Author Topic: T Minus 28 Days  (Read 114358 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: T Minus 28 Days
« Reply #210: March 02, 2014, 04:02:49 PM »
I am not knocking the methods that the Devs have used for the recent changes on Dwilight, I will keep on playing regardless even if it means moving my home. I would have prefered a complete wipe for the island though, starting it out fresh.

A meteor strike could have landed in the sea dead in the centre creating a destructive sunami wiping out all life everywhere. After the water receded, life once again began to re-root with the mosters being the first to arrive. Now the humans arrive with the drive to once again make this island their home, as it once was for their ancestors. Many ruined temples are discovered with hidden relics of the old empires giving the chance to discover how their ancestors once lived. Let the conquer of lands begin, but first the monsters must be driven from the hills.
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd