Author Topic: T Minus 28 Days  (Read 114374 times)


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Re: T Minus 28 Days
« Reply #225: March 03, 2014, 01:40:23 AM »
I have not followed recent player/character count, but atleast in Darka we didnt have that much problem with lack of nobility... What i try to say, were Atamara somehow troubleous with lack of nobility?

AA @ BT sure could use some nobles... but this thing doesnt seem to directly effect BT, but ofcourse if half of Atamara is frozen, sure some will move to BT.


I know the character count has been rather low in many of the realms across Atamara; the CE, Tara, and Darka are really the only ones (maybe ML too) that I know to have high counts. While I think it's too early to say half Atamara will be gone, I do think Darka will get hit on the upper edge... It's just unfortunate that the pole (a logical choice for a glacier) isn't necessarily aligned with the density problems.

On a slightly different note, what's going to be the protocol for realm mergers? I don't think any of them would be truly voluntary and land won't be involved, but I can see all of Lyonesse's nobles sticking together and heading to Rieleston or somewhere down South. I'm too lazy to go look at the fine wording of the rule, so sorry if it isn't really an issue, but I figured I should ask.