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Poryatown´s Herald

Started by Aedan, August 14, 2014, 11:02:53 PM

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Hey there,

A short while ago I had the idea to send my currently dangerously underemployed adventurer (eastern Dwilight) out to get to know some foreign nobles for my character in Luria Nova, who is a diplomat. So I decided to make her the official herald of Poryatown, which is under my nobles authority, and send her out to get to know some (almost) neighbours. As herald she has been given the proper attire, some fancy weapons and wears the emblem of Poryatown.

Her first visit is to South Divide on the southern border of Swordfell.

Enjoy. (Hopefully^^)


Here the first approach.

South Divide

As the sun slowly glides behind the mountain tops a rider approaches Eagles' Rock. The woman on horseback is wrapped in an expensive fur coat and wears matching gloves against the bitter cold. A sword in her belt, spear and bow attached to her saddle, she rides fearlessly through the wilderness on her own.

Upon reaching the gate, she is called out by one of the sentries, who leaves his place at the log-fire that keeps the soldiers warm at night. ,,Who rides there?" The woman brings her mare to a standstill and answers:"Greetings sentry. My name is Rae Aedan and I come in my capacity as a herald of Poryatwon.". With these words she opens her coat and reveals a uniform, bearing an emblem of white towers on a blue field. ,,Magrave Duer Aedan sends his salutations and neighbourly benevolence to your Lord. I also have a letter to deliver."


The reply from South Divide´s Lord

South Divide II

It was a cold evening on the fellish mountains and on Eagles' Rock house of the Lord of South Divide.

Ryan, new recruit of the town guards, was in duty in that moment on the east tower when he suddenly saw something in the distance appoaching at fast pace. "For all the fellish! It´s a ...woman!" The woman was riding very fast and when came closer she seemed to be well equipped as well as trained. "Who rides there?" Ryan asked when the rider finally approached the gate of the town. The woman as an answer brought her mare to a standstill and said:"Greetings sentry. My name is Rae Aedan and I come in my capacity as a herald of Poryatwon. Magrave Duer Aedan sends his salutations and neighbourly benevolence to your Lord. I also have a letter to deliver." While talking the woman opened her coat and revealed an emblem with white towers on a blue field.

"Welcome to South Divide herald of Poryatown. Please come in, Sir Eodrin will be soon to you. Open the gate".

After having entered the town the woman was welcomed by a middle aged man, well dressed and apparently unequipped. "Welcome herald of Poryatwon. I am Sir Eodrin, adviser of Lord Eledor Theterre. Unfortunately my Lord is not here at the moment but I have been informed he will be soon. If you need to deliver the letter directly to him I am afraid you have to wait a day or so. In the mean time I would be glad to show you the hospitality of Swordfell by offering you a place to rest for the night and something to drink and eat".


Thought I would involve some adventurer stuff, such as wizards and monsters.

South Divide III

The gate opens with a loud crack as the frozen mechanism starts moving. Inside the city Rae is welcomed by a middle aged, well dressed man:"Welcome herald of Poryatwon. I am Sir Eodrin, adviser of Lord Eledor Theterre. Unfortunately my Lord is not here at the moment but I have been informed he will be soon. If you need to deliver the letter directly to him I am afraid you have to wait a day or so. In the mean time I would be glad to show you the hospitality of Swordfell by offering you a place to rest for the night and something to eat drink and eat".

The man is unarmed and on foot, so Rae dismounts and transfers her sword to the horses' saddle, all the while thinking about Sir Eodrin´s words. As her assignment is to deliver a missive to the Lord of South Divide she answers:"Sir Eodrin, I have explicit orders to deliver a message to Chancellor Eledor Theterre so I would very much like to stay and hand over the letter in person, at your Lord´s earliest convenience. A place in the warm to close my eyes would be highly appreciated, as would be dinner and a warm brew. I have encountered some trouble on the road from Poryatown and the rest is fairly needed. I also have some news to share of a wizard and some monsters in the vicinity, although the beasts have been already decimated by my sword."


South Divide IV

The main road of Eagles' Rock was unique in its kind: it was a long and large road - whose extremity was covered with many long and ancient trees - connecting the estate of Lord Eledor to the main gate of the town. While walking on the road was possible to admire the incredible beauty of the mountains sorrounding South Divide. "It seems definetely a nice place to live" Rae thought when she heard a person exclaiming: "The Lord! The Lord is coming!!" then one of the several peasants there moved his arm into the direction of the gate that was opening in that moment.

Hundrends of soldiers carrying the banner of Swordfell entered the town walking through the main road with a determined pace: those soldiers were the archers of the 'Theterre Arrows', veterans coming back from the south after the victory against Asylon in the battles of Axewild and Mattan Dews. Their leader was a young tall man, no more than 30 years old, dark hair and dressed as a soldier. "Finally! That one must be Lord Eledor" thought Rae. After the army approached her the leader of the units turned his head in the direction of the harald of Poryatown. Rae was moved by the eyes of that man, eyes that communicated assertiveness but also a sense of dignity. "Is it possible that he knows I am here?" she thought.

Later that day, Rae was introduced by Sir Eodrin to the court of the master of South Divide. "My Lord, this is the herald from Poryatown. She is carrying a message from her Lord. Herald, may I have the honor to introduce you Lord Eledor Theterre, Viscount of Sout Divide, Marshal of the Stom Legion and Chancellor of Swordfell."   


