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The Trials and Tribulations of Usul Soul's Life

Started by Logar, February 02, 2014, 11:37:01 AM

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Hi folks,

The following shall be the continuous posts of the in-game RP's from my character Usul Soul, Brother of Logar Soul.
Please feel free to post your own RP's that may be dirctly linked to Usul or his actions.

Usul has had a hard life growing up. He eventually found himself a place as a simple Lord in Cathay, with no direction of where he was going in his life. That was until the rebellion began, to overthrow the current monarchy. After the rebellion was successful, he landed the position of High Chancellor of Cathay.....
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd


QuoteRoleplay from Usul Soul

Usul once again found himself face to face with 'the door'.
Is was the third time in the same day that he found himself in that same spot, staring at the same bunch of keys; consisting of almost 30 keys of various sizes, some made of bronze, some of steel.
Why bother? he thought, knowing that not one of the keys could possibly magically open the door when they had failed on his previous attempts. What is in there? damnit!

Usul discovered the solid oak door early that morning during an exploratory stroll of the dungeons; having not had time to tour the building during the rebellion. At the far end of the dark passage, further on some distance past the prison cells, Usul turned a corner and faced this cursed door that now invites his curiosity.

QuoteRoleplay from Usul Soul

After a hefty boot to the large oak door, simply out of frustration, Usul turned about to make haste back to his office suite and seek the missing key. As he turned, he suddenly flinched back against the door, startled by the dark figure towering over him.
"Dammit Erasmus! Don't creep up on me like that."
Head bowed, Erasmus apologised, in his deep and placid tone "I-I I am sorry M'Lord. I heard steps im my dungeons and thought maybe the prisoner had escaped."
Now recovered from his shock, Usul calmly replied "It's fine my friend, I am simply exploring the corridors. Tell me Erasmus, what is behind this door? I'm pulling my hair our trying to find the key."
"Umm... If M'Lord wishes to visit the lower dungeons behind this here door, I carry the key myself."
"Well let's ave it ere then, don't keep me in the dark" Usul demanded
"Was that an attempt at Humour M'Lord?" Erasmus answered sarcastically
"Dont mock me Erasmus!" Usul growled, and then grinned before letting out a faint chuckle "Of course it was you fool. Now that key?
"Yes of course M'Lord.... here" Erasmus said, whilst begrudgingly passing the key to his Chancellor.

QuoteRoleplay from Usul Soul

Erasmus lead the way through the large oak door. Usul followed the giant of a man who illuminated their path with a flaming torch in hand.
The room was small and empty, except for a single oak chair in the centre, laying on its side on the cold, stony floor. Evidence of dried blood lay etched between the cobbles and covered the arms and legs of the chair. The room smelt old, damp--unkept for years maybe?
"What is this room?" Usul questioned.
"Ahh M'lord, this be the torture room of the old kingdom" Erasmus answered, almost gloatingly, "It has been many years though, since I have been given the duty to escort prisoners here"

They entered a discussion dabating the pros and cons of torture for a full 15 minutes, before ending it with both agreeing that various torture methods have 'certain benefits' ie. extraction of information and punishment. Erasmus then began describing in finer detail some of the methods he had personally inflicted, including some of his more 'improvised' methods he had devised himself.
"Ok Ok Erasmus, stop playing games with me, wheres the lower dungeons?"
"Pardon M'lord?" Erasmus replied with a quizzing look.
"Let me see...'er the lower dungeons is through that there door' if I recall" Usul reminded, "If I ain't stupid, I would say that this room not much lower than any other cell in this place?"
Erasmus's mouth widened into a large cheesy grin "No, M'lord is indeed 'not' stupid...please... follow me this way"

QuoteRoleplay from Usul Soul

..."This is but a room with just one doorway. Are you playing games with me once more Erasmus?" Usul confusingly questioned, "Where are these lower dungeons you so speak of?"
Erasmus walked into the furthest corner of the room, knelt down and began to scrape lumps of dirt from the edges of a previously unseen slab of stone, set into the floor. He fumbled for a moment, before reavealing a withered rope, which had been concealed beneath the dirt. As he stood up grasping the rope, it continued to slither out from the crease; which surrounded the slab; like a serpent awoken from a long hibernation.
As Erasmus leaned back pulling at the rope, the slab moved with very little effort. A crack appeared, slowly growing into a large gaping hole, revealing nothing but pure darkness beneath.
"If M'lord wishes to see the lower dungeons, please follow me..."

