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The Trials and Tribulations of the 'Kings Guard'

Started by Logar, November 29, 2013, 11:09:25 PM

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Hi folks,

This is simply an ongoing record of the in-game RP's performed by the members of the 'Kings Guard'. My character is Logar and I will begin to gradually upload the RP's I already have, saved to my pc. I will then continue to upload RP's as and when they are posted in-game. Anyone is welcome to comment and discuss any of the RP's placed here.

QuoteRoleplay from Logar Soul

The storm raged above as the army of monsters could be seen advancing.
"This storm will be the death of us" came a voice from somewhere down the line,
"Stay focused, otherwise the beasts will be the death of us" another replied.
Nobody could ask for worse conditions for an archer.

The battle ensued, the 'Thorns of Soul' were way out of their league with regards to combat strength. The men had a goal though. The goal was to
rid of the region of the scum and protect the innocent inhabitants of Inklen. In fact, being the Lord of Inklen, this place touched the heart of
Logar more so than any other. And the difference between the monsters and men? The monsters dont have a goal. Monsters consume. They merely
consume for their own savage greed without regard for any living thing but themselves. They have no other agenda.
Despite the odds, Logars men held together. In close cobat, arrows were exchanged for daggers and blood spilled. Logars men fought bravely. Half
of the beasts had been vanquished already. A decision was made to retreat whilst the chance exposed itself with fewer human casualties than had
been anticipated.

Whilst tending to the wounded from a distance, the remains of the monsters could be seen grouped at the foot of a hill. Logar knew that the next
wave would be more favourable for the men 'We will wipe them out' Logar thought to himself. That was until shadowy figures appeared on the
skyline, 15 of them. As the figures moved down the hillside in the distance, it became apparent to everyone watching, of the horrors that
'Monsters have called reinforcements? This is not normal behaviour for beasts!' Logar thought intensely 'An organised moster hoarde? This is of
grave concern...

"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd


....And the next

QuoteRoleplay from Logar Soul

Stood outside of the war tent, Logar looked out upon the camp below. Still with half of his original unit, Logar could not help but feel a strong sense of awe for these men who have fought so bravely and loyal beside him.
'We should have all been slain by now', he muttered under his breath, but still recognising the tired haggered looks in their eyes.
In the shadows of twilight, he caught a glimpe of a shadowy figure approaching.
Logar released the grasp of his dagger when he recognised the figure to be that of his scout who should have returned 3 hours prior.
"M'Lord, I have news...."

Logar approached the camp and made an announcement. The soldiers fixed their attention to the words of their Marshal, their eyes expressing fear.....but also hope.
"My brave soldiers", Logar spoke with genuine passion whilst a gentle smile appeared "Fear not, for it has been reported than Sir Brynden and his men have entered Inklen. Reinforcements will arrive by morning"
The men cheered! They cheered and went into song. They sang! The buzz of joy can be felt strong in the air all around. They wanted their foes to hear, they wanted to intimidate their monster foes....

Far across the valley, the beasts looked across toward the tiny, flickering speck of the campfire opposite. "Them 'Hoomans' make silly noises"
Grunted one of the beasts.
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd


One more for tonight....

QuoteRoleplay from Logar Soul

The buzz of activity in the streets of Via could be seen once again. The sheer energy and aura of this great city could be felt sending a brief tingling sensation down Logars spine.
Upon completion of repairs, Logar was briefed by the blacksmith of the recent activities of Sir Brynden during his visit. Logar was disinterested in the petty tales that seemed to amuse the blacksmith. One thing did interest Logar though... the news that Sir Brynden had already departed from the great city not more than a day ago.

"Make haste men, no time for foolery today. We need to catch up with Sir Brynden" Logar announced, then whilst chuckling "That sly demon!  wishes to claim all the glory for himself huh?"
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd


A suspicious looking adventurer was spotted travelling through the region....

QuoteRoleplay from Tordan

Happily chugging along on a country road an immensely tall man crowed with straw golden hair that hung loosely around his shoulders. His body clad in battle-scarred studded leather armor and on his back a massive tower-shield that made him look like a human turtle.

Humming a cheerful tune where he occasionally snuck in a few lines of singing he was clearly unconcerned with local wildlife or thugs even. Not surprisingly more than a few peasants were gawking at his large physique. ''Morning!'' He greeted them but rare was answered in turn. He didn't mind though, Tordan was coming through and his road led to monsters heads that he would happily crush.

