Author Topic: The Trials and Tribulations of the 'Kings Guard'  (Read 10358 times)


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Roleplay from Logar Soul

Leaving the milita holdings where his unit remained, Logar walked on with almost reluctance. His unit was dear to him. Having spent many dark months together through the long winter nights, they had all learned to work together in unison and thus had grown a great fondness for each others well-being. They had been tested many times by certain evils that walk the lands.

Now without the burden of men and equipment, Logar pressed on.
He quickening his pace with every thought of the importance for reaching his destination with haste.

Upon passing the borders of Asylon into Vassar; The Phantarian lands; Logar recieved reports from several men and women fleeing frantically toward him with their children and few posessions.
Without question, Logar vacated the road immediately and continued his journey, cautiously through the valleys and fields of open country, seeking to avoid confrontation.

It was two days now, since Logar had left the comfort of the milita holdings in Gonophor. He now travelled a brisk walk, often breaking into jog, then shortly after, dropping back to a brisk walk. He continued this pace throughout the daylight into darkness, only stopping each night for 4 hours rest.
Having travelled through monster-ridden Vassar mostly unnoticed; and the peaceful region of Shoka, which surrounds the glorious Phantarian capital city of Shokalom; Logar began feeling a sense of warming comfort. Inklen!
He allowed himself a gentle smile as he thought of how close it was. Just a few hours away... Inklen... Home.
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd


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Roleplay from Logar Soul

Logar awoke, startled!
Working for most of the night mulling over the piles of scrolls on his desk, he had not realised that he had fallen asleep, exhausted, hunched over with forehead planted firmly upon his desk.
For crying out loud! he muttered as he realised he had knocked over the inkwell smearing ink all over important reports and down one side of his face, Logar you silly pisspot!

Logar jumped, half out of his skin upon hearing somebody behind him, clearing their throat, purposfully making their presence known to him. He swivelled in his chair to face the person who dared to invade his space and froze momentarily when he saw who it was staring down upon him. "You!" he blurted out without self control.
With a smile on the face of the 'cloaked stranger' present, but naturally concealed beneath her hood, she spoke "Hullo again Logar".
"Sh....friend!", Logar cried, almost joyous. He wanted to leap out and hug her. He flinched, but kept his composure. He knew he needed to contain his stern approach and show of strength as Marshal of the Kings Guard.
"Its a relief to see you again, stranger" he said, "Please excuse the mess, much has changed since your departure on your quest"
"My quest is far from over, old man" the stranger replied, "I just felt I needed to see you once again. Whilst I was in the vicinity, I gathered some local information for you". She handed Logar a report.
A flash of light caught Logars attention as the stranger spoke, and he found himself glancing at his vial hanging from the silver chain around the strangers neck.
"yes my friend, it has brought me much luck" the stranger announced, having noticed Logars sudden distraction.
"One question" he asked, "how are you able to still possess my treasure after you were captured, and spent a week in the dungeons?".
"Now now old man" She replied, "One should never question a lady of the secret hiding places she may possess upon herself!"
Logar stared for a few moments, bemused at her answer.....then expressed a wry grin, before churning out huge laughter, at the realisation of what this stranger has just pronounced.
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd


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After the tragic death of their Storm General Mihail, Logar and his men chanted this song, long into the early hours:

Give praise to the Storm General!
Lord Mihail, his name,
For he sacrificed himself for us,
Not for glory, nor fame.

A man of pure honour,
To him respect somewhat due.
A class 'A' strategist,
Those dogs had not a clue.

Those Astrum dogs came sniffing,
One dark stormy night.
From the shadows Mihail stepped
And spilled fear and fright.

I hate to bring bad tidings,
But a tale I must tell.
Of the tragic death of our General,
Of the night that he was fell.

Giving orders to mighty men,
Not from afar, but amidst the turmoil.
Then suddenly a rain of arrows,
Fell from above--impailing in soil.