Decending the stony staircase, Usul was hit shockingly by an intense, grotesque odour. The smell of damp and rotton flesh stopped him in his tracks as he became giddy from nausea.
"ughhh, I think those pork scratchings I had earlier are beginning to repeat on me" Usul made the excuse.
"We are here now, wait here" Erasmus ordered.
Erasmus walked around the room lighting each torch that mounted the walls. As light filled the room, Usul stood in silence, shocked...aghast!, half not believing what his eyes were truly showing him.

"Hmmm...." Usul finally spoke, "Erasmus my friend, be sure to keep the entrance to this part of the building concealed. Nobody must know about this part of the building."
"As you wish M'Lord"
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd


QuoteRoleplay from Usul Soul

While you rot in your cell, Usul Soul, High Chancellor of Cathay, Duke of Lionwood, Margrave of Azros, visits you and says:

Good Morning Leofic, Brother of Valex of the Arcean Empire.

You have the honour of being the first visitor to my humble dungeons. I do hope the accomodation is to your satisfaction.
Now, I understand you have in possession upon yourself an item of beauty. Perhaps you would like me to relieve you of your heavy burden, hmm?
Or perhaps you would rather enlighten with with some information of interest? My faithful servant 'Erasmus', my prison keeper, insists that I should give you a tour of the lower dungeons. I couldnt possibly know what he means. I might allow him the pleasure as I tend to faint at the sight of blood. It doth make me queasy.

I will leave you now, BUT I shall return. I leave you with my words to ponder over. My faithful Erasmus will inform me if you manage to find your tongue.
Oh, dont mind the rats, they are a friendly bunch. Im sure you will all get on very well.

QuoteRoleplay from Leofric de Vere

Letter from a prisoner
Prisoner Leofric has sent you a letter:

High Chancellor Yusol,

Feel free to take my blade if you wish. Perhaps you can find a good commoner to repair it for me - I have been searching for some time and the weapon is about to fall apart. It's difficult to find a decent commoner these days. Almost as difficult as finding a decent Judge with the intelligence to ban the loyalist Margrave of the capital after rebelling against his cousin. Looks like we're out of luck on both counts, eh?


Lord Leofric de Vere

QuoteRoleplay from Usul Soul

While you rot in your cell, Usul Soul, High Chancellor of Cathay, Duke of Lionwood, Margrave of Azros, visits you and says:

Ahh Lord Leofric,
The fall of Anacan was but a mere technicality error, not of my doing. Simply a minor delay.
Your blade--Will this be the same blade you failed so miserably to assassinate a Cathay noble with? I may consider accepting the gift and giving to someone who knows how to use it properly; My kitchen maid could possibly make good use of it to cut cheese.

*Erasmus whispers into Usuls ear*

Oh yes I forgot. Erasmus tells you of your eagerness to explore our fine dungeons having made two attempts of escape. He will be escorting you to our secret lower dungeons 'But dont tell anyone, shhh'. I have told him to keep your tongue intact, as I do hope to hear words from your lips that I might actually find interesting.

Erasmus likes you. He wants me to keep you around for a while. Frankly I would rather have you gone, you make my prisons look untidy, but you do amuse me.

*Usul leaves. Erasmus slips on some tight leather gloves before ushering the prisoner Leofric out of the cell, down a long dark passage.*
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd


The day after Leofric spend some time with Erasmus in the 'secret lower dungeon'

QuoteRoleplay from Usul Soul

Visit   (just sent)
While you rot in your cell, Usul Soul, High Chancellor of Cathay, Duke of Lionwood, Margrave of Azros, visits you and says:

Good evening Leofric,
I am glad to see you have found your energy to give my guards grief once more.