QuoteRoleplay from Logar Soul

Marshal Logar very gently brushed the foliage aside catching sight of this tall wiry figure strolling casually toward him. The tall stranger, oblivious to the presence of Logar and his men blending with the bushes that concealed them, whistled a familiar Asylonian folk melody.

The tall stranger, now clearly a mere commoner, halted in an instant when he found himself gazing down the length of an arrow just inches away from his nose. Surrounded by arrowheads, the man remained motionless whilst the archers ahead of him moved aside. In the clearing stood Marshal Logar of the Kings Guard.

After much questioning, Logar felt a slight warmth growing for this man, the man called Tordan. Tordan, although a mere commoner, was still an Asylonian and can hum and sing very well. But Logar could also see in this man, a deep yearning to strive for success and honour. This is what impressed Logar.

Upon Tordans release, Logar done something that most noblemen would hasten to avoid. Marshal Logar made a plea to the commoner.
"Tordan, may I ask you of something?" Logar asked, "If you as an adventurer, ever were to come into possesion of a unique item during your travels, would you be so kind and consider me as a potential honest buyer of the item? I pay well and will offer my respect to you in return. If you are unable to find me, any noble of Asylon will be willing to pass on a message..."

QuoteRoleplay from Tordan

After a lengthy discussion annex interrogation Tordan was faced with the request from the Marshal of the Kings Guard. He himself still stood looking at the dozens of archers with bows readily at hand. Was this really a request he wondered to himself. Perhaps a shade of his thought may have crossed over his features but he hoped none had noticed.

In a deep voice he addressed Marshal Logar ''King Guard Mashal Logar.'' Tordan pauzed a short moment to lend weight to his words or just to make sure that he didn't make any mistakes, either way he wore a serious expression. ''When next I find an item of legend such as the enchanted helm of the vulcano that I found before in the mountains near the city of Via, I shall try to find you.''

Raising a large hand and pointing it at the Logar he looked the Marshal right in the eye. ''I hope it will be weapon I find.'' At the end of the sentence Tordan's mouth curled into a grin. ''A mighty weapon! I know why you don't wear a bow yourself!'' Tordan looked at the many marksmen about. ''You want to show your enemies that you are a true warrior! One that is both great in skill and unequaled in bravery!''

A roar of laughter erupted from Tordan's thoat. His demeanor entirely unfussed and actually quite cheerful. His large physique not used in any threatening way but he could see over the heads of many of the men present.

With that the little giant of a man left again, roaming the lands and searching for the Marshal's new weapon.
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd



The Giant is still alive but he is in some bear den sleeping I reckon.


Meet Jericho, Vice Marshal of the King's Guards, Ladykiller, Monsterkiller, and all around fun guy!

Gonophor, Asylon, the bane of the Guard's existence!

Roleplay from Jericho Barrons

As Jericho neared Gonophor, his skin crawled. Massive trees stood saluting the moonlight on the horizon, hiding the beasts within. The air smelled of smoke and blood and fear. Occasionally his men would retch, as they passed body parts left to rot on the road, decapitated heads gazing at nothing.
Jericho spoke a little too loudly and uncertainly to Captain Theoderic,  It seems that these vile creatures have been growing in strength and rage. I fear we may lose the region!"
Captain Theoderic looked at the young knight grimly and spoke seriously, "Fear for our lives Jericho, this looks bad."
This will be the first time Jericho sees how tuly evil these beasts are, thought the captain, I pray to the goddesses we find Marshal Logar alive. May this battle be quick!
The men continued their approach, the howls of sorrow ahead ringing in their ears.

Roleplay from Jericho Barrons

Leaving the dark forests of Gonophor wrapped in night behind him, Jericho was excited to be out in the open under the stars. He could see his breath steaming in the winter moonlight, and was grateful for a moment of peace on the road, even allowing his mind to wander to thoughts of milkmaids and bloodmoon.
"Halt!" Captain Theoderic snaps him out of his reverie and he sees a shrouded figure approaching. With his hand on his sword and a wave to his archers, he readies his men. They continue to march and as they near the figure Jericho relaxes.
Could it be? My old friend Sir Axylia is a Priest! wonders Jericho.
With a happy shout, Jericho runs forward to embrace the travelling man, and ends up stumbling and falling over a burnt log, sounds of laughter behind him.
Ever one to sacrifice for his men, Jericho relaxes, Eeh gods, we could use the laughter, I guess.

