked around, it might have been hard to believe she never actually paid much attention to her own lifestyle had anyone asked her she would say it was humble but of course to others it was opulent. She was occasionally reminded of her own degree of wealth in moments such as these. She bit a small portion of her bottom lip in thought before looking back to her guest. "Simplicity is often underestimated, it is in the simple one can find truth easier than the complex or intricate. And if the war goes as planned all Lurians will prosper enough to see the rewards we've so labored for, reaped. Especially her Marshals and her warriors. Admittedly I feel guilty at times, as my peers sail off for battle and I'm travelling region to region handling the business of courts, trials, administrating the optimal efficiency for regional production."

She raised a hand to her forehead a moment in almost embarrassment, "Oh my I must apologize sincerely, I've been a terrible host would you desire ale, wine... tea? or spirits I hear it's a bit stronger than most drinks. I also have bread, pastries and several lambs upon spits being prepared to boost the morale of the men. The Winter can nag at them at times such as these I find a warm and meaty meal is often the ticket required to keep them in high spirits. That was enough for her to do in terms of hospitality and distract her from the fact that she was rambling on.


The continuation from Aldrakar's perspective again.

Lady Lucini and the Dazzling gift prt 4

Standing about, listening to Lucini speak of herself, the perceptions that other have of her and see her grow in confidence did Aldrakar good. He couldn't help looking down at his boots as a small trail of muddy boot-prints lay behind him. He arched his eyebrows as he turned his gaze back to Lucini in apology. ''Sorry about that.'' The weather outside made its presence be known once again as the cloth and leather walls of the tent deigned to the suggestion of the wind outside.

A spark appeared to his eyes as his lips formed into half grin half smirk. ''I guess the tent agreed to your suggestion! I would welcome some warm wine and no soldier would say no to fresh roasted lamb.'' Feeling quite reassured that formality was out of the window his fingers started to unlace some of the cords holding his neck-guard in place. The rugged and metal scaled leather releasing his neck from its stubborn embrace.

The cuirass didn't leave for much -breathing- room though, no matter how much you loosened the straps or cords or ties. It would suffice though Aldrakar thought. ''Your are quite dedicated to your profession I must admit. Wish I could say the same but I take no joy in taking life. That doesn't mean I take my duties as Marshal serious though.''Aldrakar tried to make light of the mention of death by raising his voice a bit and offering a large and white toothed smile. Why did I have to mention death! he thought to himself. A hand rose towards his head and his fingers vanished under his topaz colored hair as he scratched his head.

Only just realizing Lucini had held his gaze for an extend period of time he straightened up and tried to move away from the current subject and breach into a new one. He brought his hand up a bit and pretended to point something out in the distance as he mock squinted his eyes at Lucini. ''Are those a gift from your mother's side or your father? I cannot say I've ever seen anyone with green eyes like that before.''

Abusing the opportunity perhaps but Aldrakar used it to frame those eyes and her face with the black long hair and took a moment to appreciate what he was seeing. He broke away as another thought bore down on his mind. What was her age anyway? her small frame and petite features made her look younger but he had no idea honesty. Not to add that her presumed nervousness and shyness only augmented that concept.

Aldrakar's face turned more neutral as he recalled the food that was offered and looked about for a place to sit down or something. The opulent room did not disappoint naturally and he followed his hostesses guidance in the matter.


The continuation from Lucini Talratheon's perspective once more.

Lucini noted the muddy boot prints and with a slight wave of her hand quickly dismissed it, it was after all only mud. "Worry not Marshal Aldrakar, it'll wash out I'm sure.." Seeing the expression change she nodded and looked to the entry way, "Emily." she called out softly as a young maiden looking to be just slightly old enough to be married off entered and bowed her head before curtsying to them both, before looking to Lucini. "Yes, MiLady Lucini?" Lucini didn't mince words with the young girl and simply gave concise command. "Fetch a few wine glasses and a keg of warm wine, and check on the lamb." The young girl stood only a few seconds longer to be sure her Lady was finished before turning and leaving the tent quickly.

Lucini chuckled at Aldrakar and nodded slightly, "Yes I agree, the most difficult part of it was finding lambs that hadn't been stolen or butchered by the D'Harans. But I was able to procure them at a cost, about two dozen heads of lambs, it should be more than enough to fill the men's bellies." She gestured to the side where there sat several chairs and and a small table for entertaining guests. She paused a moment turning to him slightly at the mention of taking life her smile fading slightly as she seemed to think for a moment.

