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Started by Munro, May 12, 2011, 09:29:39 PM

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As I've only just started playing with a Priest, I'm still learning the religious side of the game mechanics. But here is my question;

If there is a majority faith in a region of Religion A (RA) let's say 100% for simplicity and RA has a temple supporting these numbers.

If Religion B (RB) creates a temple in the same region and the region lord decides to close down the temple of RA, would this mean that the peasants following RA would gradually drop in number or would it be quicker? What faith would they then choose, could RB then gain followers?

In general how much effect would this have? (I know this is variable, but let's just say at the moment all regions stats are 100% and control is Core, would the peasants automatically declare independence, or is it something that some harsh courts and a bit of police work can handle?)

Also is it easier to convert peasants who believe in paganism or a player created religion? Or are they both the same type of conversion percentages (not talking about temples here, just oratory skill). Basically what I'm trying to find out here is whether it would be quicker to close down the temple of RA and then convert the followers of RA to RB (with an inexperienced priest) or whether being patient and just constantly preaching to the followers of RA would be a better option?


Well, if you had 100% following Keplerism, and the lord closes the Keplerism temple, the region would probably go into revolt. :P You may not lose it right away, but you'd take some heavy stat damage, and it may go rogue in a couple days. I've seen that happen when a temple was sacked a couple times by the lord.

Losing the temple would probably cause the peasants to slowly wander away from that faith. Not sure how long it would take. There's a lot of factors involved. They would return to paganism, and would not convert to another faith directly, unless that faith does something to cause that to happen. Having a temple can help, but without preaching, that is a really slow process.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Munro on May 12, 2011, 09:29:39 PM
As I've only just started playing with a Priest, I'm still learning the religious side of the game mechanics. But here is my question;

If there is a majority faith in a region of Religion A (RA) let's say 100% for simplicity and RA has a temple supporting these numbers.

If Religion B (RB) creates a temple in the same region and the region lord decides to close down the temple of RA, would this mean that the peasants following RA would gradually drop in number or would it be quicker? What faith would they then choose, could RB then gain followers?

In general how much effect would this have? (I know this is variable, but let's just say at the moment all regions stats are 100% and control is Core, would the peasants automatically declare independence, or is it something that some harsh courts and a bit of police work can handle?)

Also is it easier to convert peasants who believe in paganism or a player created religion? Or are they both the same type of conversion percentages (not talking about temples here, just oratory skill). Basically what I'm trying to find out here is whether it would be quicker to close down the temple of RA and then convert the followers of RA to RB (with an inexperienced priest) or whether being patient and just constantly preaching to the followers of RA would be a better option?

It's probably easiest to convert peasants who view your religion as a "variant" of their own. Next easiest would be pagans, followed by ignore. Hardest to convert--and you'll get beat up constantly--are those that view your faith as evil.


also depends on how many temples/ followers are in regions around that one.

i think.

with the order in atamara all those years ago, they really had a synergistic effect with followers way above what a temple can support. then again, that was a while back


Thanks for all the advice, much appreciated!