South Divide V

The uniform, that had been freshly made in Poryatown, had required some stitches after the encounter with Pawclaws in the foothills of South Divide, but a competent seamstress in town had done a good job on it. Therefore Rae feels only marginally inadequate when she steps in front of the Viscount of South Divide and his court. Left hand wandering to her side out of habit, the unaccustomed absence of a sword´s pommel puzzling her for a moment, then she swiftly assumes a position of attention, arms behind her back and begins to speak.

"I greet thee, most honourable Lord Eledor Theterre, Viscount of South Divide, Marshal of the Storm Legion and Chancellor of Swordfell. Rae Aedan is my name and I most humbly serve as a Herald for the city of Poryatown in the Hegemony of Luria Nova. Your town received me with kindness in your absence and since then I have had the chance to become acquainted with your subjects. Even after such a short time spent in South Divide, I can see that your people are as pleasant as these mountains are aesthetic." At this point she makes a low bow before continuing "My Lord, Magrave Duer Aedan, extends his salutations in the name of neighbourly amity and sends his best wishes. I was also instructed to deliver a personal message to you." With these words she retrieves a letter from her breastpocket and presents it with another bow.


So, here comes the mentioned letter. I sent it from my noble.

South Divide VI

Viscount Eledor Theterre,

May these words find you in good health and spirit.

Ever since being appointed Magrave of Poryatown I have planned on improving relations with Lords and Ladies in the vicinity. This venture was not to be restricted to Luria Nova, on the contrary, it was and is, in particular my wish to extend the offering hand of friendship transboundary. To show my sincerety for this undertaking I have charged my Herald with delivering messages personally to their destination.

Swordfell and Luria Nova have long been on friendly terms and I hold admiration for your realm and its upright policies. As you hold many titles of importance within your nation, one can only assume you have actively contributed to the way Swordfell conducts itself and I would like to count a person of such candor to my acquaintance.

Would you agree to maintain corrsepondence, be it on important matters or just trivia?


Duer Aedan
Margrave of Poryatown


It´s been some time since Rae had work to do, but here goes. As Poryatown is under attack from Morek I thought I´d take another approach. Rae is called back from the north to do some less diplomatic work in Luria, like scouting and hunting monsters. Maybe she meets the new knights of Poryatown, when the region is (hopefully^^) retaken. There might also be some conflict between her and Duer as she probably won´t like that he just uses her as he wishes. But let´s see how it all plays out.

A premature return

A tavern near the fellish border to Lupa Lapu. Sitting with her back to the wall and keeping an eye on the entrance Rae reads the letter for the fifth time.

QuoteDear Cousin,

May this letter find you in good health and may your road be devoid of danger, although I know you can easily take care of anything that dares to cross your path with ill intent.

I am pleased with your efforts as herald in the north and you shall continue your work soon, but as you may already know, Poryatown is currently occupied by morekian forces. The enemy invaded when Luria´s forces where engaged in the south and we have yet to retake the city as the journey to the northern border is long.

The reason you have not been sent on another mission of diplomacy so far, is that I may have use for your other talents ere the conflict with Morek ends.

Travel to Poryatu and report to Captain Dankred of the Poryatown Rangers.

With benevolence,

Duer Aedan
Magrave of Poryatown

Folding the letter and stashing it in her breastpocket, she sighs deeply before emptying the remnants of ale in her tankard. Being in her cousin's employ might be more challenging than she had first expected.


I have lost some little RP´s of Rae in Luria, but nothing of great importance happened.

The forgotten Coast

The scent of the sea is gradually being suppressed by the smell of hare, frizzling over a camp fire. Rae had actually rubbed the meat in herbs - no reason to waste a good meal after all, even if it is intended as bait.  The villagefolk had not known what attacked their cattle at night, but the carcasses shown to her were quite telling. If her guess was right, the roasting meat would draw out her bounty sooner rather than later. Her cousin would be furious if he knew she was taking assignments, but her body ached for combat - the thrill only battle can breed needs to be satisfied once in a while and nothing is quite as challenging as a fight with -
A bloodcurdling howl cuts through the night. Shivers run down Rae's neck as she picks up her javelin and turns her back to the fire. Closing her eyes to enhance her night vision she listens into the night. The slow beat of humongous paws sprinting towards her sends a tremor through the earth. Every muscle in her body tense, weapon at the ready she awaits her opponent in the fading hours of the night.


The Alley of Swords

Dawn slowly creeps over the mountain peeks surrounding the Alley of Swords. Rae follows the main road through rolling hills and rocky steppes, bustling with the activity of summer. Animals and peansants alike give a wide berth, avoiding her grim figure.  Cave Horror`s blood is tenacious and it would not simply wash out in the cold water of a river. Her uniform needed the attention of a professional, if it was salvagable at all. Her current shape was definitely not ideal for a diplomatic mission, but the emblem of Poryatown on her chest was still plainly visible throught the beast`s gore and if she believed her cousin`s words, the item, clad in silken bands and stowed in her pack would be most welcomed by the local Lady.

The men guarding the town`s gate become edgy as she approaches. Their eyes taking in her weapons and the obvious traces of recent bloodshed on her clothing. The senior member of the guard frowningly comes up to her:"I say, quite a state you are in there. Ain`t a man`s blood I hope?" Rae rummages through her saddle bags and finally presents a massive and wickedly shaped claw to the wide-eyed man:"Had to fight for a palce to sleep on my way here." A small grin plays on her face she continnues"My name is Rae Aedan and I come in my capacity as a herald of Poryatown.". She uses the claw to point at the emblem of white towers on a blue field. ,,Magrave Duer Aedan sends his salutations and neighbourly benevolence to your Lady. I bare gifts and written words for her."