Author Topic: T Minus 28 Days  (Read 114697 times)


  • Peasant
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Re: T Minus 28 Days
« Reply #195: March 02, 2014, 01:52:10 PM »
As a developer myself I can say this is a very bad idea on the developer's side. Those who say this is selfish are unjust in there cause. These lands that the developers are just wiping out are built in history and player creation. By wiping these out you are removing all that has been achieved which is a real shame.

I play in Dwilight and I can say by forcing the west east, you are removing all the great cities and homes they have worked upon. This is a real shame as the game was truly developing in this continent and I can say as a new player how active and alive it felt. But this new idea will not make the game more exciting but will force people away. Your idea of trying to bring more players  is only pushing players out. If this is what you want the end Battlemaster itself is near, as word of mouth is a powerful force positively and negatively. 

Perhaps a better plan would be to reboot the game and give people an even footing to reclaim smaller lands, rather then crushing all that has been achieved. A game called Utopia used to do this and made it fair and just for all.