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Change how recruitment centres work

Started by oblivian2003, February 06, 2014, 01:44:32 AM

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Change how recruitment centres work

To change recruitment centres so they consume in game resources, currently food and gold. The amount of food/ gold consumed would depend on quality and type of unit. Lords would have the ability to invest/ divest in said recruitment centres and control their price.


  • Is to make it so when recruitment centres are built it would take both food and gold to build troops.
  • Region lords would have the option of investing their gold or family gold into the recruitment centres boosting either/or/both? Training or Weapons and Armour. This would increase the cost of the unit significantly.
  • The region lord would be able to control the price. Their would be a base price based on the average cost of food and the gold for the equipment, but a lord would be able to add a levy or subsidy to troops trained in his/ her recruitment centre.
  • Recruitment centres would be potentially be effected by estate efficiencies. For example badly managed estates would add to the cost in resource consumption/requirement in gold/food.
  • If/when more resources (wood/metal) are added to the game the recruitment centres would be rebalanced to include these.
  • If linked to the war chest, would allow marshals to encourage certain units being recruited, by subsidising them, to balance armies without asking people too.


  • To help prevent permanent war. During peace resources would be massed. Which then would be spent during war. War would be linked to the economy and encourage protection of resources
  • Encourages a variety of war such as small skirmishes leading to larger battles. After all you need to replace those resources somehow.
  • Helps to balance realms sizes, by making larger realms that would be able to gather and store more resources. Spend them extra resources to do the same job as a smaller realm that is more efficient but not be able to gather as many resources. This would be based on estate efficiency
  • Encourages interaction between realms/players and regions.
  • Offers the ability to go to war by proxy. This would add a little diversity and intrigue.
  • Could be used as a way to spend family gold
  • Reduce the constant rebalance in game of food and gold, by incorporating it into the game play.

Possible Downsides/Exploits:

  • Lords raise/lower the price too much- Could be balanced by adding a range that the price can be adjusted by.
  • A Lord would be able to invest into too many upgrades- Two ways to limit this, Increase the cost so its not entirely worth it compared to a newly formed recruitment centre of the same specification. Also to limit the upgrades.
  • Upgrading a full recruitment centre- The cost of the upgrade would increase based on the number of soldiers in the recruitment centre and the number of upgrades.
  • Recruitment centre's using all a regions food- Set recruitment centre's to stop recruiting when the granary is low on food.
  • Too many realms supply or subsidizes a small realm to avoid inefficiency- This would auto balance as this realm could easily be looted for resources by the warring realm, thus the extra resources would supply the enemy.
  • Increase game complexity- By making it so that recruitment centre's would not negatively impact a region if left alone. For example does not consume all the food during winter or low food supplies. This would allow people to experiment and micro manage or leave alone.


Quote from: oblivian2003 on February 06, 2014, 01:44:32 AM
Change how recruitment centres work

To change recruitment centres so they consume in game resources, currently food and gold. The amount of food/ gold consumed would depend on quality and type of unit. Lords would have the ability to invest/ divest in said recruitment centres and control their price.


  • Is to make it so when recruitment centres are built it would take both food and gold to build troops.
  • Region lords would have the option of investing their gold or family gold into the recruitment centres boosting either/or/both? Training or Weapons and Armour. This would increase the cost of the unit significantly.
  • The region lord would be able to control the price. Their would be a base price based on the average cost of food and the gold for the equipment, but a lord would be able to add a levy or subsidy to troops trained in his/ her recruitment centre.
  • Recruitment centres would be potentially be effected by estate efficiencies. For example badly managed estates would add to the cost in resource consumption/requirement in gold/food.
  • If/when more resources (wood/metal) are added to the game the recruitment centres would be rebalanced to include these.
  • If linked to the war chest, would allow marshals to encourage certain units being recruited, by subsidising them, to balance armies without asking people too.


  • To help prevent permanent war. During peace resources would be massed. Which then would be spent during war. War would be linked to the economy and encourage protection of resources
  • Encourages a variety of war such as small skirmishes leading to larger battles. After all you need to replace those resources somehow.
  • Helps to balance realms sizes, by making larger realms that would be able to gather and store more resources. Spend them extra resources to do the same job as a smaller realm that is more efficient but not be able to gather as many resources. This would be based on estate efficiency
  • Encourages interaction between realms/players and regions.
  • Offers the ability to go to war by proxy. This would add a little diversity and intrigue.
  • Could be used as a way to spend family gold
  • Reduce the constant rebalance in game of food and gold, by incorporating it into the game play.

Possible Downsides/Exploits:

  • Lords raise/lower the price too much- Could be balanced by adding a range that the price can be adjusted by.
  • A Lord would be able to invest into too many upgrades- Two ways to limit this, Increase the cost so its not entirely worth it compared to a newly formed recruitment centre of the same specification. Also to limit the upgrades.
  • Upgrading a full recruitment centre- The cost of the upgrade would increase based on the number of soldiers in the recruitment centre and the number of upgrades.
  • Recruitment centre's using all a regions food- Set recruitment centre's to stop recruiting when the granary is low on food.
  • Too many realms supply or subsidizes a small realm to avoid inefficiency- This would auto balance as this realm could easily be looted for resources by the warring realm, thus the extra resources would supply the enemy.
  • Increase game complexity- By making it so that recruitment centre's would not negatively impact a region if left alone. For example does not consume all the food during winter or low food supplies. This would allow people to experiment and micro manage or leave alone.

It has been requested and rejected many times to provide a way to upgrade Training Centres

But to examine other aspects

  • How are knights going to have a supply of food to pay for purchase of troops. Already troops that are recruited will consume either food or provisions.
  • Which estates would affect a regions RC's. You need to be careful here or you end up with a situation where people won't want knights if it risks the RC's
  • What is the point of being able to set the price? Unless Lords are going to receive the gold and resources, in which case you don't achieve your goal since the goods are not consumed, simply redistributed. If they are consumed, the chances of anyone setting prices above the minimum are slim.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


  • Knights and Nobles wouldn't need any food only the gold. The food and gold would be taken from the region that produced them. The initial gold would come from a regions daily collected gold from taxes or a treasury. The food would be removed from the granary or from the daily surplus.
  • Single estates wouldn't effect the recruitment centre's but the average of all the estate's efficiency would. So if theirs 3 estates that altogether have an average efficiency of 90%. This would increase the base gold or food cost of training units by 10% to represent the inefficiency of the region
  • The lord would be able to add a levy to the base price or subsidize by reducing the base price. The gold from sales would then go into the region coffers till tax day when they are sent to the lord. Using this a lord would then purchase food if needed
  • Another way to draw gold to and from RC's would be to add a treasury to them. To produce troops a lord adds gold. Then after sales the gold is replaced with any profit added or subsidies removed