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Atamara Update?

Started by Eirikr, October 11, 2013, 04:23:26 AM

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Quote from: Penchant on January 12, 2014, 09:18:20 PM
I already knew the jist of the terms but as I am involved myself I don't know the importance of keeping it hidden. Now that its out, the obvious thing for Darka to do IMO is just go to Eston and have battles there instead of their land. There is no reason Darka can't be more aggressive.

That's only the obvious thing to do after we've conquered Hawthorne. :)



I'm quite sure CE's tone would have been diffrent if borders would have been closed for real (which ofcourse would have suited Darka well) or if my proposal would have required for CE.

Lyoness gambled by enforcing Darka to sign treaty, and Darka called... time will show how the cards were given.

I dont see Eston that much troublelous, we have rarely fought on their lands and i guess still most of the fighing will be done around Melias/Hawthorne sector. A lot threats to bring whole Atamara upon Darka was thrown from Lyoness... bluff? No clue, but those who are not tied up on other conflicts are very few atm. Mainly Rielston(which has already informed to support Lyoness) and Talerium. I think rest of the Atamara is participating war at south, or here north already.

Not sure how ML & Silnaria war is going, ML has made good progress on it and recently more Silnaria lands were moved under banners of Tara.

Southern war has been also quite silent recently, hopefully it will continue or Darka indeed might get some serious heat on her... Rielston and Lyoness we hopefully can handle :)

If something, this conflict sure liven up things, atleast here in Darka we have gotten few new players... It was about the time, trend was losing few every week.

~Violence is always an option!~


Quote from: jaune on January 13, 2014, 03:50:13 PM
I'm quite sure CE's tone would have been diffrent if borders  A lot threats to bring whole Atamara upon Darka was thrown from Lyoness... bluff?

Whole Atamara? Who said that? The CE, yeah, but even the official word (not a region lord, however rightfully pissed off his character was) on that was a "You're really giving me no choice here..." phrasing. I really dragged my heels to bring that out as an actual threat. Saying they're willing to play by our rules is hardly a threat; it became that only later when it became obvious Darka wasn't making suggestions, but demands.


There was few, if i remember right Queenie, but it could had been that other Himoura too who said all realms will jump on us.

And we did make suggestions :D But those were ignored... I had to choose, burn Lyoness, or let CE burn Darka... not too hard decision for King of Darka.
~Violence is always an option!~



Now you're putting words in Raziel's mouth.
Life is a dance, it is only fitting that death sing the tune.


Quote from: jaune on January 13, 2014, 09:27:06 PM
There was few, if i remember right Queenie, but it could had been that other Himoura too who said all realms will jump on us.

And we did make suggestions :D But those were ignored... I had to choose, burn Lyoness, or let CE burn Darka... not too hard decision for King of Darka.
If you don't mind me asking, what were those suggestions?
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton


Doesn't this theoretically mean that Lyonesse can start TOing Darkan regions (only possible with active League support, obviously)? And wouldn't that put Darka in a far, far more dangerous position now than they were in when all the League could do was loot their regions into the ground, but not permanently remove them from Darkan control? Sure, militarily Lyonesse contributes next to nothing to the war against Darka. But strategically, their ability to actually TO Darkan regions could be a death blow for Darka, assuming I'm not missing something important.


Quote from: Geronus on January 13, 2014, 10:36:06 PM
Doesn't this theoretically mean that Lyonesse can start TOing Darkan regions (only possible with active League support, obviously)? And wouldn't that put Darka in a far, far more dangerous position now than they were in when all the League could do was loot their regions into the ground, but not permanently remove them from Darkan control? Sure, militarily Lyonesse contributes next to nothing to the war against Darka. But strategically, their ability to actually TO Darkan regions could be a death blow for Darka, assuming I'm not missing something important.
I feel like Darka didn't consider it much when they went to war with Lyonesse. Really I don't think Darka has been thinking much this entire war because they just keep doing whatever CE wants them to do. CE wants to keep attacking Darka to eventually destroy Darka's gold reserves and their regions? Darka. CE wants to gain allies? Darka takes every change they can to piss off every other realm AFAIK.

It makes me laugh to when Jaune says Lyonesse enforced their treaty. Lyonesse didn't enforce a thing, Darka is the one who went to war with Lyonesse.
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton


Also, as was pointed out to me early on: Nobody but Lyonesse signed the treaty. Can't technically be enforced if nobody's signed it. Passage rights can, and would have been (insofar as our tiny army can stand up to 30k CS from either side).

But yes, you're right, it does mean Lyonesse could TO lands if we want to. Same for Darka in reverse, though.


Quote from: Eirikr on January 14, 2014, 12:07:30 AM
Also, as was pointed out to me early on: Nobody but Lyonesse signed the treaty. Can't technically be enforced if nobody's signed it. Passage rights can, and would have been (insofar as our tiny army can stand up to 30k CS from either side).

But yes, you're right, it does mean Lyonesse could TO lands if we want to. Same for Darka in reverse, though.

Let me clear up a possible misunderstanding. Cagil did sign the treaty. Raziella wrote up the treaty, showed it (copy/paste text) to Cagil, but I couldn't find the propose button. Turns out that you can't propose to foreign ambassadors in your realm, but if you're an ambassador in another realm's lands you can propose treaties to them. Anyway, CE's ambassador ended up proposing it to Raziella and she signed their copy. So now Lyonesse has two copies (different names) of same treaty, one with signatures, one without. I just withdrew that signature trying to find a way to delete that treaty, but turns out there is no delete functionality coded.


Quote from: Vita on January 14, 2014, 12:40:26 AM
Let me clear up a possible misunderstanding. Cagil did sign the treaty. Raziella wrote up the treaty, showed it (copy/paste text) to Cagil, but I couldn't find the propose button. Turns out that you can't propose to foreign ambassadors in your realm, but if you're an ambassador in another realm's lands you can propose treaties to them. Anyway, CE's ambassador ended up proposing it to Raziella and she signed their copy. So now Lyonesse has two copies (different names) of same treaty, one with signatures, one without. I just withdrew that signature trying to find a way to delete that treaty, but turns out there is no delete functionality coded.

I may be spouting nonsense again, but I believe a treaty with no signatories is automatically deleted. (And yes, you can withdraw from your own.)

I only saw one treaty when I looked before the incident, though.


Sir Glitterhoof is about to strike fear into hearts of all Darkans! Muahahahahahaha cough cough ahahahahanna!
Life is a dance, it is only fitting that death sing the tune.


Oh boy.

Well, we will see if this was the final mistake of Darka :)

But you are right on that, CE is very clever with its politics and with tricks like this it is forcing people to join on its side. Rielston were promised to have BoM, Lyoness were promised to have Massilion?

~Violence is always an option!~