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Leatho Blint's Trial

Started by Sonya, November 05, 2013, 04:43:16 PM

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Hello everyone, this is a Roleplay that involved many characters during more than a week of interval. Will try to piece things together for a nice reading, note that different players format their Roleplay-Dialog Text differently, will try to unify the format to avoid confusions.

Leatho Blint

Leatho stood in the shadows of a tree, he looked over the camp of his prey. The king of Suville. He played back in his mind the vision he'd had of Da Goat, telling him he must strike down the man who would seek to cause terror across the lands.

He moved off into the night, he moved through the fields and trees that lined the edge of the camp. He moved into the camp and came up behind a personal guard, not a highly trained soldier. Leatho clamped his hand across the man's mouth and whispered.

"For Da Goat"

Before he slit the man's throat. He moved on and came across two more guards, throwing his knife at one and sprinting to the other, he heard the gurgle of the one man as his knife hit him in the throat and Leatho slid on the ground sweeping the second man's legs from under him and hitting him the throat, temporarily paralyzing his vocal chords. He then snapped the man's neck. Retrieving his blade he moved on.

He snuck around the back of the tent where Kindel was sleeping, he quietly cut a hole in the tent and stepped inside. He crept over to the still sleeping form of Kindel, he drew his dagger and as he was about to strike the man woke up. Leatho hit him in the sternum knocking the wind from him and then stabbed him between the ribs. A quick surgical cut. He waited until he felt the sigh and breath leave Kindel, the man was alive, barely. If he did not receive medical attention soon he would bleed out and die. He drew his sword and stepped out the front of the tent, with two strong quick slashes from his sword, the two personal guards that stood outside the tent lost their heads. Leatho went back inside and wrote a quick note that read;

"For your transgressions against Da Goat and his way, I strike thee down in his name. Be warned all who would seek to harm out faith. All followers will be protected and avenged. Da Goat laughs at those who would come and challenge his followers. So I dare thee, come and seek retribution, all shall see the same fate. "

With that he posted it into the main post of the tent with a knife and left. As he was leaving the camp he tossed a burning log onto a tent on the outskirts. A message and warning to all who would hunt and hurt Da Goat.

After this the rumours spreaded through all continent, leatho was asked for the queen to make presence on the Palace.

Leatho Blint

Leatho rode through the streets of Sullenport and was greeted with various looks, some awe, some respect, but mostly fear. The common folk didn't know what to make of the silent hunter as he rode quietly through the streets. Moments later he was riding up the main path to the Imperial palace, met by the royal guard with stern faces and even sterner voices he handed the reigns to a stable boy who took his horse.

He ascended the steps of the palace and was met by a contingent of guards who stopped him. He could tell by the way they approached him that they were meant to frisk him for weapons. The guard reached his hand out to start patting him down and Leatho grabbed the man's wrist and said in a low gruff voice.

"I kill people for a living, do you really think I am unarmed? Or that I need a blade to kill someone should they be a target? Lastly, if I were to kill the queen, do you really think I would bother walking through all her security checkpoints knowing full well I would be checked like this?"

The guard stuttered a bit and didn't know how to react until a commander walked into the room and said

"Release your weapons to us."

Leatho smiled a wolfish grin and said in a tantalizing tone.

"You are welcome to try and take them from me."

The guard stepped forward and pulled Leatho's sword from its sheath and Leatho pulled the man to him in the blink of an eye with a knife at his throat.

"You forgot this blade to. As well as the others stashed about my body. How about I get them for you, so no one here has to hurt themselves."

Only then did Leatho acknowledge the fact that there were several archers with bows drawn taunt pointed at him. He stepped back from the guard and handed his knife to him hilt first. Several moments later he was being lead to a waiting room and sat in a wooden straight backed chair. The guard knocked on the door and announced his presence to the Queen and then left.