There was one lonely arrow,
cast by William of Morek
Glaumring the intended target
But strayed--Oh Heck!

We mourn the loss of a Hero.
This empty void we shall fill,
With the blood and bones of our enemies,
Good Sir, Can you not hear them shrill?

Give praise to the Storm General!
Lord Mihail, his name,
For he sacrificed himself for us,
Not for glory, nor fame.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2014, 08:29:36 PM by Logar »
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd


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Re: The Trials and Tribulations of the 'Kings Guard'
« Reply #18: February 01, 2014, 11:03:02 PM »
Roleplay from Logar Soul

"Another report, M'Lord"
"put it with the rest I have there" Logar grumbled with a sigh.

Reports had been arriving for most of the evening. Logar spent that time reading, re-reading, cycling through the same reports over and over, his face expressing concern.
"May the Bloodmoon save me from despair!" he chanted, as he threw down the last report, sat back and rubbed his eyes with his palms.

'Asylon is being overrun by monsters. Where have they come from?' he sat thinking 'Astrum Dogs! what kind of witchcraft is this?'
Then the revelation hit
"The peace treaty is cursed!" he hissed!
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd


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Re: The Trials and Tribulations of the 'Kings Guard'
« Reply #19: February 02, 2014, 03:06:26 PM »
Roleplay from Logar Soul

A commotion could be heard just outside of his tent, whilst Logar studied ancient texts of times long past and almost forgotton. At that moment an angry man of large build; with a head of long gray hair tied back; stormed into the Marshals tent.
Without flinching, Logar lifted his gaze from his reading, glimpsed the man who so boldy barged his way past the guards, then returned his gaze to his texts.
"What are you doing here Father?" Logar questioned, without looking up.
"Is this how you greet me, your own Father? Wheres the wine?"
"Over there, help yourself" Logar replied, still gazed upon his scrolls, which interested him more than the presence of his abrupt visitor.
"I need to speak to you Son" his Father stated whilst sipping wine directly from the flask.
"Make it quick, I am busy"

Logar's Father was a brutal man; or had been during the upbringing of his two sons Usul and Logar, and his shameful daughter Sharn. Now without any communication to either of them for over a year, he had decided to pay Logar a surprise visit, much to Logars distaste.

"Oh come now Son, can you not show your Father a smidgen of respect for once" Father requested, "I have travelled far to see you."
he walked around the table to where Logar was sat, then approached to give his Son a warmly hug. In that instant, Logar slammed down the scroll he was reading, thrust his chair backwards, stood up and swiftly moved away from the poor attempt of his Fathers act of compassion, leaving Father stunned and somewhat ambarrassed. Father downed another swig of wine from the casket he still held in his hand.

Logar turned to face his Father and with angry expression blurted out "Respect!? Maybe you should have thought about that before banishing your own Daughter from the family estate!"
Father now stumped for words, downed another swig of wine, then another....then stated "I am here to talk to you about your Brother Usul...."
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd


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Re: The Trials and Tribulations of the 'Kings Guard'
« Reply #20: February 04, 2014, 04:01:47 PM »
Roleplay from Logar Soul   (7 minutes ago)
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"....and what news of my Brother can you possibly tell, that will interest me?" Logar replied, "I care not for my Brothers escapades."
"I have recieved some news" then putting down the casket of wine, "Usul has played a part in a rebellion in the Far East, overthrowing a government"
Logar then poured a cup of wine for himself "Well there seems nothing unusual about that, does it Father?"
"What if I told you that he has landed himself a position of High Chancellor" Father continued, "And is rumoured to have abused his position by performing acts of torture on his enemies"
"Then he is no more guilty than his own Father!" Logar expressed, refering to his Father's own methods of discipline and training "You taught him well"

Father swiped the casket from Logars hand, took a swig, then paced around the tent casually, studying varous items that lay randomly around: various maps, trinkets; picking up Logars sword, he pointed it Logars direction, looked down the length and ran his fingers along the cutting edge "You need to take greater care of your sword Son, It may be the difference between life and death" he said, "The safety of my favourite Son should be paramount. I am proud of what you have achieved here."

