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When will the Ice settle?

Started by Dishman, March 16, 2014, 02:26:52 AM

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Two of my characters are in realms, affected by the ice, in East Continent and Atamara. Somehow it is no fun at all and I realised that I actuallly would like to delete them. It makes me think that destroying a whole continent would be more fun. Then lots of people would need to migrate and strong groups could really fight to take over the other realms.

Just my opinion, of course.


At first i didn't quite understand the devs plan/idea with this ice.
Or perhaps i didnt want to understand, like many others here.

But after some time, i start to see how this is ging to work and what it is settings in motion.

Its sad on one hand that some ongoing developments have come to an abrupt stop by this gm intervention.
It simply removes realms and its politics/diplomacy like mostly unknown to BM.

Most of us, i think, agree with the notion that we either need more nobles or less regions.
The devs had many options but this one certainly is going to destroy the least in game history and developments.
Where it destroys this with one hand, It also creates allot of new developments.

Some realms are migrating enmass with peaceful intend, accepting some deal with a major realm on the other side of the continent.
Other realms band together and simply try to take the lands from their arch enemies in a leap of faith, hoping to take a new capital before their army is destroyed.
Other realms like fallngard, who had fought since its begining for its survival, enough food production and land for its nobility, have recently gained what they sought and fought for.
The ice however will take away atleast the three regions they started from and by doing so, putting the realm back to its former position: overcrowded with nobles and in a (violent) search for land.
Fallangards quest to carve out a worthy kingdom by military force will continue, thanks to the ice.
Without the ice, atleast that story would have come to an end.

So basically the ice giveth and taketh away.
Destroying old stories, but also creating new ones, or even causing a good story to actually continue onwards.
Brutus the Brute - Kleptes the Thief - Atreus the Brave - Alucina the Lucid

Gustav Kuriga

I would disagree. From what I've witnessed, on dwilight we're taking out the very thing that allowed for varied politics. I view this more like cutting out a cancer. It is better to cut out a lot all at once, and be done with it, than to suffer a slow, agonizing death on chemotherapy where you can't do everything that you used to do.


Quote from: Gustav Kuriga on March 26, 2014, 01:49:04 PM
we're taking out the very thing that allowed for varied politics. I view this more like cutting out a cancer. It is better to cut out a lot all at once, and be done with it

For me, this is the biggest negative point about the glaciers on numerous islands rather than having a freezing of one whole island. In at least two cases, the glaciers are advancing on the realms that offer the only significant military and political opposition on the islands in question. It hands the political power cards to one side in ongoing conflicts (and some thinly veiled gloating by a few members of the non-iced realms doesn't really help the situation either).

I think this is one of the biggest reasons why so many people are unhappy about this GM glacier event - because it's charged like the proverbial 'bull in a china shop' into existing opposed military and political environments and largely handed the advantage to one particular side.

On the other hand, if a whole island had been frozen it would have put everyone in the same boat (probably literally  ;D). No 'winners' on the particular island from the situation - everyone loses and has to relocate. Yes, people would still have been unhappy, but it would have been a much more egalitarian sense of unhappines. Everyone takes the same fall.


I have heard a lot of comments on taking out the whole island. As much as i initially thought it to be the most viable course, have anyone actually thought that we all have a limit on numbers of players in a continent? And to put more of your characters in the same continent is not actually, that much of a fun. I would rather have all my characters spread out across different continent. So cutting off the size of it could be the real solution.

However, i do not agree with how it is done, but have to give it to the GM for daring for that move. The reason i don't agree to it is the fairness to it all. I don't think only one side should suffer to it. Not the underdogs nor the winning side. Put the ice on the underdogs, it's harder for them to fight for lands. Put the ice on the winning side, it might also mean killing the underdogs faster(despite the chance making it a fairer fight). It should be more balanced and happen from all side. Just like how the invasion in Beluaterra is. You can make that balanced, why not this ice thing? Regardless, what's done is done.

Now, the only way to go about this is for players to think on the opponent's shoes. I found more often than not, people take this game way too seriously. Going all out to fully destroy a realm. Give each other the chance, if they are worthy that is. Give them a survival chance. Take for instance how Fingolfin in Thalmarkin decided not to completely destroy Melhed. Why do so when you have opportunity for more different realms and characters surrounding yours. Exactly why i did the same to Fronen in this current war. As much as there are much grudges, i think the best way is for them to still survive. What else is there to play when they are all gone?

So my advice is to the winning side to step back a bit. Give the underdogs a little chance. You will see more fun in this then completely destroy them.