"I agree, taking a life never feels good but it is also a necessary component." She left out the mention of her executing several men earlier that week but of course those were criminal who were in chains when they were beheaded, not men on the field of battle who could fight back. When he squinted and pointed naturally she turned around looking back at the small cases of books and scrolls and the tapestries. "Those my mother and fath..oh" She felt the immediate and quite comical sting of embarrassment as she realize he was talking about her eyes rather than some object behind her, she chuckled and collected her self.

"These are a gift of my father, my mother may her soul rest was blue eyed. Many of my features I can give thanks to my father." She sighed near the end still wishing she had been some pretty, buxom, blonde maiden rather then the pale, petite and black haired scroll worm. The few redeeming qualities of her features was the fact she was often mistaken for being in her early twenties, based on her behavior and temperament more youthful than most assumed. She moved almost as if she were gliding to the chairs and couch choosing to sit in the chair as the maiden soon entered carrying a large silver tray.

Upon the tray was a large matching silver pitcher and silver and glass goblets, Lucini sat and smiled to Aldrakar as the wine was poured into the goblets and set out from them. And upon a separate plated was bread and steaming lamb chops seemingly fresh from the fire, the wine it self would taste spiced with honey and cinnamon and warmed enough to drink comfortably without worry of burning your tongue. Lucini reached forward and lifting her goblet as she swirled the wine abit almost as if she were inspecting it before looking to Aldrakar. "To the Empire, Marshal Aldrakar."


The dinner continues!

Lady Lucini and the Dazzling gift prt 5

Seeing Emily the maid-servant bring in the tray of steaming lamb roast and accompanying that the the spiced wine he needed no more prompting to conquer a seat at the table. A small groan further fueled his resolved as he sat down with a little bit too much speed. The metal of his armor making a nice crunching sound as the links of metal met and churned against one another. With unintended flourish, a practiced move from horseback-riding Aldrakar drapped the rich brown cape over the back of the chair making it nearly vanish under it.

Finally sitting at the table Aldrakar took a deep breath of the fumes that came from the tentalizing dish before them. To the Empire, Marshal Aldrakar. He suddenly heard Lucini say and he grinned back at Lucini as he took the other of the two glass goblets in hand and raised it in toast. ''To you and the delicious food! The Empire will still be here when we are done eating.'' The words came easily to him and his attention nearly equally divided between the food and Lucini, slightly more to Lucini though.

The goblet soon found its way towards Aldrakar's lips and hearty ''mhmmm.'' the noise following his first sip. ''This is excellent wine.. actually this must've been one of the best wine's I've tasted.'' He inclined his head slightly as he had to admit surprise to himself. He really liked this wine, the cinnamon spicing was superb.

The maid-servant, Emily had quietly moved up to the table to distribute food to their plates, her hands reached for the utensils when Aldrakar spoke up. His own hand touching Emily's briefly as he stopped her from taking the utensils. ''Allow me.'' Emily glanced at Lucini for a brief moment but didn't press the matter as Aldrakar took the utensils and took one of the tastier looking, if that was even applicable, lamb pieces. ''Your plate please, Lucini.'' After which he placed the food on her dish and then proceeded to fill his own. He might have overindulged as his plate looked kinda full.

Before taking a bite he looked up at Lucini. ''Enjoy your meal.'' Again the words came as if spoken to an old friend, perhaps because he was distracted by the food or he was getting more comfortable in Lucini's presence. After having consumed several pieces of delicious meat he put down his knife and took up the goblet once more. Sipping from it slowly he got a questioning look on his face ''Why am I dining with the realm's Imperial Conciliator in near full battle gear?'' He chuckled and observed the crimson wine in the goblet for a moment. ''Not that I am being ungrateful Lucini, I really like your company and the its beautiful here. And not just because there is a gold gilded armour over there.'' With the goblet he motioned in the direction of the armour stand making the liquid slosh a bit.


The Dinner, gift giving RP kinda stranded there. Both participants kinda agreed OOC that the meeting was at an end with a positive conclusion. Friendly terms. At the time other things were happening ingame and also OOC that demanded time away from the RP and we solved it this way. A clasic maneuver I imagine hehe.


The Inn at the Crossroad Guild. This is one of the RP's I've written when Aldrakar was still recovering from a battle wound.

Winters pull and cold Wine

Stepping through the double door of one of the -Crossroad- establishments Aldrakar moved with a slight limp or was he just a bit slow on his feet perhaps. Having just entered the building he looked about himself a moment trying to assess the crowd inside and finding a place to sit. As is usually the case with people that stand about in a crowded place his presence became a bit awkward and some people looked up at him from their drinks and conversations.

Becoming self aware of this fact Aldrakar gave a curt nod as he began to lowly make his way to an empty table ringed with several large and comfy chairs. Coincidentally this table was arranged near a fireplace that at this time sported a gently crackling fire, embers dancing from one side to the other as they competed for firewood.