Alex Kessler

From window of his office, Alex saw Leatho Blint riding towards the castle. Words has spread of the arrival of Leatho in Sullenport. The door knocks and here comes one of the castle's guard-in-command and another guard. Alex turns away from the window, he had a quick glance on the young guard, a bit naive looking, easily bullied and quickly turn back to the commander.

The commander asked, "You like to see me, General?"

"Just in time....", he nods and took a short glance out before facing back, "I'm sure you noticed Leatho has arrived and he seek audience with Her Majesty...."


"Disarm him....."

"Most certainly....." as he pardon himself out of the door. A bit of hesitating, he turned to Alex, "General.... Will you be joining in the meet?"

"Depends, only if Her Majesty commands......"

"I'll be own my way then", before making his way, Alex interupts, "Also...... Send someone to call Siegfried back from his holidays....."

"Very well......", the guard said.

Sonya Jimenez

There is a loud commotion outside of the Palace on Sullenport, filled with letter from around the continent Sonya sighs and lean back on the chair to take a breath, quickly a guard comes and deliver a message.

"Your majesty!"

"What is that commotion, i am not in the mod neither is the time for such things!"

"Your pardon my Queen, but Leatho is outside as you requested, he is speaking with the General."

Sonya twist the letter she has on hand while grinding her teeths.

"Tell them to come, and leave the door open for any noble on Sullenport to come, this is not a trial, but something we must discuss."

The guard turn around to give the messages then stops, and slowly return to Sonya while asking...

"Well...ahh your majesty, he does not want to surrender his weapons, shall i request him in your name?"

Rising her voice, Sonya hit the table with anger with her reply.

"Of course he will not hand over his weapon, if he does that i will personally kill him myself"

Sonya points at the guard like if she were kicking him out.

"Go move and call Kari as well, in the situation i am right now i will need someone to control me!"

The guards proceed to give the messages, at the same time more correspondence arrives.

Alex Kessler 

He walks while stretching a bit wearing his armor and his sword on it's hilt. A little tight after so long in peace. He usually don't drink beer but he did it anyway. As he walks towards the main castle, he sense some kind of weird vibe. People are a bit restless. Some look like they have slept for days.

"I wonder  what happened.......", he asked himself. Sipping his beer and practically hopping his way to the castle. What an adorable sight.

The moment he enters the castle, courtiers, squires, you name it, all ran towards him. Everyone was waiting for his arrival.

"Sire, where do you want to set the command posts?", "Sir, we need you to read this message", "Sir, there's a list of things that I'm suggesting that we shoud do.....", and the questions was endless. He tried to push them aside being clueless in the loop.

"Stop..... Stop..... Stop!!!!!"

Suddenly everyone stopped their pushing and questioning. And then he asked:

"Where's the General?", asked Siegfried.

"The General?", one of the audience said, "He asked us to seek you just a moment ago...... 'All paperworks will be handled by Siegfried', he said to us and he asked us to give you this", as he handles over a piece of paper.

"Siegfried, never expected seeing you with a beer in your hand but good job. Still, the hopping was a little childish. Good luck with paperworks and welcome back from your holidays"

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" Siegfried screamed.

Leatho Blint

Leatho sat in the waiting room outside Sonya's office, the chairs were obviously designed to make one feel uncomfortable and very aware of their posture. Which Leatho pushed to the back of his mind. He smiled to himself as he thought about the looks on the guards faces when he refused to ahdn over his weapons.

"Kari will be furious about this situation"

Leatho thought to himself. The guard opened the door to Sonya's office and had a look of fear and confusion written on his face. Leatho stood gracefully and entered the room. He had heard that the queen was opening this "conversation" up to the public and was curious to see who would turn out for it.

As he walked into the room he took note of every guard in the room, their positions and the way they held themselves. All of them looked nervous to have him in such close proximity to the queen. Leatho stood in the middle of the room his hands clasped gently together in front of him, he bowed at the waits and inclined his head as he said,

"My Queen, what can I do for you?"

Sonya Jimenez   

Sonya gazes at the silhouette of sir Leatho entering the hall, she put the letters in the table then stands up walking towards Leatho.

"Sir Leatho Blint, it has been a while since we saw each other."

She approaches to Sir Leatho, gives him a hug and then she returns back to her desk and with a smile continues to speak.

"How have been your adventures through the continent, I have heard news of your amazing deeds, assaulting Council Members and Royal Families."

She stares at Leatho and grimes at him.

"The continent seems to be too small for you right I wonder..."

She sorts out some letters on her desk and picks one with a hand, while hitting her desk hard.

"I wonder WHY IN THE NAME OF "#$/>)%!/(!25&%/(!#"% YOU ASSAULTED KING KINDEL?"

Sonya's humor changes, the forceful smile she had a while ago is long gone, and starts to throw at Leatho's feet some of the letters she has in her desk.

"Look all of that, you have idea of what is that? These are the letter and report I have received from around the continent, don't give me predicaments of spies and conspirator theory."

Sonya stands up and starts to walk around, stopping at moments to see Leatho and talk.

"Everyone knows you work in the shadows; I am not condemning that, which could have been solved like I do all the times when you get in caught in foreign land lurking in the bedroom of some Realm's Council, smiling and playing the fool. Promising to do something and wait for them to forget."

"This time, not only you abandoned the shadow that protect you, you went out and taunt your victims and using the name of Da Goat without permission to declare a holy war with a realm that have been on my nerves the entire time"

"You, an infiltrator, took part into a personal vendetta in PUBLIC! Do you think you are immortal, that you will not get caught ever, I haven't seen so far the perfect assassin, all and every one of them have failed."

Sonya stops moving and return to her desk standing in front of it, from there she pick up another report.

"Don't stay there silently, this is not funny. I need you to talk, tell me everything, about the assault, about Ivore, about using Da Goat, and last but not least ABOUT KINDEL!"

She sits in expectancy of Leatho's reply, twisting the report she had in her hand, while murmuring.

"I will not let you sink Carelia alone, I will make a deep hole and bury you first........."

Leatho Blint

Leatho stood there silently as he listened to the queen berate him, her shouting and accusations swung at him and he stood there, motionless and silent as though they were not even hitting him. When at last she demanded him to speak and listed what he was to speak of he tilted his head, the first movement he had made in nearly 20 minutes. His icy pale blue eyes stared at Sonya for a long while as he gathered his thoughts to him.

"My queen, you are asking me questions that I cannot answer. You ask me to divulge secrets and information that I am not at liberty to speak of."

He saw the fury begin to rise in her eyes and face and he quelled it by starting to speak again.

"I will tell you what I can. You are right about a lot. I have caused you more trouble then I am worth, I am the first to admit that. But that is exactly what I do. I cause trouble. You of all people should understand the ripple effect that one person's actions can have. As to your question of my mortality. I do not think myself immortal. Quite the opposite in fact, I am all to aware of my mortality and the ever looming possibility of death each and every day."

Leatho began to pace slowly. His hands folded behind his back. He ignored the slight urge to scratch at the scar on the left side of his face.

"There are more people who want to see your head on a spike than you can imagine. My actions against King Kindel were not out of personal vendetta. Drunks would call what I experienced, a moment of clarity. I saw a path laid out before me and I followed it. Kindel happened to be on that path as an obstacle. I simply removed him from the path. My brother once told me that Death smiles and greets us all, every day. All we can do as men and women of this earth are smile back and simply tell death, not today my friend. I fight that battle every day."

Leatho stopped and stared directly at Sonya as she sat behind her desk.

"You sit there and accuse me and demand that I speak on the actions of Lord Ivore. I cannot do that. I know not why he attacked Kindel. However I can tell you this, I would happily die for Ivore, he is a brother to me and I to him. We are all just pawns on the world stage. We who choose to act, we who choose to move up and take control as players rather than pieces, we are the ones who make a difference. You can condemn me to whatever hell you believe in and banish me from this realm. But know this. In the end everyone receives their dues."

