Author Topic: T Minus 28 Days  (Read 114701 times)

Gustav Kuriga

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Re: T Minus 28 Days
« Reply #195: March 02, 2014, 03:52:16 AM »
I've got some plans along these lines. Gotta refine them over the next few days, but I think it is a good idea to give the people being displaced a boost in ability to conquer new land for themselves.

"More nobles per region" doesn't mean every region needs to have more knights. There's no reason you can't have a city with 10 knights, and then rural regions with a lord and maybe 1 knight.

The point is to make sure that, on average, a realm with 10 regions has more than 15-20 characters in it total.

Well, I hope that doesn't happen. I'm always sad to see a player leave, whatever the reason.

But remember, the choice was never between doing this and doing nothing. The choice was between doing this and closing at least one entire continent. Even if it didn't end up being a continent you, personally, cared about, that would have made a lot more people a lot more angry.

all the realms with 15-20 characters in total on Dwilight are in the central part of the continent. In fact, Barca has the second most of any realm on the whole of Dwilight, right after Asylon. If you wanted to get people into higher concentrations, you would have been much, MUCH better off doing the north and south of Dwilight. Those areas have the least density in population, meaning that closing them off would effect population density a lot more for the continent as a whole.