*Hands Leofric a small plate of cheese*

Courtesy of the kitchen maid. She would very much like to see the special blade that I described to her...ah but theres plenty of time for that.

*Erasmus whispers in the Chancellors ear*

Oh yes of course, Erasmus asked 'Please do not attempt to escape again'.
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd


QuoteRoleplay from Raziel Celestine

Raziel was pleasantly surprised. 

Since the moment Colosan had seceded he'd begun to see a different side of his Lord.  Through the countless hours they'd sat, hidden away behind locked doors in the castle at Azros with Duke Bofeng plotting the rebellion.  and all the while the quiet, well spoken Usul had began to show a side of himself that was much more sinister than Raziel could ever have guessed.

But that was nothing compared to the ruthlessness and cruelty that he had shown in dealing with Leofric.  To say that Lord Usul had not been pleased about the assassination attempt on his Knight, was an understatement.  Raziel had delivered the news himself after his men had dragged the prisoner to the dungeons.

Lord Usul had said nothing at first but a darkness passed behind his eyes that made the young knight's hair stand on end as a shudder went down his spine.  The temperature in the room seemed to drop a few degrees.

It was instantaneous, and just as quickly as it came, the moment fled.  The calm friendly demeanor that the Knight was so used to returned quickly, and Usul gave Raziel a giant, warm grin.

"No, no... That won't do," said his Lord, "You'll have to excuse me dear Raziel, I must personally see to it that my first visitor is properly accommodated," as he was speaking the warm smile seemed to twist into a gleeful leer of excitement and anticipation, " I wonder if he'd like to help me out with my research?"
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd


Usul's letter of denial of such atrocities, after questioning from some nobles of his realm:

QuoteLetter from Usul Soul


Where possibly can these absurd accusations be stemming from? Surely you cannot expect anything less coming from the mouth of King Valex himself. I am not surprised that he wishes to spread dissent such as this during a time when we are holding his Brother in our cells. His Brother who was caught wielded a dagger in the midst of darkness, attempting to slice the throat of one of our kin whilst she slept in her bed; Does he consider that a very courteous act? Well of course it is, when it is performed by the hand of the De Vere family.

We simply spoke of cheese and kitchen maids during my visit to Leofrics cell. That was before he made two attempts of escape which were thwarted. He does have a few bruises I admit, but only what can be expected from a minor struggle getting him back into his cell.

In Service.

Usul Soul
High Chancellor of Cathay
Duke of Lionwood
Margrave of Azros
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd


QuoteRoleplay from Usul Soul

within the illumination cast by a lit fireplace, Usul read the letter delivered to him earlier during the day. The blank expression on his face grew tight and scournful as he continued to read. After one year, having not heard or read a single word, Usul finally received a letter from his Father.
"You wretched beast! How dare you, after all this time, write to me questioning the choices I make in my life!" Usul blurted out uncontrollably. He followed his anger by tossing the painful letter into the fireplace.
Feeling a smidgen of relief to have vanquished those written words into nothingness, he sat in silence, pondering...

After thinking silently for a few moments, Usul recognsed the whispy sound of the almost silent shuffling of footsteps, attributed by his prison keeper entering the room.
"Come in Erasmus" Usul pronnounced, "What can I do for you my friend?"
"M'Lord, I heard you shout and was curious to your well-being" Erasmus answered with concern.
Usul looking up to this beast of a man; fascinated by the unusual height and sheer strength of his loyal servant; spoke out "It's fine Erasmus. My Father enrages me so"

Erasmus and Usul had become very close in recent times, sharing banter and good conversation. Usul felt ever grateful for the utter loyalty that his prison keeper offered to him. Realising the uses that this man offered, Usul had promoted him as his own personal guard. Erasmus no longer was responsible for running of his prison, but also of the personal protection and safeguard of the Chancillor himself; It was very clear that Usul needed protection from the many nobles of the land who have become to find him rather untasteful.

