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Change Gold Transfer message

Started by Sypher, April 03, 2014, 04:11:26 AM

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Title: Add Recipient to gold transfer message

Summary: Add the recipient name to your message history for gold transfers

Details: The message in a character's sent message history for gold transfers doesn't tell who you sent the gold to. The message in your character's sent messages shows:
Gold Transfer   (x minutes ago)
personal message
You received bonds worth 100 gold from [Your Character].

I propose to change the message to:
Gold Transfer   (x minutes ago)
personal message to [character who received gold]
You received bonds worth 100 gold from [Your Character].

Benefits: Player wouldn't need to go to a city to check who they sent gold to and it wouldn't be limited to your last 10 transactions.

Possible Downsides or Exploits: none that I can think of beyond more work for the dev team.


My name is Indirik, and I approve this message.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


My name is Anthony  Weiner, and I also approved this message.