Author Topic: The Trials and Tribulations of the 'Kings Guard'  (Read 10336 times)


  • Freeman
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Jericho strays from orders....again to Gonophor!

Roleplay from Jericho Barrons    

Lord Jericho looks at the reports from his scouts in the dawning light. Just after debriefing his men on police work in Kosht, he notices that there is extra help arising everywhere. The Harbingers have risen to the occasion to defend Barrow Peaks and Shuberstone, thank thee folds! Inklen needs help and Gonophor is reportedly at province occupation. Jericho decides to forgo the Marshal's orders and head to Gonophor to police. He briefly wonders if he will be reprimanded by the competent Marshal Logar. Perhaps a gift from one of his Fat Bottom girls may appease the overworked Marshal!
"Get ready men, change of plans. First, you do remember I am Vice Marshal, right then? We are straying from our orders while Marshal Logar is off singing to the moon! Let's head out to Gonophor and teach those suspicious peasants a thing or two about loyalty!" Jericho shouts to his men and Captain Dankmar with just a little bit of excitement at breaking the rules. Taking the chance, they head to the forsaken forests of Gonophor to repair the region once again.

Roleplay from Logar Soul    

Having just returned from a short trip involving personal matters, Logar felt at peace to be back within the safety of his camp. Upon hearing of his arrival, Logar's ever loyal Captain Dirk made haste to report to him.
"M'Lord, Lord Jericho has took it upon himself to abandon your orders and now travels to Gonophor", the captain reported, "I shall order my men to bring him to you immediately, Sir!"
"Stop there now! Tell me something, captain...", Logar replied
"Yes M'lord?"
"What are the duties of Vice Marshal?", Logar continued
"To issue orders to the army in the absence of the Marshal, Mlord", the captain confidently answered
"Tell me Captain Dirk, shouldn't you be addressing Lord Jericho as Vice Marshal Jericho!?", Logar snapped
The captain bowed his head in realisation and replied "umm yes M'lord, I understand, please forgive my abrupt naivety. I I I just thought maybe..."
"Please continue", Logar commanded
"Well, I just thought maybe Lord Jeri ...umm...Vice Marshal Jericho plots to overthrow you Sir"
With that remark, laughter boomed throughout the tent as Loger fell into hysterics "Ha Ha Ha! Dirk my friend, you really tickle me sometimes", Logar chuckled, "The Vice Marshal merely made a decision in my absence using the information available to him at the time. As I was absent on a personal venture, The Vice Marshal simply made the best choice he saw fit"
"Very good M'lord", the captain replied with embarrassment
"One last thing", Logar added, "If the Vice Marshal is a wise and patient man, he will be entitled to the Marshal position when such a time arrives that I wish to step down. If the Vice Marshal is an impatient man with a lust for power, he can honourably offer to dual me for the seat. Would you agree, Dirk?
"That is correct Sir!"
"That’s settled then. Thank you for humouring me Dirk, you have cheered me up no end", Logar said still grinning, "That is all, you may leave".