Gently depositing himself in one of the chairs that flanked the fireplace a small frown on his forehead belied of the pain he felt as his right leg bumped just a little bit too hard on the ground. ''Damn monsters and their claws!'' Aldrakar cursed through his teeth. Before he could ever entirely seat himself comfortably in the chair one of the inn's servants had reached him already. ''What may I do ye for?'' She said with a large smile. ''That must hurt!'' She blurted out as he perceived Aldrakar's discomfort.

Rolling his eyes and still in a slightly awkward sitting position Aldrakar replied. ''Yes, it does..'' Looking up at the girl he continued. ''Some Dwevian wine from Mattan Dews please, and a stool. I need it for my leg.'' He pointed at his right leg. The serving girl nodded exaggeratedly. ''Coming right up, wine and a stool!'' She quickly turned about and sped away towards the bar.

Rearranging himself a bit Aldrakar found a position amenable enough and wondered why a small cut could hurt so bloody much. -Infection!- an impish little voice whispered to him from inside his head. Aldrakar dismissed it quickly thought, he had it washed and stitched right after the battle. It wasn't infected, Pha! or was it?.. He wasn't sure anymore and the doubt must've shown on his face as the serving girl returned. ''One local Lurian Wine and a stool!'' She placed the goblet of wine on the table and helped Aldrakar with the stool. Carefully placing his right booted foot on the stool and distracting him from the pain with another of her bright smiles. ''All fine!''

With the early winter chills borne on the wind outside it was going to be a cold night, Aldrakar had no intention of leaving the Inn early and already looked forward to his second cup of wine as he tasted from the first. It was cold, damn he should've asked for a warm and spiced cup of wine.


One of the other members of the Guild took on the role of NPC! Very refreshing and was new to me. Astridicus was the Player character that wrote it, an advy.

The inn had its normal assortment of patrons; merchants, noblemen, commoners, and even a sage. When Aldrakar requested his second glass it came quick enough for him to realize that the bar maid had been watching him, her eyes dreaming wishfully.


Inn at the Crossroad Continued.

The Cold together with the Warm

Once Aldrakar had settled into the large and comfortable chair with his right leg supported on a stool it became clear that the inn was more crowded than he initially had thought. A cheerful murmur droned through the establishment, a chuckle here and the occasional laugh there. Some men off in a corner were rolling bone dice and each pretended they were not nervous as silver coins changed hands as often as the cat under their table swiped at the  tatters of their trousers.

A welcoming warmth emanated from the fireplace close to Aldrakar, just to the left of him. It was a large stone and mortar construction that sported enough space to spit-roast a small pig, not that it was used for that purpose currently though. No, its flames were unbridled and engulfed the entirety of the hearth. Sipping the cool wine Aldrakar enjoy the radiance of the flames on his face. ''Here you go..'' A soft voice spoke to him.

Aldrakar looked up from his seat and saw that same serving maid. His recognition must've shown as the girl's face shifted from slight unease to offering an awkward smile as she handed Aldrakar a new goblet of wine. This one felt warm to his touch and the aroma promised it to be rich in spices, proper mulled wine. ''On the house!'' The serving maid said cheerfully.

Both eyebrows raised Aldrakar nodded at her a couple of time. ''Thanks.'' The serving maid beamed shortly before she noticed the bartender motioning for her and darted off again. Aldrakar let out a small sigh as he now held a goblet of wine in either hand, both resting on the armrests of the large pinewood chair. ''I suppose I better get to it.'' Aldrakar said to himself with a hint of humor, he shook his head.

Preferring the mulled and warm wine he placed the other, cold goblet on the table in front of him. The feat was simple enough but he couldn't manage to keep a small line from creasing his forehead as the small-ish but inflamed cut on his leg protested to the movement. Enjoying the wine Aldrakar let his eyes roam the room trying to spy out interesting figures or make eye contact with anyone that looked like a good conversational partner.

The weather outside demanded a moment of everyone's time as the wind howled outside. The night was starting to truly set in and drove off the natural light of day. The shutters were being closed by the Inn personnel and the entrances were swept clean from most of the muck and melting snow that had been brought in by newcomers. It was a well oiled machine this inn but Aldrakar hardly noticed it, he was looking for people to have a chat with.


Another member of the Inn at the Crossroad took this opportunity to add some background music''  in a sense. Adding colour to the picture. I much liked it. Written by Justus Jaron

"Monty!" Justus commanded his head servant, "put up notices in the local inns that Exarch Justus of Corsanctum is looking for someone to fix his unique items, also put in that there will be another job if the first one goes well and tell them to meet me in Mimer" Monty hurried off quickly preparing the notice for his liege.