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Baranion and Sigrún ~ Arrival in the Stronghold

Started by Anaris, October 24, 2013, 09:57:12 PM

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Seven Days Ago

As Baranion entered the stronghold through the shattered gates, he felt a shiver run up his spine. He had never set foot within these walls before, but everything was so very familiar to him. He passed the remains of the Emerald Order guildhouse on his way into the fortress. Once inside, he saw the ancient imposing structures making up the monastery that were the first built upon this mountain. And those must be the palaces, he thought, looking up at them, so if I turn left here, then go through that courtyard...yes. He emerged into an open space that had once been a beautiful garden, but which had clearly been neglected since Hoshi's departure in favour of the newer gardens on the east side of the palace. Overgrown bushes dotted the space, and weeds and vines choked the flowerbeds that were once so carefully cultivated.

Hearing a noise from beyond one of the bushes—one taller than he, and as big across as it was tall—Baranion turned, wary of an Aenilian ambush. However, the figure that walked out from behind the bush was one as familiar to him as his own.

"So," he sighed, looking up at the palace. "The house of our fathers. Or at least, of our parents."

She smiled a somewhat wry smile. "Not quite what it once was. But that's what we're here to change, right?"

Baranion turned back to her, his face showing an intensity that had not been there before. "Indeed. No longer will the lands where Anaris and Bellator first joined together belong to those who betrayed them and their kingdom. The capture of Ipsosez is the first real step toward our parents' dream."

They both walked to the edge of the terrace and looked out over the stronghold's lower levels, and across the damaged walls to the valley floor far below. "Svunnetland may have fallen," Sigrún murmured, eyes alight, "but Zonasa was always its close kin. Soon, we can raise the banners here, and—"

She paused, looking southward. "Well. That's for another day, I suppose."

Baranion smiled. "Indeed. But that day just got a whole lot closer."

* * *


Baranion stands on the balcony of the Grand Exemplar's Palace in Ipsosez—the same sturdy structure that once served as his father's palace so many years ago—and watches as the banner of Zonasa is raised from its topmost tower. Well, it's not quite the banner he might have wanted, but King Morthwyl Bellator would be proud to see his son this day.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan