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The puppet show (Brutus Truimph)

Started by Bhranthan, November 04, 2013, 09:39:32 AM

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Brutus enters the gates of Isadril on top of his large black mount Incitatus with his loyal steward close at his side, Captain Confirmus.
His 30 men unit is busy pulling several carts through the gates, loaded with a curious collection.
One could make out from a distance, that the carts are filled with human body parts, heads in particular.
A soldier close to High Marshal Brutus carried a banner with the family colors along side those of Fallangard.
The banner was decorated by chopped off fingers and severed heads, with helmets still on there.
The expression on their faces indicated a violent death, and the helmet it self implied  them to be of high quality Armonian cavalry.
One of the carts seemed to be filled with captured wild boars and long, wooden poles from Enubec with many fine carvings in it, a local custom there.
These where the trophies of war, and from upon entering, all eyes where fixed on the High Marshal and his entourage, indicating a sound victory, people cheered as he came by.
They stop for a bit to deliver a bunch of heads to the gate keeper with the instruction to place it on top of it, for all to see.
As they continued Brutus graciously waved back at the local citizens with a large grin on his face.

"You know Confirmus, i actually enjoy this more then the aftermath of a good peasant mob mopping. To mutilate the survivors and take there precious body parts does not feel as fulfilling as actually riding in the capital with it. The cheers and happy faces , what an attention, and all directed at me."

Brutus seemed to stare at the peasants with a gloomy look, almost as if he was day dreaming, making his grinning look a little more disturbed then normal.

Confirmus chuckled uninterruptedly and just answered with an otherworldly "Yesss...." from time to time, almost constantly rubbing his hands conspicuously.

"Ahh, the sweat taste of victory! Bring the rest of our trophies to the central square, we will give them a proper show. I will have plenty of business to attend to my self, your in charge of the show."

Brutus turned his horse to face his captain.

"Bring them a great one." he said before riding off towards the castle without waiting for an awnser.
Confirmus didn't flinch, but just kept on rubbing his hands, chuckling.
None of Lord Brutus staff even questioned Confirmus abilities, if he was good at anything, it is organizing these kind of activities, or acquiring the material for it.
And within no time, Brutus men are seen building a specially designed stage in the city center, in preparation of a puppet show of the kind no one has ever seen before.
Brutus the Brute - Kleptes the Thief - Atreus the Brave - Alucina the Lucid


Hahaha epic description. It even shocked me for a moment as I re-read the banner part. Heads and Fingers! I liked it a lot, reminded me of warhammer 40k hehe.