Author Topic: The Brutish life of Gomrin Renodin  (Read 8740 times)


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Re: The Brutish life of Gomrin Renodin
« Topic Start: October 03, 2013, 10:04:51 AM »
An RP I wrote about Gomrin staying in one place for a bit too long, don't drink too much.

Grekian Blue Ale

Gingerly he placed a foot outside the door and onto the cobble of the road. His ears were assaulted by the hub bub of daily city life, the life of Ossmat was torturous to Gomrin's ears. ''Grrrnnnnn!...'' He heavily rubbed his hairy hands over his face and pressed onto his temples.

A shove from behind caught him off guard and before he could catch himself on.. anything really, he went down towards the ground. The snap of a clawing fingernail crystal clear in his mind as his hand failed to firmly grab hold of the wooden doorpost. A black shade covered his eyes and then a bright light shot vision back into his skull as his head met the grey cobble of the road and bounced of it before it settled down onto the street.

Fingering his forehead with a finger sporting a broken nail Gomrin released more curses from his lips. He was't even able to finish a complete sentense as a burb forced its way through his mouth. A small pain made itself known to him as a boot softly kicked or shoved him aside. The man who had previously pushed Gomrin out of the doorway now probably further cleared the way from the tavern door towards the road, the only obstacle the drunk Gomrin on the road.

The noise of carts, fishmongers the spilling of grain from a sack and the yelling of people blurred into a grey goo of sounds as Gomrin sat himself up. His arms instrumental in pushing his bulk up from the road and back onto his ass. Sitting there in his leather under-armor and his somewhat curly, shoulder-lenght, dark brown hair a mess he tried to shield his eyes from the sun with his hand.

A whaft of dust assaulted him next as a donkey drawn card thundered past at completely reasonably speeds, for sober people at least. ''Five Hells of Dragon Turd eatin' Barstards Die! Die! Sit on the Thorny jewels of Sint you rat eating Snot!'' The torrent of words howled at no one in particular and intermingled with coughts as the insidious dust found its way deep into Gomrin's throat.

Degenerating into a shuddering huddle of a man Gomrin coughed violently for a while. When it finally finished his head felt like two rampaging bulls were deliberately crashing against his skull again and again in an never ending cycle. With eyes shot with red Gomrin peered down the road and spied out a barrel of rainwater.

With an intake of air he asserted himself and got himself to his feet. With a staggered trudge he arrived at the barrel  of water and proceeded to dash his face into it entirely. It looked more or less like he just released his muscles and his head just lolled forwards into the water.

10 seconds later his head emerged again from the water and this times his eyes were slightly more open. '' Grekian blue ale, never again!'' He wildly looked to his right and startled a young boy who all but jumped onto a vegtable stand.

With his usual lumbering way of walking Gomrin moved off but still unsure to where exactly. A bed most likely, it would be the wisest choice. But then again, its Gomrin and wisdom has never been his strong point.