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From the Desk of Drizztle Sharpespeare

Started by Drizzt_The_Dark, November 13, 2013, 07:08:53 PM

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"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!" A messenger shouted as he ran up to his King and the living men of Castiel's Fury. "There's been these posters put up!" The messenger handed his King a poster. As Drizztle read the poster he chuckled to himself. The messenger then excused himself.

"Captain Adred, can you believe this? That arrogant fool thinks Silnarians are as treacherous as Leonians. They would sell out their own mothers for power, just like their king," Drizztle said as his Captain read the poster. "Do not worry, Your Majesty, The Leonain's ploy won't work," Captain Adred responded after reading the poster. "Oh I know that, good Captain. Those who would sell out their own people for power cannot understand those who would die for theirs. Silnaria has faced many challenges, but they would not abandoned their fellows. Those who would have already left Silnaria. So you see Captain, I'm not worry about Raoul's ploy. I'm worried for Raoul. He's obviously delusional."

Drizztle and his Captain shared smiles before getting back to what they were doing before the messenger arrived. "Silly Raoul" Drizztle muttered, mostly to himself.