Author Topic: The Night's Watch Realm  (Read 17482 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: The Night's Watch Realm
« Reply #15: April 21, 2014, 07:26:09 AM »
OOC'ly we know the monsters will stay West, and that we are just forced to migrate, but we kind of just assumed our characters magically knew aswell.

Unfortunately, I'm inclined to disagree with you. The monsters have devastated the west within a month, yet the vast majority of the east remains untouched. In addition, I don't think monsters have ever crossed sea channels/sea regions, so there's little reason to believe that's changed. Sure, there's fear, confusion, and chaos in the minds of the survivors, but there's no real proof that anyone's in danger. In other words, it's visibly clear that the east isn't being invaded.

I think your idea has great merit. Going on "rangings" would be a lot of fun, especially for those wanting to build up honor and prestige, or those who want to develop their characters RPly. However, without any actual, tangible threat, I fear the majority of people will just ignore your character's warnings.

If the devs abandoned the Zuma for the monsters instead, I think your idea could gain some ground. If a dev sent a monstrous horde through Yggdramir, the threat could definitely materialize. By occasionally, I mean once every four to eight seasons (every winter/other winter :P,) and by monstrous horde, I mean a force ten to twenty-five thousand CS strong. I don't think anyone would be able to deny a potential invasion after that.
The adherents of different religions in a realm should compete for power, influence, and fresh converts. They don't even have to be killing each other to do so. I wish people promoted the prosperity of their religions the same way they promoted the growth and prosperity of their realms. - Geronus