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War of Omens

Started by Andre, May 06, 2014, 07:41:21 PM

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So, this is a very good and unique CCG. Belive it was released sometime at the start of Januari, cant remember at the moment.
Well, at the moment a lot of the campaign isnt released yet, only for 1 of the 12 publicly available heros, and only 5 chapters of 20 of it. Pretty hard at the harder levels. So not much to talk about there

The packs that you buy will randomly give you a card tier and 3 random cards from that tier, you can then choose one of them to get it, or give it experience, which then upgrades it with enough experience, you can upgrade each card twice, it takes 4 experience to get to lvl 2 card, and 20 for lvl 3, you get 1 experience every time you get the card again.
There are also 4 tiers of packs:
Oak, the most basic pack, you can get any card in the game from this pack, although epics are like 0.1% chance to get, and rares are pretty hard aswell. Cost: 100 silver
Silver, chances to get higher tier cards are significantly improved. You can only get Uncommons and higher, best to max every common before moving on to this. You need to buy for a worth of atleast 3 dollars to unlock this. Cost: 300 silver
Gold, chances for Epics improve very much. You can only get scarce and up from this pack, best to max every uncommon thats good for almost any strat for that faction or that you care about before going to this one. Need to buy for atleast 10 dollars worth to unlock. Cost: 1000 silver.
And finaly the gem pack, this can only be got with gems, which you can get 1 free gem every 7 daily rewards, note that the daily rewards dont reset if you miss a day. From this you can only get Rare and Epic.

There are 5 tiers of cards, Common (The most important level of cards, its almost impossible to make a deck without these), Uncommon (You can probably make a deck of these and higher only, also important cards), Scarce (These are mostly cards which arent neccesary to have but help a lot), Rare (Very costly cards, impossible to win with only these, but very good if played well together with lower tiers), Epic (These are very hard to get, you can get the 3 heros in this category, and 10 different coins, which you can get 10 each of, more of these below).
Now coins, this is a very intresting part of the game, you start with 10 basic coins in any deck, and you can make them better by replacing them with the epic coins, which have different abilities like:
20% extra coin
20% skull
etc etc

There are currently 3 factions:
Vespitole (Green): This is a faction that is a lot of about buying as much as possible and cycling cards, as every card they play draws a new card, which gives you more resources, and you draw even more.
Daramek (Red): They are a lot about swarming the field with minions who then attack, give resources, or get sacrificed so you can play bigger creatures.

Metris (Blue): Every card they play gets destroyed, meaning it doesnt go into their draw deck, and you cant draw it again, but they have a certain hero who has 10% chance to prevent destruction and let card go into deck to be played again, and a card that does the same for 100% chance. They may seem weak because they cant draw their cards again usualy, but most of their cards are very cheap for what they do.
A fourth faction, the purple is going to be added soon, currently we have the last bit of a contest to name the faction.
There are 4 heros for each faction, but you only start with 1 from red and 1 from green, as blue isnt very beginner friendly and needs most commons maxed or atleast lvl 2.

Then, lets get a bit into the battle mechanics, as i said before, you start with 10 coins in your deck, which is your draw deck, left of that you have 4 cards all with costs on them, every turn you draw 3 cards from your draw deck, and hand has a limit of 4 at a time, you can go over this, but you wont draw any new cards, it allows for an intresting mechanic of going infinete (more later), at the start of the battle it will mainly be coins, for which you can buy those 4 cards, when you buy these cards they go into your deck (except Metris cards). The bank (from which you buy) consists of 10 cards, which you assign in the deck editor, you can do the same with the coins. You have 4 resources, Gold, Food, Skulls and Magic. Gold is for buying the bank cards, Food is for activating certain allies, healing them and healing your hero, skulls are to attack enemy allies and your enemy hero, and magic you can do anything with.

I think this covered most of it. And its one of the least p2w CCGs imo. As commons are basicly must have here and the most important card tier, and you cant win with rares only, which in some other CCGs isnt the case.
I suck at writing things like these so yeah :P.
Main site here:
You can also play from Facebook and Kongregate, currently names in battle can only be seen for kong users.
And the chat is usualy pretty active with pros and such, who you can ask help from, usualy people help, chat 1 is the best chat in kong, the pros are there, so advice is best to be gotten from there. Hope you like it if you decide to try it. I might do a list of the heros here, but too lazy, there are are also 4 exclusive heros that are only available for the backers that posed for that hero and for the AI, and 1 other exclusive hero for several backers.


Looks like a pay to win kind of game.


Quote from: Lapallanch on May 06, 2014, 07:43:40 PM
Looks like a pay to win kind of game.
A lot of people say that. It isnt very true though. You can find games that are much more pay2win. You can get every card just from oak packs, sure it takes a long time to max scarce+ and even uncommons take a bit of time, but its possible. I only have half UC maxed and have beat people with nearly all rares maxed, so its all really dependant on that you have your commons maxed and have a good deck.