Author Topic: FR: Estate estimates for new characters tweak  (Read 2877 times)


  • Exalted Emperor
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This would really be nice.

Once again, I create a character, and once again, wham, 50% lord tax.

I've never even seen anyone use 50% lord tax anywhere, except when I create new characters in realms I don't know.

And how does the war rating on realms work, anyways? I looked at FEI, and there was only one realm with "a lot of war". When I join it, and look at the diplomacy page, they are basically federated to everyone else on the continent, and the sole realm they are at war with is half a continent away. And it looks already pretty much dead, with only two regions left. Somehow, I doubt these guys see much battle.

This character creation assistance is a crucial tool in player retention, as it guides them were to go, hopefully putting them in a spot they will enjoy. But so far, all of my experiences with trusting it have been greatly misleading. The high incomes promised turn out to be average or mediocre incomes, the high war turns out to be no war, and the activity... well, apparently all of FEI is inactive, so that might of been on the spot.

For reference, this time I was pointed to Coralynth.
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