Community > This Forum

First Impression Sticky

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--- Quote ---Correction:
One annoyance - the sunglasses guy has a short-code of 8 and ).  Since an 8 with a ) after it is something I might want to type, either to do a quick list as above, or to put a number in brackets, like this (7), but with an 8, the damn sunglasses guy turns up when he's not wanted - as above.  Other forums have him as B and ) which is even worse for the same reason but with an even more common thing.  Can he be changed to be some other symbol combination?

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It just makes your day a little sunnier.  8)

Is good, din't give better vote just for the godly dead end it becomes when you come from the BM's top navigation bar, because there is no way to go back fast after expending a while here. (but no i checked.. spell master and wiki are as well)

If suggestions are good, i would like an special design like Spell Master's forums, also it annoys me the two color background posts, since my signature is made with the clear one, once my post fall into the darker one looks bad.

Other than the "dead end" and "selfish wishes" the forums is good.


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