"Ahh Erasmus, whilst you are here in my presence, I have something to discuss" Usul announced, "You described to me your unique methods of gaining information from prisoners...umm without leaving marks, am I correct?"
"Err yes I did" Erasmus replied, unsure of where the conversation was heading
"Then tell me, how did our friend Leofric end up with all those bruises" Usul remarked, "You have caused me much grief due to your mistakes, I have had much flak over that affair!"
"I am sorry, please forgive me, for my methods are flawless" he expressed profusely "Whilst blindfolded, our friend mysteriously lost his footing and tumbled down the staircase", before offering a gentle smirk
"Sometimes Erasmus, you do push your luck. Please be more cautious next time, I dont need any more stress like that"
"As you wish" Erasmus replied, still smirking.

"M'Lord, I almost forgot. This report came for you a few hours ago" handing a rolled up scroll to Usul
"By the love of the Gods!" Usul cried as he read, "Come my friend, battle is upon us! retrieve your blade, we are off to war"
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd


Something happened to Usul that day, on the battlefield. Clearly Usul has some skeletons in the closet...

QuoteRoleplay from Usul Soul

Usul, his personal protector Erasmus, and his unit of archers arrived at the battlefield only moments after it had ensued. His men took position and were ordered to fire.
Oh, the bravery of being out of range, he muttered to himself.

Archers were always his first choice in battle, although not shy with the sword. His Fathers training had taught him well whilst growing up; although his forceful methods that were thrust upon Usul were something not to be desired and often met with rebellion. Upon remembering those times of past and the words of the recent letter from his Father; whilst the distant bloodshed could be witnessed in the distance; Usul became once more enraged, gritting his teeth.
As the enemy infanty closed in, "Draw blades!" He ordered.

The enemy charged the ranks and the sounds of meeting steel could be heard all around. Almost face to face with two brave soldiers running towards him, Usul lashed out, and in a series of synchronised swings of his sword, they fell. He lashed out some more, his internal conflicts that raged from within giving life to his blade.
The ground beneath his feet all around became sodden with the staining of blood oozing from decapitaed limbs, his men were being slaughtered before his eyes. Usul screamed out a hefty roar! charged another enemy soldier advancing toward him. Slash, thud, swipe, the soldier was no more. Usul, filled with the throbbing rush of adrenalin continued to stab, piercing the already motionless body, spraying blood and remnants of flesh in all directions. His face covered with the blood of the dead soldier, Usul could taste it as is seeped into his mouth. He was uncontrollable as he continued to grind the body to a pulping mash. Laughing out loud as he raised he sword for another swipe, he became giddy....lightheaded...then weak.

He dropped to his knees and his cries of laughter became those of tears...he wept before his vision faded into darkness as he passed out.

A large heavy hand reached down, picked up the sleeping body of Usul. Erasmus flung the sleeping body over his shoulder and retreated swiftly from the turmoil taking his Chancellor to a place of safety.
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd


QuoteRoleplay from Usul Soul

Staring back at him, Usul saw a young man, healthy jet black hair with not a single curl to disturb the perfect straightness as it draped so delicately past his shoulders.
He adjusted the mirror ever so slightly to a position of better view.

Now Usul slid a dark red silken cloth, to cover the old and tattered book containing ancient parchments he had been studying moments before.
He picked up a silver dagger, clearly decorated by master craftsmen, and adorned with a single blood red ruby on each side at the base of the handle. Beads of sweat glided from his brow as he began to breath deeply, to calm his mind.

In that moment he began to carve.

When the deed was done, Usul placed the bloody dagger beside the covered book. On his chest he could see the blood flowing tatoo formed into a symbol -- An ancient symbol of an old, long forgotton deity.
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd



Thanks a lot mate. I appreciate that.

Anyway, the saga continues......  ;)
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd


QuoteRoleplay from Usul Soul

Usul found the book stacked with others of similar size but of no particular interest--This book was different though.

