Author Topic: When will the Ice settle?  (Read 15195 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: When will the Ice settle?
« Reply #15: March 26, 2014, 07:05:33 PM »
I have heard a lot of comments on taking out the whole island. As much as i initially thought it to be the most viable course, have anyone actually thought that we all have a limit on numbers of players in a continent? And to put more of your characters in the same continent is not actually, that much of a fun. I would rather have all my characters spread out across different continent. So cutting off the size of it could be the real solution.

However, i do not agree with how it is done, but have to give it to the GM for daring for that move. The reason i don't agree to it is the fairness to it all. I don't think only one side should suffer to it. Not the underdogs nor the winning side. Put the ice on the underdogs, it's harder for them to fight for lands. Put the ice on the winning side, it might also mean killing the underdogs faster(despite the chance making it a fairer fight). It should be more balanced and happen from all side. Just like how the invasion in Beluaterra is. You can make that balanced, why not this ice thing? Regardless, what's done is done.

Now, the only way to go about this is for players to think on the opponent's shoes. I found more often than not, people take this game way too seriously. Going all out to fully destroy a realm. Give each other the chance, if they are worthy that is. Give them a survival chance. Take for instance how Fingolfin in Thalmarkin decided not to completely destroy Melhed. Why do so when you have opportunity for more different realms and characters surrounding yours. Exactly why i did the same to Fronen in this current war. As much as there are much grudges, i think the best way is for them to still survive. What else is there to play when they are all gone?

So my advice is to the winning side to step back a bit. Give the underdogs a little chance. You will see more fun in this then completely destroy them.