Author Topic: Battlemaster growth cycle  (Read 14199 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: Battlemaster growth cycle
« Reply #30: March 01, 2014, 11:41:43 PM »
Y'know, you are allowed to create new threads...

I'm just not in a position to do anything like that, because I'm not a member of any forums like that, and while I'm sure I could find some if I put my mind to it, I'd just be some random person jumping in to advertise his own irrelevant crap. I dunno about you, but I wouldn't appreciate it if someone joined the BattleMaster forum solely to advertise for his own pet project.

If anyone knows of such places, though, they are invited to speak up...

I figure there are probably 3 or 4 relevant threads around already. For now I am brainstorming, and revisiting old discussions brings people back to it.

When I said a weekend of deskwork, I meant that fairly literally. Maybe spread over a month, but it still applies to about 48 hours. A full+ work-week (or light part-time, spread over a month) of research, testing of various forums, casual to dedicated posting (depending on how many you think you could attract). It might need to be well-worded, audience tailor-made, and require learning/trying some new hobby.

It would be a job (although possibly enjoyable) to juggle 70 or 80 forums fairly regularly, but almost all well traveled forums have a place or way to attract 100-500 views to a link. That isn't as much as a google ad or a expensive catch-all, but look at the efficiency of targeted ads. Facebook would know what your farts smell like if they could generate more clicks.

If a newbie came on, posted regularly and meaningfully for about a month (1 a day) on the forum, posted a link to RoyalConquest-Free Online Game (off the top of my head as something that might be equivalent to this audience) on the 'other games' board and you wouldn't think anything of it. Hundreds of views on each thread (on this forum) of less similar-geared tags for this audience. If we hit the right people, they click out of interest (say, even 10-20 clicks out of the hundreds of views). If we hit the right audience, they will be engaged and make an account (spare-time, interest in x part of game). Perhaps say 1 or 2 long-term players stick with it. Multiply that by 50, we have a continent.

Of course, like I said, this is all brain-storm. I could be vastly over-estimating my capability, I could be vastly over-estimating the appeal of Battlemaster. Regardless, all efforts would have to be made to:

A) Improve and distribute the good-name of Battlemaster and its owner/devs,
B) As un-official representatives, efforts would have to be made to make sure the name of Battlemaster is not associated with any negative connotations (no trolling, no flaming, no divisive topics, and other etiquette demands for marketing purposes)
C) Be unpaid....although I would hope if I (and others) could actually get a whole continent of players to battlemaster that we could get like....$20 and a good business reference. That might be enough incentive for me to try, not sure about others.

But, like I said...I've never tried anything like this. Do people think it is worth a new thread to see if we can get volunteers? Do you think it would actually effect the growth of Battlemaster?

Eoric the Dim (Perdan), Enoch the Bright (Asylon), Emeric the Dark (Obsidian Islands)

Orobos, The Insatiable Snake (Sandalak)