Leatho stepped back and bowed his head respectfully before saying

"My queen, I am afraid that I can not say anything else. I apologize for not being able to satisfy your need for knowledge. Will there be anything else?"

Alex Kessler

Alex stood there, leaning against the wall next to the door, outside of the Queen's office. He is aware of everything they said. He heard everything. When he walked in when Leatho bowed his head, he interrupted before the Queen could response.

"My Queen, if I may....."

He stared at Leatho, with a hard look on his face. He rethinks of the chaos that he has done. He sighed and continued:

"I heard of all the excuses you give before I entered this office. I ask you now..... Who do you pledge your loyalty most....? You are thinking of the questions that you can't answer. If you really are loyal to Carelia, you would ask yourself, what are questions that you can answer. You are a man of oath, you speak highly of your loyalty to keep those secrets and information but now is not the time for that. Now is the time to redeem and show your loyalty to Carelia. Even if you so ever choose to not reveal those 'secrets and information', I prefer you telling us all you can answer to Carelia, and not only when the questions come forward. That is of course.... If you ever thought of Carelia's well-being......"

And then he turned to the Queen.

"Pardon me for my long speech. Here's the report for the day. I won't be around the palace, my Queen. I got some errands that needed my attention.", he bowed to everyone and said, "Farewell......"

He walks near Leatho, took one look, tucked his arms around himself and walks away.

Leatho Blint 

Leatho listened to another berating from Sir Alex, the relatively new and untested General At Arms. He stood there silently and again did not move while he was being questioned and accused.

"I pledge my loyalty to those who have earned it. I have been alive and serving Carelia far longer than you. I have shown my loyalty to Carelia time and time again. I have bled for this realm. I have lost friends and family for this realm and I have served with honor and distinction in my time as a soldier of the battlefield."

Leatho took a deep breath and paused, he collected his thoughts and then launched into his speech.

"How dare you stand there and dictate to me what now is the time for. It has been the time for action for as long as I can remember and yet Carelia sits idly by and grows fat and bored. Weak and undisciplined as they obey the commands of a heathens and half-wits. I will not sit by and watch Carelia crumble fall into nothing. She was once the Hammer of the South! She has become the whore of the South! We are laughed at and mocked as our Queen tries to so called appease our enemies."

He turned to Sonya and bowed his head before saying

"Your Grace, I am sorry for saying what I must, but you asked for the truth and here it is. When will you grow a spine and gather our armies? Carelia was once strong and now we are weak. Weakness is temporary, but will become permanent if you let it. Discipline must be reinforced or it will crumble. Martial skill must be honed or it will be lost. We have sat around drinking and whoring like we are the victors. We are weak and pathetic."

Leatho looked over at Alex and said

"As for you, all I have ever done is think of Carelia's well being. And I promise you, should anyone ever suggest otherwise I will see to it they meet my blade."


Events before Alex walks away

Alex Kessler

Unamused by the words Leatho has spoken, Alex still looks pissed.

"Leatho, you are now questioning at least the loyalty half of the realm members here...... I'm young but I'm not that naive......"

As he swings his arms and shout, "Have you ever thought of the other realm members who stayed behind!?"

"I don't care if you ever bleed for Carelia. Others had bled more and I'm not going to let our traditions just die off like that. My job here is not to please your hunger, your arrogance. What you're doing now is destroying her. We are, as one, as Carelians, fight our own battles. We fight those who hurts our honour, face to face, not in the back."

He took a glimpse at the window and turned back to Leatho and said, "I bet you don't even know this, 'What many of the realms in Atamara would do, we wouldn't do for ourselves. Even if our wars are far and wide, we had never done this. And we proven it by conquering Ash'rily.'"

"This...... Very phrase.... Has kept me going.... And by this tradition, something I would preserve in the armies without any question."