Knowing his Fathers methods, Logar questioned "Get to the point, what are you after?"
"Usul is bringing bad taste to our family name. I want you to speak to him"
"Are you mad? Can you no longer handle the merest sip of wine in your old age!" Logar retorted, "Usul will stab me in the back given the opportunity."
"But you are the only one who could possibly get through to him" Father pleaded, "He will not return my letters. You have no choice!"

Shocked at that last remark, an order as such had not been forced upon him for several years since leaving the family estate to seek his own path in the world "GET OUT!" Logar demanded, then in tone akin to a whisper, but with clenched teeth "You do not control me any more. Now Leave!.....Guards!"

As the guards rushed in, "Please take my Father away from here. organise an entourage of 6 men and escort him safely back to his home estate" in knowledge of the dangers of such a journey, whilst monsters rampaged the lands.
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd


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Re: The Trials and Tribulations of the 'Kings Guard'
« Reply #21: February 13, 2014, 11:57:21 PM »
Roleplay from Logar Soul

The past few weeks had begun to take its toll. logar was exhausted.
Himself and the last remaining survivor of his unit; whom had been savaged by beasts; together travelled the Mech regions evading all foes and working in the shadows to perform their maintenance work of the regions.

Logar had received promising reports from his knights, and heard tales of their recent battles against the beasts that were savaging the realm. The Kings Guard were stomping towards Lavendrow cutting down any wretched creature in their path.

Logar and his single loyal Captain now daparted from Mech Calen on a journey to rendezvous with the rest of the Guard in Lavendrow.
'It has been far too long my friends' Logar quietly thought to himself, realising the countless weeks it had been since enjoying the comforts and joy of the taverns, with his knights of the Kings Guard. With this thought, he suddenly felt a warmth in his heart, knowing he can share a drink once more with his friends.

'They only need to get through Faithill....Hmm Faithill'
« Last Edit: February 13, 2014, 11:59:50 PM by Logar »
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd


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Re: The Trials and Tribulations of the 'Kings Guard'
« Reply #22: February 13, 2014, 11:58:10 PM »
Roleplay from Logar Soul

Logar entered the tavern, stood inside of the entrance and scanned the room.
It was late evening and the tavern was bustling with strangers from many walks of life: Traders, farmers, common-folk, soldiers 'negotiating' with whores; and as expected, Lord Liam sat in a corner sipping ale whilst mulling over paperwork.
It had become a habit--Almost tradition--for the knights of the Kings Guard to spend most of their time performing their duties from the comforts of an ale-house, Something I must address

Logar was in a hurry to reach Lavendrow; but as he was passing through; wished for the short honour of sharing an ale with Liam, whilst discussing news of recent events.
One ale became four, and after 3 hours, Logar knew he must make haste for the road once more.

They parted with farewells and reminded each other of the coming Winter in two days time. With that thought, Logar walked on with his captain by his side, into the dark night--A gentle chilling breeze began to blow.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2014, 12:00:35 AM by Logar »
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd


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Re: The Trials and Tribulations of the 'Kings Guard'
« Reply #23: February 14, 2014, 10:51:36 PM »
Roleplay from Logar Soul

Logar entered the tavern of Lavendrow. The 'Sword Swallow Inn' was an extremely popular gathering hole for the more wealthy of men--Peasantry and misfits were forced out simply from the unspoken message set by the scrutinising frowns expressed by the regulars with large purses.

The whores were doing their rounds, entertaining and teasing the crowds, enticing easy drunken prey to place coins in their bulging purses, before accompanying them to various rooms on the top floor. A chuckling, giggling group of young ladies huddled together aound one man at the end of the bar. Finally catching a glimpse of the popular man through a gap, as one of the girls swayed slightly to the left; There as expected, was Vice Marshal Jericho telling tales of his new mighty weapon he had aquired just the day before.