During the evening when Erasmus had given him a tour of the 'Lower Dungeon', Usul had approached a large oak chest in one of the corners of the room. The chest contained various items that were unrecognisable to Usul; but were clearly for the use of inflicting a degree of pain; some silverware and a stack of books.
The book that had caught Usul's attention was old, far older that the rest, and eminated an aura of mystery-- It almost screamed out.
Upon opening the book, parchments slid out from within, the pages intact but some beginning to separate from the spine. The pages contained faded writing in ancient tongue unfamiliar to Usul. The parchments were written in both ancient and common tongue, a few pages with maps also.

When questioned, Erasmus knew of the book but had paid no attention to it, having no knowledge of the language. Erasmus then offered to carry the heavy bulk to the office quarters for his Chancellor.

Usul now had the book on a desk within a secluded room, away from the populated working areas of the building. Having already made some progress desiphering a few pages;  using the parchments created by a previous persons attempt; He continuted to study his book once again throughout the night.... into the early hour of dawn.
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd


QuoteRoleplay from Usul Soul

Using the notes written by the hand of someone long forgotten, Usul had worked out partial translations and now expanded those notes; with his own; into the building of a seperate book--A direct copy of the 'Book of Zraath', but in the most modern tongue.

Not half of the book was so far translated, but there was still much knowledge that Usul had discovered.
Usul became dreary--the accumulation of too many long nights with a quill in hand. He summoned his loyal keeper "Erasmus!"
Erasmus entered "M'Lord?"
"My friend, I don't know where or how, but I need you to find something for me" Usul ordered, "I seek the meat and flesh of the beast--Fresh! Given the current infestation, I trust it not be too difficult to source.
"No problem M'Lord, as you wish"

As the door closed upon Erasmus's departure, Usul closed his eyes and was overcome by the paralysis of sleep.
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd


QuoteRoleplay from Usul Soul

"...And so the words of Zraath were spoken unto his children
You who pledge to serve within the Temple of Zraath shall be blessed with the sight.
The world shall feel the wrath of my awakening, but only true sight will see the sign, and know the sign,
For you my children will be gifted with the harvest of my blood and body.
My beastly cattle will plague the lands. Those who tame and consume, shall find their place in my temple; Those who deny, shall succumb to the devastation of their sins....

Usul closed the book.
With bare hands, he grasped the heart and picked it up from the bowl--still warm. He held the heart high above a silver chalice, filling it with the fresh monster blood still oozing from the heart. Took a sip....then began to feast.
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd


QuoteRoleplay from Usul Soul

Usul held up the glass vial, twisted it and studied the blood red liquid contained inside. Erasmus sat on the other side of the desk faced him with curiosity expressed of his face.
"Results of a recent experiment with the blood of the beasts, Usul?" Erasmus asked.
"No no my friend, this is something else, something I am unsure of" Usul replied, "This liquid is known as the juice of the Bloodmoon fruit"
"Bloodmoon? that is not something I have ever heard mentioned before"
"Ahh it is a ritualistic juice consumed by the followers of a religion on the Isle of Dwilight" Usul explained, "My brother sent it to me claiming it will show me enlightenment. He is such a fool!"
"What do you plan to do with it Usul?" Erasmus asked
"Well my friend, it is said to have rejuvinating properties in small doses. Much more will place a person into a trance state where they experience hallucigenic effects" Usul continued, "I wish not to play those silly games though"
Erasmus continued to listen with interest
"No no my friend" Usul continued to explain, "I wish to use it in my experiments, but first I need to see its effects"
Erasmus smiled "Lady Angela?"
"Indeed my friend" Usul confirmed with some expression of concern, "Lady Angela's situation is a huge misfortune for us and of our King. We need her back, and if we can help with this juice, then we will all benefit from her return"

With a wry grin, Usul then said "I would be most interested to study the results of this juice to maybe use in my future experiments with the blood of the beasts and texts from the Book of Zraath"
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd