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Increase Family Wealth Limit

Started by Kwanstein, October 04, 2013, 06:37:45 AM

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Quote from: Velax on October 10, 2013, 06:57:31 AM
And yet it was your entire point. So this change should be made to accommodate the four people who've reached the cap?

I think Kwanstein's point was that the number of players who have reached the limit is negligible.

Incidentally, is there too much gold in the game or not enough, because I'm reading conflicting information.


I've made lots of points in this thread, because there are lots of tangents about random things.

On the subject of the top twenty players, not everyone bothers to keep their family gold at the exact maximum limit. I didn't bother going into excruciating detail on this subject because I figured it was easy for people to conceptualize themselves. But since there is significant confusion, I will elaborate.

The top 14 players are one hundred gold away from the limit. If they were OCD they could max out easily. The rest are just shy as well. That is all that mattered, because that particular point was not that everyone had 20,000 gold, but that people were all hovering around that area, which was problematic. It's a moot point now, because the devs don't care.


Quote from: De-Legro on October 10, 2013, 06:59:35 AM
To be fair there are a few others that are but a handful of gold away.

You can not send individual gold coins, so anyone above 19950 can't really go any higher and should be considered maxed.


Quote from: Velax on October 10, 2013, 06:57:31 AM
So this change should be made to accommodate the four people who've reached the cap?
To be quite honest, if there wasn't a cap, I wouldn't have bothered to send the gold to my family to be at the top of the list. :P
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