Logar approached the crowd, and one by one the girls walked away after catching glimpse of the Marshal, recognising the air of authority about him.
Now when all the girls had moved their attention to other unsuspecting victims in the bar, Logar sat beside the Vice Marshal, grinned and orders two ales.

"Great to see you again my friend" Logar spoke, "I am glad to see that recent events have not tarnished your taste in fine ladies"

Together they talked, and talked, laughed and drunk. "I really must teach Lord Axylia the correct use of the compass" Logar expressed "Inklen is the opposite direction to Lavendrow, Bah! Either that, or his scribes need to be replaced by more competent folk"

Jericho handed over his new unique axe, when Logar requested a look at the fine weapon.
"Beautiful" he stated, whilst swinging to and fro, clumsily knocking over his ale, then accidently catching his leg armour leaving a healthy chink. Another swing assured that he lost his grip resulting in the axe dropping to the floor, bounced until 'clunk' it laid to rest after hitting the foot of a large bearded trader.
Angrily, the giant of a man stood up and charged towards Logar with intent to harm.
At that moment Lord Adrianus; whom had been watching the events unfold from the opposite side of the room; Charged in between the burley trader and his Marshal, halting the trader in his tracks. Adrianus whispered something unheard into the trader's ear. The trader knodded once at Adrianus, then at Logar before returning to his seat.
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd


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Roleplay from Logar Soul

Logar put the quill back into its place in the inkwell, gave the parchment a gentle blow, drying the last moist words of the letter. He picked up the letter placing it firmly against his chest, knelt down beside the burning campfire and muttered the words "I continue to pledge my alliegence forthwith--To Asylon, to my King, to my fellow Kinsmen and to the Bloodmoon fruit. Along the path that hath been thrust upon us...we shalt prevail!"

The young lad whom Logar had befriended with the offer of gold during his journey to Via; now a hired messenger; stepped forward from the
shadows into the illuminating firelight. Logar handed him the 'pledge of alliegence', giving orders to deliver it to the King with haste.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2014, 02:22:17 PM by Logar »
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd


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Roleplay from Logar Soul

The knights of the Kings Guard were in the Capital gathered in the tavern--Where they always worked best from.
Logar was stood, with eyes and attention of his Knights fixed upon him. He gave his speech announcing the temporary disbandonment of the Guard until new lands are found, before exchanging his gratitude to each and every one of them. He was proud of them and what the Guard had accomplished together.

Logar sat down after dispensing his touching words, he gazed towards the opposite corner of the room in a somewhat daydream, thoughts wandering. He reminisced of his time in the West, of the friends he had made, the battles won and lost, the scars which still remained; Then another thought occured What of the Stranger?
As if willed by the Gods, in that moment a band of traders dispersed from the bar revealing the sight of a single figure sat in the corner--Staring in his direction. Logars heart skipped a beat with the recognition of the person who closely watched him; The posture was unmistakable--The 'Cloaked Stranger' had returned to speak with him!
"My friends, please excuse me for a moment" Logar requested to his companions, before making his way to meet with his 'friend' in the corner.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2014, 02:24:03 PM by Logar »
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd


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Roleplay from Jericho Barrons

The men grumbling and worried could not stop talking about the families and friends left behind. Jericho sympathized with them, his heart filled with sorrow at leaving Asylon behind. He was comforted however, knowing he was travelling in good company. And with a sly grin, he wondered if his Marshal's "stranger" would be following the Asylonian troops across the sea. His heart had skipped a beat after his Marshal's kind words, when he saw Logar with the mysterious one. Her dangerous airs intrigued him and he somehow felt safe knowing she was near. He briefly wondered what that meant to his manhood, but he his thoughts were interrupted.

