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Started by Bhranthan, October 26, 2013, 01:32:29 PM

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For all discussions and updates on the realm Fallangard.

As of writing, Fallangard declared war on Armonia and attacked Betholm.

King Edvards declaration:

QuoteLords, Royals, Rulers, and other Heads of State,

Fallangard declares war on Armonia not out of hatred but out of necessity to feed our people. We are not mad, we are not unreasonable, but in the preservation of feeding our children, we move to garner our place so that our children will live to see days of old. This is not a religious war, nor a war over sour grapes. My people spoke and our effort put forth.


Edvard Perfect II
King of Fallangard
Royal of Fallangard
Duke of Isadril
Margrave of Isadril

Hopefully it will evolve into an intresting conflict.
Brutus the Brute - Kleptes the Thief - Atreus the Brave - Alucina the Lucid


Yeah... more likely it'll spiral out of control and turn into another war of destruction :P


Of course it will. And i will be tossing more fuel on the fire, very soon.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


I love this war declaration, no poor excuses, no drama, just a valid cause.



Quote from: Sonya on October 26, 2013, 07:11:37 PM
I love this war declaration, no poor excuses, no drama, just a valid cause.


Indeed. More realms should do this. "You know what? I want more of your land. Just shut up and FIGHT ME!"

Straight forward. No bull!@#$ reasoning. Amazing!

Eduardo Almighty

I must agree with you. This is something Sirion and Perdan must learn as well. The two sides are always trying to find excuses to fight when we all know they MUST fight.

With some hope this war will arrive in the north too. I changed class, recruited a good unit just to discover that Ecthelion found a way to avoid the war... now I'm here doing nothing... with an expensive unit.
Now with the Skovgaard Family... and it's gone.
Serpentis again!


Quote from: Eduardo Almighty on October 27, 2013, 02:51:02 AM
I must agree with you. This is something Sirion and Perdan must learn as well. The two sides are always trying to find excuses to fight when we all know they MUST fight.

With some hope this war will arrive in the north too. I changed class, recruited a good unit just to discover that Ecthelion found a way to avoid the war... now I'm here doing nothing... with an expensive unit.

Good luck getting a war going with Ecthelion as PM  ;D

Eduardo Almighty

The only reason to miss Zakilevo... lol.

Dwilight is better now than EC. Let's see if the southern conflict can bring some action in the north too. Erik is trying to provoke Ecthelion and his way to avoid wars.
Now with the Skovgaard Family... and it's gone.
Serpentis again!


Quote from: Eduardo Almighty on October 27, 2013, 02:52:55 AM
The only reason to miss Zakilevo... lol.

Dwilight is better now than EC. Let's see if the southern conflict can bring some action in the north too. Erik is trying to provoke Ecthelion and his way to avoid wars.

Haha. I had to drag Sirion to go to wars. Don't know why I tried so hard. Don't have time to do anything like that anymore. Just playing silent nobles these days ;)

It is good to see that Fallangard is being straight forward about their intention. More realms should just say "GIVE ME YOUR LAND!"


Quote from: Eduardo Almighty on October 27, 2013, 02:52:55 AM
The only reason to miss Zakilevo... lol.

Dwilight is better now than EC. Let's see if the southern conflict can bring some action in the north too. Erik is trying to provoke Ecthelion and his way to avoid wars.

Sirion could use either a proper beating or, better a few good successions/civil war.
Large old realms usually seem to cause stagnancy.
Nobody dares to fight them and the nobles in that realm its self are ussually to careful with their realm, afraid they might lose it or parts of it.
In Fallangard, the nobles just want to see war, there seems little mentioning of the possible dangers of declaring war especially like this.

Caligus, Nivemus and Sirion vs Perdan or Caligus and Perdan versus Nivemus and Sirion would be cool.
Brutus the Brute - Kleptes the Thief - Atreus the Brave - Alucina the Lucid


I think at one point last year Sirion was fighting 5 realms at once (SoA, Perdan, OI, Caligus, Westmoor). If that's not a proper beating, I don't know what is :p


Quote from: Feylonis on October 27, 2013, 09:07:17 AM
I think at one point last year Sirion was fighting 5 realms at once (SoA, Perdan, OI, Caligus, Westmoor). If that's not a proper beating, I don't know what is :p

Everyone vs Sirion should be the next war. After that everyone vs Perdan. And after that everyone vs Caligus.

Get rid of the big three and we will have at least 4-5 more realms \o/


Quote from: Feylonis on October 27, 2013, 09:07:17 AM
I think at one point last year Sirion was fighting 5 realms at once (SoA, Perdan, OI, Caligus, Westmoor). If that's not a proper beating, I don't know what is :p

That certainly wasn't last year. If you're talking about the Great War, that was years ago now.


Since no one posted this.

Deleted by moderator.

It seems that Indirik have problem spelling Armonía  :P

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"Darka would like to thank CE and co for their generous offerings, the Holy Volcano will be filled up for days with all these offerings!"-Jaret Jaron's last words


Quote from: Feylonis on October 27, 2013, 09:07:17 AM
I think at one point last year Sirion was fighting 5 realms at once (SoA, Perdan, OI, Caligus, Westmoor). If that's not a proper beating, I don't know what is :p

Apparently it wasn't.
So when is Sirion suceeding?  :)
Brutus the Brute - Kleptes the Thief - Atreus the Brave - Alucina the Lucid