"My Queen.... Speaking to him is useless.... A man with his pride, not know when to give in.... He would be a great troop leader in the armies.... But he chose the dagger.... And he knows what is coming the moment ever thought of attacking King Kindel...."

Leatho Blint

Leatho grew angrier as Alex spoke and he growled back at him.

"You speak of my arrogance and my pride, out of your own ignorance for what the world has come to boy. Choosing the dagger over Commanding a unit of soldiers did not forsake my honor! I watched my best friend, a man i considered family slaughtered by Suville forces. Mercilessly they cut him down as though he were cattle. Gave me this scar!"

he pointed to the scar tracing the length of his jaw on the left side of his face before continuing

"As a constant reminder as my failures as a soldier and troop commander."

He stepped towards Alex threateningly and smiled wickedly when the man instinctively started to reach for his sword before suppressing the unconscious action.

"I question the loyalty and honor of every single person in this realm. What have you done to better this realm? To better this world? Sit idly by and obey the unimportant commands of your superiors? I have done more for this realm than any of you can ever know!"

Leatho paused, looked straight down, closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He rose his head and turned his icy pale blue eyes to Alex and said in a voice dripping with a dangerous chilling tone.

"You say your job is not satisfy my hunger or my arrogance. You are correct. Your job is to defend this realm. Now do so. Prove yourself worthy of the title and office you hold. Always remember this, any office you hold can be taken from you much easier than it was given to you."

With that Leatho turned to the queen and said

"Will there be anything else or may I go? I have work to do."

Alex Kessler

"Ignorance!?", Alex is all fumed up, "All you do was for your own good! You don't represent Carelia in this!"

Alex sighed before giving one last attempt to get an explanation from Leatho.

"You! Do you know what damage did you did? You put innocent people on the line! You are here because of Carelia. If you were elsewhere, you're been gone and forgotten a long time ago! Do you know what are troubles you cost? The Empire wants us to get rid of you and a religion! A religion that didn't get involved! All because of your hunger!"

He gave out almost a cry for help, saying,

"My job is to protect Carelia. And to this extent, getting you out of Carelia is to protect Her. You don't know what has happened. You ignored diplomacy. The real strength of Carelia and her upbringings. Why can't you wait? Why can't you see we are trying to regain our honour with our own way?"

He closed his eyes, his face was full of sadness. He opens it quick, gather some courage.

"You just forsaken all your realm mates. All that they have done for. You're not the only one that has lost a friend, a family. There's nothing more I can say. What is done, is done. Wait for the verdict. If we do let you stay, I really hope that you fight with honour. Because it's the war you wanted and I want you to see the results to the end."

And then he turned to the Queen.

"Pardon me for my long speech. Here's the report for the day. I won't be around the palace, my Queen. I got some errands that needed my attention.", he bowed to everyone and said, "Farewell......"

Leatho Blint

Leatho stood there and listened to Alex yell at him. After Alex left he turned to the queen once more and said

"Your grace, forgive my rash tongue. I spoke out of anger. I humbly accept whatever verdict you reach. Should you choose to banish me, I will harbor no ill feelings towards you."

Sonya Jimenez

Sonya listens for a while the discussion between the two nobles, but she feel that it was the time to put an end to the discussion.

"Thats enough! Both of you!........"

She pauses and takes a deep breath.

"Leatho, i know how you feel, but don't think you are the only one, not even once. Every Carelia is grown tired of being tied by hand and feet with nothing to do, but you have to understand, that Carelia is in no position to fight."

"This continent is ruled by diplomacy, not by swords anymore. You cant take actions by your own will, i understand that you have to fight with your friend, i wont ask you anymore about your promise and what are you both after, but i wasnt you to assume responsibility of your action, you know everything has consequences."

Sonya open her desk and grab a note she had stored and reads.

"Remember when you attacked Ravendon Eirikr? he was the ruler of Silnaria that time and for that action, you lost your position of  Count."