"My lord Jericho!"
Jericho turned and saw one of his men escorting a dirty woman to him. "She says she knows the mighty warrior, Vice Jericho!"
Jericho walked up to the bosomy woman and held her face, and as he looked at her luscious lips, he remembered. " Marie, from fat bottom farms! what a delight, this can only be a good omen for our journey."
The moon smiled down on them and Jericho began to whistle a merry tune as the men marched toward Uppervia. His manhood intact, for the moment.
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd


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Roleplay from Logar Soul

Sat opposite the 'Cloaked Stranger', Logar smiled. Still he could not see the face beneath the dark shadow of the hooded cloak; But he knew the face which lurked beneath shadow, and the reason why his Sister wished not to reveal her identity to him.
"Did you receive the scroll?" she asked without formal greeting.
"The scroll?" Logar replied, "I should have known you had a part in that"
"I happened upon the trade during my travels" the stranger explained, "I arranged for it to find its way into your hands. I am pleased it reached you my friend".
"I thank you again, Stranger".

For an hour they talked in quiet mutterings and whispers which kept private their conversation.
Logar stood announcing his need to depart, to the stranger "My friend, my jouney cannot wait no longer. It is time for me to leave".
The stranger also stood to bid Logar farewll, "before you depart...Here, for you will need this more than me for this journey". She unclasped the trinket which hung from its silver chain around her neck, and pulled it out from beneath her hood.
"My sacred Bloodmoon!" he blurted out in a whisper, whilst accepting the return of his gift from the once Priest Axylia.
"It brought me much luck during my quest" the stranger explained, "Now you are on your quest, it is only fitting for it to be in the hands of its true owner"
"My friend, I thank you for all you have done for me" Logar held out his hand. The stranger lightly grasped his hand for a moment before releasing it again.
"I am travelling by hills and road" she spoke whilst turning and walking away, "I will see you again Marshal Loger....On the other side!"

With her back to him, Logar caught a moments glimpe of  her long, flowing brunette hair; as she removed her hood;  before she was swallowed by the crowd and had disapperaed once again.
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd


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Roleplay from Logar Soul

When the messenger had left, Logar opened the letter which had just been delivered to him. Instantly he recognised the handwriting scribed by the hand of the 'Cloaked Stranger':

Letter from The Cloaked Stranger
Friend Logar,

Heres hoping this message reaches you, and you are safe and well.
I have been moving swiftly, but cautiously, through the Morek Empire and am now deep in the heart. I still have some distance yet before I reach safety.
I often applaud myself of my excellent abilities to blend in with the locals of a foreign realm; Here though I have found the need to keep out of sight, for I bring much attention to myself. The women of these lands resemble the rear end of cow, even the Good Sir Jericho would not entertain these whores! My typical Asylone features are clearly alien to them here.

I report that I have seen no sign of a Morek army. I have however recognised that many regions I have passed through are currently occupied by their Lords, as if ordered to do so. I will send word to you swiftly should I encounter sight of an army.

For now, I must keep moving.
I will see you soon Marshal Logar, Safe travels.
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd


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Roleplay from Logar Soul

Logar, in a joyous mood, wandered out to the City square. The people were beginning to go about their normal everyday business, Logar noticed, whilst he watched several common folk erecting their makeshift market stalls. Most activities had halted after the recent takeover, during which time, the population had been cleverly distracted by the many stories and tales told by the liberating Asylone forces-- Now subdued, they became ever more welcoming.

Now Logar walked the main streets, casually peering down each narrow side street as he passed them. He was looking for something. Reaching the farthest corner from where he began his stroll, he stood in front of the building; looked up and down, and studied its well-crafted exterior. Perfect! he thought with a smile.

Inside the tavern, Logar was recognised with importance and immediately approached by the tavern owner.
"May I get M'lord an ale?...on the house.
"You may, my friend. Thankyou" Logar replied, "I also have an announcement to make, so please get one for yourself.
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd