Author Topic: Recruit in places other than capital.  (Read 10929 times)


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Re: Recruit in places other than capital.
« Reply #30: January 28, 2014, 08:34:28 PM »
* With some regions capable of producing awesome troops and others limited to basic troops, regions have a third point of value. Why maintain that badlands that produces 3 gold and 2 food? Because they make the best archers on the continent!
* It would incentivize realms to pour resources into protecting regions capable of producing high quality troops.

Uh, both of these are already true with the existing system?

I was put well above. This is on the frequently rejected list for a reason. Unless someone brings a better reason than "I think it's neat" or "maybe you want to think about it again?", I don't even see why it needs to be discussed. If anyone wants to convince me otherwise, the least I expect is that it's worth the time to them to dig out the old topics on this, find the various arguments against it, and address them.