Roleplay from Axylia Dundrave

"My friend!" Shouts Axylia as he moves towards the band of soldiers carrying the banner of the King's Guards.

"I've got business in Gonophor but I have time for a drink and perhaps a sermon at the request of the Marshal, is he near?" Axylia slouched to his knees and slowly unrolled a flask wrapped in a fine silk cloth.

Again to Gonophor, creepy place

Roleplay from Jericho Barrons

Jericho and his men made their way uneasily back to Gonophor. The horrors they have seen fresh in their minds, their hearts hardened against the corpses still rotting by the roadway from the previous rampage. The men no longer retched, instead Jericho could hear nothing but the leathers and armour singing their tune as they marched.
As the trees of the great forest loomed once again in the winter moonlight, white rainbows danced in front of the men. With baited breath, they wondered if a new threat hid on the path ahead. For a light so beautiful should have warmed their soul, instead it filled them with dread.
With a quick shout, the men picked up the pace to join Marshal Logar, as he too had seemed uncertain of the road ahead.


Jericho strays from orders....again to Gonophor!

Roleplay from Jericho Barrons    

Lord Jericho looks at the reports from his scouts in the dawning light. Just after debriefing his men on police work in Kosht, he notices that there is extra help arising everywhere. The Harbingers have risen to the occasion to defend Barrow Peaks and Shuberstone, thank thee folds! Inklen needs help and Gonophor is reportedly at province occupation. Jericho decides to forgo the Marshal's orders and head to Gonophor to police. He briefly wonders if he will be reprimanded by the competent Marshal Logar. Perhaps a gift from one of his Fat Bottom girls may appease the overworked Marshal!
"Get ready men, change of plans. First, you do remember I am Vice Marshal, right then? We are straying from our orders while Marshal Logar is off singing to the moon! Let's head out to Gonophor and teach those suspicious peasants a thing or two about loyalty!" Jericho shouts to his men and Captain Dankmar with just a little bit of excitement at breaking the rules. Taking the chance, they head to the forsaken forests of Gonophor to repair the region once again.

Roleplay from Logar Soul    

Having just returned from a short trip involving personal matters, Logar felt at peace to be back within the safety of his camp. Upon hearing of his arrival, Logar's ever loyal Captain Dirk made haste to report to him.
"M'Lord, Lord Jericho has took it upon himself to abandon your orders and now travels to Gonophor", the captain reported, "I shall order my men to bring him to you immediately, Sir!"
"Stop there now! Tell me something, captain...", Logar replied
"Yes M'lord?"
"What are the duties of Vice Marshal?", Logar continued
"To issue orders to the army in the absence of the Marshal, Mlord", the captain confidently answered
"Tell me Captain Dirk, shouldn't you be addressing Lord Jericho as Vice Marshal Jericho!?", Logar snapped
The captain bowed his head in realisation and replied "umm yes M'lord, I understand, please forgive my abrupt naivety. I I I just thought maybe..."
"Please continue", Logar commanded
"Well, I just thought maybe Lord Jeri ...umm...Vice Marshal Jericho plots to overthrow you Sir"
With that remark, laughter boomed throughout the tent as Loger fell into hysterics "Ha Ha Ha! Dirk my friend, you really tickle me sometimes", Logar chuckled, "The Vice Marshal merely made a decision in my absence using the information available to him at the time. As I was absent on a personal venture, The Vice Marshal simply made the best choice he saw fit"
"Very good M'lord", the captain replied with embarrassment
"One last thing", Logar added, "If the Vice Marshal is a wise and patient man, he will be entitled to the Marshal position when such a time arrives that I wish to step down. If the Vice Marshal is an impatient man with a lust for power, he can honourably offer to dual me for the seat. Would you agree, Dirk?
"That is correct Sir!"
"That's settled then. Thank you for humouring me Dirk, you have cheered me up no end", Logar said still grinning, "That is all, you may leave".


Welcoming the visit from Priest Axylia....