Destroying an entire realm is a bad idea these days. You can't fill up the gap and you've just got yourself a lot of angry players who want you gone who will most likely going to join your enemies.

If you let your enemies live as a small realm, they will stay there most likely and will just be weakened. You can sometimes beat that for fun but they can't do anything about so you can entertain yourself and not have a big headache at the same time.  8)

Interesting Fact: With so much ice covering the land, it should lower the sea level and reveal even more regions technically.


More land, not necesarily more regions.
Nice extra flavour, but perhaps alot of work for a minor gain.

What your saying immplies what has been said before: every option would hurt.
We will see what the real effects will be in the player statistics.
If we do not see a considerable drop i believe we can start looking back at a major event causing long term, in game developments and great roleplaying.

This event doesnt have to just draticallyeffect your realm, it could also inspire your character(s)
its faith, behaviour, loyalty, intrests or alignment.
In some timewe might look back at this as incentive for great interaction, stories and battle.
Brutus the Brute - Kleptes the Thief - Atreus the Brave - Alucina the Lucid

Gustav Kuriga

Quote from: Bhranthan on March 26, 2014, 09:37:57 PM
More land, not necesarily more regions.
Nice extra flavour, but perhaps alot of work for a minor gain.

What your saying immplies what has been said before: every option would hurt.
We will see what the real effects will be in the player statistics.
If we do not see a considerable drop i believe we can start looking back at a major event causing long term, in game developments and great roleplaying.

This event doesnt have to just draticallyeffect your realm, it could also inspire your character(s)
its faith, behaviour, loyalty, intrests or alignment.
In some timewe might look back at this as incentive for great interaction, stories and battle.

Honestly, if I were my character during this, I wouldn't be surprised if the "inspiration" I got was to commit suicide.


Quote from: Disturbedyang on March 26, 2014, 07:05:33 PM
Now, the only way to go about this is for players to think on the opponent's shoes. I found more often than not, people take this game way too seriously. Going all out to fully destroy a realm. Give each other the chance, if they are worthy that is. Give them a survival chance. Take for instance how Fingolfin in Thalmarkin decided not to completely destroy Melhed. Why do so when you have opportunity for more different realms and characters surrounding yours. Exactly why i did the same to Fronen in this current war. As much as there are much grudges, i think the best way is for them to still survive. What else is there to play when they are all gone?

So my advice is to the winning side to step back a bit. Give the underdogs a little chance. You will see more fun in this then completely destroy them.
Stopping a war short of full destruction requires both sides to agree to stop it. There are quite a few examples of this, where realms have refused to surrender. (Luz de Bia on BT is the first to come to mind, but there have been others.) This forces the other realm to kill them. Or the realms voluntarily suicide. (Caerwyn on Dwilight did this, taking their regions to Asylon rather than continue to exist as a smaller realm.)
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Lapallanch on March 26, 2014, 08:48:34 PM
Interesting Fact: With so much ice covering the land, it should lower the sea level and reveal even more regions technically.
The amount of ice you would have to create on land would be a staggeringly enormous.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Gustav Kuriga on March 26, 2014, 09:41:42 PM
Honestly, if I were my character during this, I wouldn't be surprised if the "inspiration" I got was to commit suicide.

Weak spirited character!


Quote from: Lapallanch on March 26, 2014, 08:48:34 PM
Interesting Fact: With so much ice covering the land, it should lower the sea level and reveal even more regions technically.

It should also increase pressure on the crust, thus promoting greater vulcanism.

Do you want me to start erupting volcanoes everywhere, or can we just let the Ice be Ice for now? ;D
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan

Gustav Kuriga


Quote from: Indirik on March 26, 2014, 10:13:59 PM
Stopping a war short of full destruction requires both sides to agree to stop it. There are quite a few examples of this, where realms have refused to surrender. (Luz de Bia on BT is the first to come to mind, but there have been others.) This forces the other realm to kill them. Or the realms voluntarily suicide. (Caerwyn on Dwilight did this, taking their regions to Asylon rather than continue to exist as a smaller realm.)

It takes two hands to clap. That is why i always think rulers' interactions are very important to make their nobles enjoy the game/realm.


Quote from: Anaris on March 26, 2014, 10:41:21 PM
It should also increase pressure on the crust, thus promoting greater vulcanism.

Do you want me to start erupting volcanoes everywhere, or can we just let the Ice be Ice for now? ;D

Start that up and it will quickly become Battlemaster: A Song of Ice and Fire.
Life is a dance, it is only fitting that death sing the tune.