Author Topic: T Minus 28 Days  (Read 114705 times)


  • Peasant
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Re: T Minus 28 Days
« Reply #180: March 01, 2014, 09:23:41 PM »
I thank Tom and the dev team for all of their hard work in making this game one of the most enjoyable games ever. 

I just don't think forcing players out of their realms across multiple islands is such a good idea.  As previously stated, this idea had nothing to do with the political agenda of each island.  Which is imho a mistake.  There will always be players who come and go.  It is the players who stick with it that notice the certain stagnate play of each island, which again imho is directly associated with each of the islands politics and to a lesser degree noble count.  Yes this is easily fixed by shrinking region count and therefor making noble counts swell in the remaining regions however how could we ever expect to know how this will end up if realm politics stay the same.  Barca and most western realms in dwilight are going to suffer, making us all travel east.  If we fail to make a dent, how will the game change except for removing a large player base from their desired realms.  The same goes for Darka, which has been the only realm capable of fighting the Cagilian/Tara federation.  If they fail to expand and make a change to Atamara, do the politics not stay the same?  It seems like a gamble to me.

I received a message in game asking me to post my feelings on the forum, though I am nervous about it because I don't know what repercussions it might have to to people mistaking my messages as some kind of argument put forward.  This is just my opinion and I in no way wish to make things harder for Tom and the dev team.

I will however continue to play, even if my opinion is invalid or incorrect.  The game mechanic is still to fresh to make a concrete judgement and in my mind there is no reason for me not to continue playing.  Though my excitement has honestly slightly diminished.