QuoteRoleplay from Logar Soul

"M'Lord, Priest Axylia has been spotted heading in this direction from the West", the Marshal was informed by his captain.
"Ahh excellent news indeed" Logar replied, "Make preparations for his arrival. Prepare refreshments and arrange my visionary robes".

The sacred Bloodmoon heeds my request and comes before me...

QuoteRoleplay from Logar Soul

Logar stared at the glistening object cupped snuggly in his left palm. Candlelight reflected from the glassy vial, like over-exctited fireflies desperately trying to protect the sacred liquid within. The vial contained a small supply of the sacred Bloodmoon. During Logars first journey into the fold, Priest Axylia had departed unnoticed, leaving in his place this precious gift. Logar was thankful for the Priests guidance and of the gift.
Suddenly, an almost unnoticable draught of air stimulated Logars senses... he felt a presence.
In the same instant, Logar with the vial grasped firmly, drew his dagger and placed it to the throat of the intruder who had approached from behind.

The intruder spoke, softly, almost feminine. Although Logar could not see the figure disguised beneath the dark cloak, he sheathed his dagger and listened to the words of this mystery stranger who was able to slip past his guards.

QuoteRoleplay from Logar Soul

The cloaked stranger left as swiftly as she had entered, simply leaving an almost unnoticable draught of air in her wake.
As the flap of the tent returned to its rested position, Logar expressed a wry grin, thought to himself : The Bloodmoon showed me your face, little one. I have been expecting your arrival
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd


QuoteRoleplay from Logar Soul

"M'Lord! News from Lady Quinley has arrived!", Marshal Logar was notified at last of the whereabouts of Lady Quinley and recieved a report written in her own hand.

Now Logar sat, alone, pondering silently once again......

The recent monster activity occuring all over Asylon concerned him. First there were the repeated attacks on Gonophor, then the mauling of Inklen. It was during the battles in Inklen that anomolies had revealed themselves to Logar. The routine eradication of a monster hoard was followed by enemy reinforcements, not once but twice in succession. Organised communication and tactical strategies of that magnitude, performed by a monster race, have rarely been witnessed.

Following the battle for Inklen, Gonophor was once again under attack. Why the interest in Gonophor?
Upon beginning the journey to Gonophor, another anomoly. The monster race had clearly made yet another strategic move.  Echiurfield was stormed by the monster rebels. Nothing unusual there, except that echuirfield is considered the division between the North and South of Asylon...the bottleneck. Taking control of Echiurfield splits Asylon in half and acts as a monster defense to prevent entry into Southern Asylon, therefore protecting the activities occuring in Gonphor. Why the interest in Gonophor?
The fact that Lady Quinley and Sir Brynden were missing only complicated matters.

Following the battle of the 'bottleneck', Logar and Sir Jericho knew nothing of what they will find in Gonophor.

Logar was once again, only hours away from entering Gonophor when he recieved the good news of Lady Quinley. She is still alive after all. But what of Sir Brynden?
What will myself and Sir Jericho find in Gonophor?

QuoteRoleplay from Jericho Barrons

Jericho and his men made their way uneasily back to Gonophor. The horrors they have seen fresh in their minds, their hearts hardened against the corpses still rotting by the roadway from the previous rampage. The men no longer retched, instead Jericho could hear nothing but the leathers and armour singing their tune as they marched.
As the trees of the great forest loomed once again in the winter moonlight, white rainbows danced in front of the men. With baited breath, they wondered if a new threat hid on the path ahead. For a light so beautiful should have warmed their soul, instead it  filled them with dread.
With a quick shout, the men picked up the pace to join Marshal Logar, as he too had seemed uncertain of the road ahead.

QuoteRoleplay from Logar Soul

Logar pushed forward with his men. Corpses lay along the roadside not only of men and women, but also of monsters. These monsters appeared to be of a lower form, particularly of physical size and strength than those beasts which had already been slain in the many battles that the Kings Guard had experienced.
Is this some kind of genocide taking place here? Are these newly evolved race of monsters, we have already encountered, cleansing their own race of old junk?, Logar thought to himself.

Logar continued with the ongoing encouragement to push his men past the horrific scenes that clearly disturbed the minds of his soldiers. Without giving away any sign of his intentions, Logar marched his men towards a nearby source of light. A slightly rainbowlike beam of light emminated from the ground, illuminating the area of ground and trees around it. As they approached the clearing, the light extinguished abruptly filling the immediate area with darkness.
How does one describe the smell of fear?, Logar thought to himself, Fear always has a unique but undescribable aroma associated with it.

