Author Topic: Tax Family Wealth  (Read 7474 times)


  • Honourable King
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Re: Tax Family Wealth
« Reply #15: October 15, 2013, 01:15:20 AM »
Over my dead body. This would make family wealth a risk-free gold-transfer system. Let me repeat: Absolutely any proposal whatsoever that results in the tax ending up in realm taxes will be flat-out rejected without discussing details. Period.

If family wealth gets taxed, the taxed money will vanish. Period.
Does everything you disagree with need to be responded with "Over my dead body" as the opener or even in it? I could be wrong but it feels like its much used a lot when responding to things you disagree without a good reason. Is not happening period, which you also basically said  is much less hostile feeling than over my dead body, which may be appropriate sometimes, but especially in more generally ideas like this, really isn't needed.

Moving on from that, I am against family wealth getting taxed period. If you feel like family wealth is detrimental to the game, get rid of it. If you feel like people being at the cap often is detrimental to the game, remove the cap or approve implementation of some things for family wealth to be used on, but taxing seems like a rather terrible way of going about that issue because it makes no sense in a realism manner, and I doubt anyone is saying that it adds fun in anyway so I fail to see the value added.
“The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.”
― G.K. Chesterton