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"Turnchange Button"

Started by Kaltenthal, November 03, 2013, 11:42:44 AM

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I know that this request is very exotic and i am anxious to hear what all of you think about it.

I have often slapped myself after finding my timepool drained because i was playing around with region settings, unit recruitment or other actions that cost small amounts of time like one hour.
Then i thought about a small solution to the problem.

If there would be a button that had to be activated to committ all time consuming changes and being able to reset some of your actions before they where calculated at the turn would save many players from frustrated waiting for the turnchange to do the things that they wanted to do during the last turn but wherent able to because they had no time.

I also thought about at least a few of the actions that should be reversible before committing them.

  • Unit oriented features like: Recruiting Troops, Paraphernalia actions and so on.
  • Region management features: Renaming, Resizing, creating or removing an Estate, tax settings.
Thanks for reading this far without ragequiting your browser.
Like i said, this is merely a play of thought and im looking forward to hear your opinions on it.


I am pretty sure Tom wont like the idea, considering his dislike of confirmation pages. If there is not going to be a "are you sure?" page, i dont think there is going to be an option for a do-over   :-\

On a slightly related note, I dont even see why Estate actions need hours, especially renaming them. Renaming RCs dont need any hours. It take so many hours, especially when you are reorganising your estates to accommodate a new knight.
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Not going to happen.

One, we don't do hand-holding. But the more important reason is that there are many things in the game with a random factor, and that is often calculated when you do an action, e.g. build a recruitment center. If we had an "undo" button, people would just try-undo-try-undo until they get what they wanted.

And if we allow "undo" only for a subset of actions, that would be confusing.


FWIW, I had talked to Tim about changing the estate system to allow you to change multiple parts of an estate and only cost one hour per estate. However, its not a super quick fix so I don't know when it'll be gotten around to.


Hehe.. thats funny... thats exactly the system that got me thinking about something like that in the first place.

Thanks for fixing that part ppl! Keep up your great work!


With estate management, I would just like to be able to see what certain changes will do before implementing the changes and loosing the hours.


Quote from: Charles on November 04, 2013, 10:14:52 PM
With estate management, I would just like to be able to see what certain changes will do before implementing the changes and loosing the hours.
Well I want the bundle with it but yeah that would be really nice too.
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Tom on November 03, 2013, 01:40:24 PM
Not going to happen.

One, we don't do hand-holding. But the more important reason is that there are many things in the game with a random factor, and that is often calculated when you do an action, e.g. build a recruitment center. If we had an "undo" button, people would just try-undo-try-undo until they get what they wanted.

And if we allow "undo" only for a subset of actions, that would be confusing.

We could work around this for most cases by not committing and calculating the effect of an action until the "commit" button is pressed. But then we are talking more work for what is already not a trivial change. For this to work we need to modify the system to persist choices made until the button is pressed, keep track of the "projected" hours left for the turn. Modify all existing checks for hours left to use the projected value rather then the hour pool as we currently do.

So in essence guys what I am saying is an undo button for actions completed is not practical, since we can game it to easily, it would basically allow save scumming. We COULD introduce a orders queue so you can plan out a turn, but in that case I imagine nothing would happen till you hit the commit button and it would be a lot of work
I think the way forward is to "preview" systems for some pages like estate management as Vita spoke about.
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