She turns the page and continues.

"For the Attack of Kindel Baranof and the use the name of "Da Goat" by your own mean, i shall remove you the Citizenship rights to remain on Carelia."

Sonya closes the notes and look back at Leatho.

"The Judge is not here, so for now i will have to ask you to leave, not the realm, but the continent as well, our ancerstors and those who have died by Carelia should know you have your rights, but things aren't like that anymore."

Sonya stands up and approach Leatho, she pats his shoulders and continue to walk outside the palace.

"Come with me, i will wait you in the harbord we will finish talking there."

Leatho Blint

He went back in his apartments, talking with his close friend and adviser Gabriel.

"The pieces are set, Alex now has rage coursing through his veins."

Gabriel stood and listened as Leatho recounted the days events. He nodded and listened and when his master was done he said

"Was that wise my lord?"

Leatho turned and faced his comrade.

"Wise? Perhaps not. Necessary? Very."

I love kari, she roleplays my character and i like it a lot! i couldn't done it any better.

Karandras Ulthran

Sonya stood outside the palace and watched as Leatho rode out.
Her honour guard shifted around her nervously, their eyes constantly scanning the area for any threats, no matter how small.

"That could have gone better..." came a quiet voice.

Sonya span quickly to find Karandras standing on the Royal Palace steps.

"You heard?"

Kari simply nodded.

A flash of irritation washed over the Queen's face.

"...and didn't feel the need to intervene, at all?"

The duchess shrugged.

"What could I have said?"

A deep frown sat on her thin lips.

Sonya starred a moment longer before she shrugged back and gave a heart-felt sigh.

"I don't know"

She began to walk up the stairs towards her friend, who waited formally, before joining her Queen in returning to the palace.

Silence dominated until they were almost back to Sonya's office, before the Queen says.

"I am doing the right thing....amn't I, Kari?"

The duchess did not respond for a second, waiting for the monarch to enter the small room before her, then closed the doors, leaving the guards outside.

"There is no "right thing", in this case"

She said, flatly.

Sonya nodded, moving to sit behind her desk, then offering the other woman a seat which she knew she would not take.  Instead, Karandras ambled around the office, as she always did, inspecting the shelves upon shelves of manuscripts and scrolls.

"To do nothing will result in war...."

The Queen began

"But to exile a loyal Carelian..."

Kari said, finishing the thought.

"I assume then we will be outlawing the Da Goat? Since that order will, no doubt, also be enforced by the Empire"

Sonya faltered, a fact Karandras picked up on, turning from the shelves to look at the seated woman, arching an eyebrow.

The Queen slumped in her chair.

"He's put me in an untenable position..."

Kari smirked slightly, remembering her own dealings with Leatho.

"He has a habit of doing that; but he is a good man, and does what he thinks is right"

Sonya nodded glumly.

"Aye...and we could do with more of them, not less...."

"We will miss his sword when the inevitable war comes"

The duchess mused, turning back to the scrolls.

"There will be no war"

Sonya said meekly, the words lacking conviction and passion.

"Then we will die a slow, protracted death instead of a short, glorious one"

"Are those the only options?" 

The Queen asked

Kari turned and looked at her, a pitying smile on her pale face.
Sonya sighed; she knew they were up against it. Carelia would not be permitted to gain land, yet at the drop of a hat any of the Empire's lapdogs, who encircled them, could be given the mandate to invade, she knew the nation was haemorrhaging knights, and now they were being forced to exile another, and she knew Kari to be something of a pessimist by nature. 

"You are not cheering me up any, Duchess"

she finally said.

"Forgive me...I must confess to being in something of a low mood myself"

The Queen nodded.

"I know you and Leatho are close"

Kari nodded, her eyes losing focus as some memory or another sprang to the fore.

"I...will miss him"

She confided a moment later.


she added, shaking her head gently to clear the thought.