Of all of his men, Logar already knew that this young soldier would gladly come forward to take up the task. A brave and enthusiastic lad by the name of Rothic stood up "I will volunteer M'Lord!"

The hole in the ground was not a sheer drop. Instead it gently sloped into darkness, barely tall enough for a man to stand with his head hunched forward. Rothic was handed a lit torch as he entered the mouth of the dark hole and disappeared around a sweeping bend, the distant torchlight quickly fading.

For 5 minutes Logar and his men surrounded the opening, standing in silence, all looking at each other with raised eybrows, anticipating for something to break the silence. For a split second, the earth gently shook. Now the men stared at each other with puzzeled looks. Suddenly the earth shook again, this time with force. The men were knocked back and fell to the ground. The quaking of the earth denied the men the ability to stand on their feet. Instead they crawled outward away from the hole in the ground.

Logar stopped crawling and allowed himself to look back over his shoulder. As thoughts of that young soldier Rothic ran through his mind, Logar witnessed the hole closing. The hole moved with a likeness to a living entity and was closed shut revealing no evidence of it having ever been there.

Logar thought to himself, Somebody is clearly now aware of our presence here tonight. They are not pleased....
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd


QuoteRoleplay from Logar Soul

Receiving new reports from the Southern regions, Logar was aghast. First the hunger, then came the hordes of beasts taking the opportunity to devastate the regions whilst the Kings Guard where occupied by other business in the North. The Guard were not far now. Travelling the quickest pace his men could muster, Logar entered Tofino alone.
Monsters had arisen in Vakreno cutting Logar off from the rest of the Guard now slightly delayed.

Approaching the southern border of Tofino, Logar found his path blocked by a Horde of beasts, seemingly awaiting his arrival. It was clear this was an intentional road block preventing anyone passing through the corridor to the South and disrupting their campaign.
At the order, Logars men in unison pulled back their bows and fired. Battle enraged!

The Guard needed to get into the South, delays only make matters worse. With this thought in mind, Logar ordered his men to charge. The men charged and broke through the ranks of the beasts, they broke through the blockade taking the lives of many foes as they went.
Leaving the beasts behind, Logar continues his pace, now close to entering Aspar, the rest of the Guard not far behind finishing off what remains of the monsters.
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd


QuoteRoleplay from Logar Soul

"Halt!", Logar ordered.
An item looking suspiciously like a scroll laid deliberately expose on the road ahead. Logar, ever wary of bandits and highway men, cautiously ordered his men into a defensive stance and sent one of his nimble young archers to run ahead and retrieve the scroll.

Logar studied the scroll and found it addressed to him. The elusive 'cloaked stranger' had left him another message...
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd

Bolton Ancestral Ghost

Good stuff you have going here Logar  ;). Hopefully I can eventually join the the Kings Guard after these wars are settled... if ever.
"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream." - Poe


Thanks. Reminds me I have some more backlogged rp's to post. I might do it soon, when I get bored.
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd


QuoteRoleplay from Logar Soul

With his arm stretched out in front, dangling from his fingertip swung a bright silver chain. Logar was again subdued by the glistening vial,which hung from it, containing the bright red juice of the sacred Bloodmoon. A gentle breeze and a familiar faint, dirty-sweet odour wafted past his senses. The 'cloaked stranger' is here, Logar knew.

Continuing to admire the dangling necklace from his fingertip, without turning, Logar spoke in a sarcastic tone "I thought you had departed already, on your quest"
With face kept in shadow, the hooded stranger replied in a low voice "I wanted to see you first before I leave, to bid farewell to a friend".
"Don't say another word!" Logar snapped, "The next words I wish to hear from you are those of greetings....when you return".
He turned about and faced the 'cloaked stranger', still unable to see the eyes beneath the hooded cloak. Logar held out the silver chain which was reluctently accepted. The stranger stared in silence at the vial of bloodmoon juice, then looked again at Logar.
"That there is sacred to me, may it bring you luck" Logar announced, "I want it back upon your return. Now go!", then in a lower tone "safe travels....friend"

Alone once again, Logar pondered.
'I know you will never reveal your identity to me, but I do understand why' he thought to himself.
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd