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Started by Zakilevo, May 13, 2011, 10:18:34 AM

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I was wondering how about adding a feud option.

BM has a way to settle things with a duel but I think it is unfair for characters with bad swordsmanship.

Allowing a private war between regions should give more things to do for lords and knights also this might encourage knights to be more active during peaceful times. Also, this might provide more factors of surprise. If a big realm is struggling with too many lords fighting over each other, even a smaller realm can start a war on the bigger realm.

When a lord loses a feud, the winner should be able to demand gold directly from the loser's regional tax for a certain period. Like 3% of the tax gold of the loser region for 3 weeks or something like that. 8)

Of course the feud between two lords should be only restricted between two lords and their knights.
(maybe this is too insane?  :o)


I think it's a fair idea, but perhaps give the option for the government to ban feuds in times of war? Like the mechanic would still be active, but the act would be illegal.
My language: (Apologies for any confusion this results in.)
Awesome = Ossim
Tom = Tarm


Yeah. Just like a duel. This should be controlled by a judge.

I think if we apply feud mechanic, lords will be more encouraged to recruit nobles. :)


Interesting :)

Thing is just that this is very open to abuse. any townsland Lord or Duke could just pick on a rural region, farming the tax gold off them... I suppose these feuds should be a rar event though. Could a feud lead to the stripping of one's lordship?


Quote from: Skyndarbau on May 13, 2011, 12:00:12 PM
Thing is just that this is very open to abuse. any townsland Lord or Duke could just pick on a rural region, farming the tax gold off them...

How is this abuse?
After all it's a roleplaying game.


Quote from: vonGenf on May 13, 2011, 12:07:12 PM
How is this abuse?

Well I guess normally when a duke gives a region of his duchy to a certain Lord it won't be easy to get rid of him afterwards. You can try to tax him, but he can just run into another duchy. If you can just hammer his region down over and over again, seems too much of an easy way out when you realize you appointed the wrong noble.


Quote from: Skyndarbau on May 13, 2011, 12:00:12 PM
Interesting :)

Thing is just that this is very open to abuse. any townsland Lord or Duke could just pick on a rural region, farming the tax gold off them... I suppose these feuds should be a rar event though. Could a feud lead to the stripping of one's lordship?

Dukes wouldn't pick on his own vassals and if one duchy picks on another duchy then that duchy can threaten to secede so the king says "hold on, settle down Duchy A."

This thing would definitely need some thought to go into it though.
My language: (Apologies for any confusion this results in.)
Awesome = Ossim
Tom = Tarm

Forbes Family

This is very interesting. I don't think it would be abused as each region swears an oath to a Duchy which is supposed to protect there vassals. I can see this as more of a way for separate duchies to fight against each other. With the new map that has been talked about you could possibly even see parts of a region change hands.
Forbes Family


The idea sounds quite interesting. Would it be like a full-out war, with all the options and battles, or something different? I have always been under the impression that the feuds were more surreptitious than all-out war. Assassinations, attacks in the woods, etc.

As for implementation, I suspect the coding would be quite difficult (to understate it). I recall back when the intra-realm conflict was discussed (between duchies), it was mentioned by a dev that the coding would be a beast try get right.


Owkay, I'm convinced :) For as far as that's possible to code, Duchy vs Duchy wars would be awesome.


Ok but if we allow a duchy-centric diplomacy, what's left to the ruler to do?


Quote from: Peri on May 19, 2011, 05:14:42 PM
Ok but if we allow a duchy-centric diplomacy, what's left to the ruler to do?

Trying to maintain internal peace :p


I'm a rather big opponent of internal realm warfare. Aside from the coding nightmare it would take to do that, you can already fight another duchy: Secede and attack.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Well if you secede you have to deal with the entire realm instead of dealing with another duchy :P Well this will cause too much of a headache for the dev team :( Maybe dueling of multiple knights are better? like a lord get to choose 2 to 5 knights to settle something. Selected knights fight and the side winning the most continuous duels win?


I think the idea is that we should not be moving towards even finer grains of battle.  Intrarealm politics already do enough of that.
The above is accurate 25% of the time, truthful 50% of the time, and facetious 100% of the time.