Author Topic: Replacing Founders of Religions  (Read 8505 times)

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Re: Replacing Founders of Religions
« Topic Start: May 15, 2011, 05:42:51 PM »

Er, well, yeah, there's only one title for every rank...But more than one person can hold any single rank, except for #1, the Founder rank.

That is because in religion and guild ranking system, every senior member in a given senior rank can modify only every member up to and including its own rank, given that the own rank applies only to himself. So if someone was #2, he could make himself #3 and everything below, and modify everyone at #3 and below, as well as himself. Note that what I'm talking about here is the Order Members part, or GuildMembers.php.

For GuildManage.php which is managing ranks, any senior member can only modify the title of the rank and the peculiars like joining fee, max debt, fee/grant, only for ranks below them. So #2 can only modify #3 and below.

Now, #1 has different options. #1 under GuildManage.php can change his own peculiars, and everyone else's. In GuildMembers.php he can change the ranks of every other member. However, I do not think he can demote himself. My memory of running a guild is about two years ago, so I'm not quite sure about that part. Nevertheless, if possible, it's obvious that he can't ever go back to #1, so I don't think self-demotion/kicking out is something that makes sense.