"We should head to the docks..."

A forced smile sat awkwardly on her lips.

Glancing up, the Queen could see a slight wateriness to the sapphires set into Kari's face.  She nodded supportively.

"Of course..."

she said in a quiet voice.

Front this point it was Roleplay on Personal message, since both Leatho and Sonya were walking alone.

Leatho Blint

Leatho leaves his apartment and meet Sonya who was waiting outside, he whispered to her.

"Your Grace, Do not think I will leave Atamara willingly. Banish me from Carelia. But you have no right to Banish me from this continent. Do that and I will come back to haunt that decision."

He stopped and looked at her and said "Do not make this mistake."

Some text were erased to avoid Meta-Gaming issues, sorry readers..

Sonya Jimenez

Sonya put her hand in front of her eyes and stop the bright sun, she listens to Leatho and noods.

"You know....the Empire and its allies are using your name to seek carelia and destroy it, we should not permit that. Even if we have to sacrifice you."

Some guards approached them, but sonya signals them to stop.

"Hold it soldiers, you know that this Carelian is not a criminal, he will walk straight head, by his own feet. Could you please entertain the Judge for a while, i want to talk with Leatho alone"

The Soldiers retreat and Sonya grabs Leatho by his shoulders, while walking she tries to conceal her face with her other hand.

"You should take a boat, go to another continent and never come back"

They arrived at the pier, Sonya had already prepared a vessel for the occasion.

"I will not let The empire and its allies to get hold of you, or use you for whatever they want, your life worth more than anything the Empire can give me."

Sonya takes a breath and sighs.

"Well this is the option i have, but is up to you to decide, and whatever your choice, either sailing to another continent, or walk your way out,  i will respect your choice."

Leatho Blint

Leatho returned to his apartments his fingers tented before him and Gabriel sat across from him. Ghost lay beside Leatho and finally after a deafaning silence Leatho spoke.

"Arrange passage to the Far Eastern Islands for Ellaria, she will stay with her brother."

Gabriel nodded and then spoke

"My Lord, I hate to bring this up but it is on your mind as well I can see, should we inform.... her..?"

Leatho raised his eyebrows and got the dangerous look in his face for a brief moment. Then shook his head and said

"Nay, as much as I wish I could see her one last time. We dare not. Its too risky. Though I trust you will have some of your best watch over her. I want the name of any assassin who comes to harm her."

Gabriel nodded and stood, as did Leatho. They embraced and Gabriel said "I will miss you my old friend." Leatho whispered to him so that only he could hear

"I have no intention of leaving this continent. Speak of this to no one."

When Leatho pulled away from the hug he was pleased to see the look of surprise hidden on Gabriel's face. Gabriel left to do as Leatho had asked and then Leatho dropped to one knee, let out a low quiet whistle and Ghost stood and padded over to him. Leatho grabbed the dire wolf's face in his hands and scratched him behind the ears and spoke softly to him

"Pericula sunt longe a nobis super amice"

Ghost's ruby red eyes glowed and the wolf slightly lowered his head, eyes cast downward. A gesture Leatho had only seen the wolf do once before when his deceased sister and trained the wolf and they had truly become master and wolf. Leatho smiled and stood calling to his daughter who came into the room.

Leatho picked her up and said to her.

"You are going to visit your older brother for a while my darling. He is a grand warrior in the Far Eastern Isle and will take good care of you."

Ellaria looked at him and said

"Where are you going Daddy?"

Leatho's heart broke as he had to send his daughter away and then he said

"Daddy has to go somewhere for work, Ill miss you very much princess."

He kissed her on the forehead and put her to the ground. He was happy she didnt ask him anymore questions. He looked to Ghost and said

"tolle eam Gabriel"

Ghost nudged Ellaria with his wet nose and she jumped onto his back, he padded out of the room taking care to make sure she stayed on his back while he took her to Gabriel.

There is, thanks for reading! Feel free to comment.