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Heavy RP Region

Started by Dishman, November 01, 2013, 11:01:39 PM

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Quote from: Dishman on November 09, 2013, 04:11:20 PM
If it runs on its own for a year, then we have a years worth of history behind it. If 50% of a realm are behind the idea, and the other 50% vote in someone who isn't behind it, then the idea will either go under for that region or someone else can write a snippet for that lord. In game they can monitor the region and maintain its history. Maybe check with the current region lord if they want to add anything.

Maybe I should look into a historians guild. I suppose the whole idea doesn't require the region lord to be apart of the concept. All it requires is a handful of people to keep tabs on a region and submit accounts to the wiki.

There have been a couple of Historian guilds. I've never seen much actually produced by them though. It is a good idea though, if you can get the people to make it work. Perhaps start out nice and small and expand your scope as you have the people to do so.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.