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The Zuma

Started by Velax, March 26, 2014, 02:13:16 PM

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Sounds kinda neat.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Roran on March 31, 2014, 06:43:26 PM
Sir you are my hero. That gave me the idea of making some kind of GoT-esque Night Watch realm that'd try to keep one or two regions on the other continent under human control for RP reasons and that all realms would have to support them with some gold and food as taxes to keep 'humanity' safe.

If I get enough people to join me on that idea I might just do that.

Begin in Valkyrja and hold the Yggs, Aquitain & Gelene Outskirts.  If I could have 2 nobles on Dwilight I would totally join in; as it is if Corsanctum dies I might anyway.

Anaris, can we have the monsters not be bottled up behind the bridge (not so as to get like, 15k doomstacks rolling in every day but at least some crossover) so the threat of being overrun in the east is actually real and not just roleplayed?  I could totally justify Cathan going to join the Watch if we have to actually fight the monsters back just to hold down the bridges.
MacGeil Family: Cathan (Corsanctum)
Formerly the O'Faolain, then Nisbet families


I remember even having a letter stored somewhere to send to the leaders of all realms to begin such an order of defenders. I must find it at once. Anyways, I'm going to wait a little while longer both IC and OOC to wait for more people to show interest and to finish some IC business.


I've been trying to create a realm like that (Night Watch-esque) for... Hell, about 5-6 RL years. Never had it take off, though I did lead a few ill-fated colonization attempts of the area around the Shrine of the Seeklander back when Dwilight was new, and briefly took Itau for that purpose. I think some of my ideas are still floating around on the wiki.

Gustav Kuriga

Funnily enough, my cousin had the same kind of idea... although his was a little bit more sinister in scope.


I like the Nights Watch idea.  The Kabrinski's will support it one way or another.
Kabrinski Family:  Nathaniel (EC), Franklin (BT), Aletha(DWI)


I am starting on spreading the idea. Expect a message soon.


This is a great idea.  I would suggest forming a group which would also incorporate activity from adventurers.
Geg Family: Elshon (Bel)


I am in a few days time going to send a message to all rulers officially proposing the idea, and I will start making preparations. Let's see what hapens!


Who knows, if Asylon gets beaten, you might find 40 willing brothers and sisters in black...

Either way, this is a great idea with alot of potential.
King Grimrog Bjarnson of Asylon.


If I could have a second character on Dwilight, I would definitely join up with the Watch.  Unfortunately, my character is currently in the middle of a war with Asylon... which means that I am helping give you 40 nobles with the destruction of Asylon.   ;)

On a side note, my character is getting up there in age so if he dies, I'll make another noble and put him/her on the Watch. 


Monsters on western Dwilight might add an interesting PvE aspect to Battlemaster that has been seriously lacking - or has been lacking since the early days of Dwilight.


I sent the message, and now we see what will become of our plans...  8)


Quote from: Roran on April 11, 2014, 07:01:01 PM
I sent the message, and now we see what will become of our plans...  8)

Haha, you would send it right after I step down as ruler.
MacGeil Family: Cathan (Corsanctum)
Formerly the O'Faolain, then Nisbet families


Whoops xD

Anyways, we'll see what they'll do with it. I haven't received any response yet, so I guess it's time to wait!