Author Topic: lower honor/prestige requirements for classes  (Read 8479 times)


  • Honourable King
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In the 'Info" tab under 'Statistics' there's a pie chart showing class choices. Why not let players choose their class when they create the character, but display that pie chart along with a brief description of each class. Then they can make an informed choice. It's rather pointless for the rest of us to stand around and say I think 'courtier' is boring therefore newbies should be barred from choosing it. As I said before, I know most people think Trader is boring, but I actually like it, and it annoyed me that I wasn't allowed to choose it.
Well I am the main one against it as far as I can tell, and I have never said the classes suck or are boring. I enjoy every single class, the only two I haven't been yet are infil and hero and I know I would enjoy both without playing them but I wouldn't recommend either one to a new player. What I am saying is a newbie, whom aren't usually the most interacting with others, shouldn't start off as a class right away that isn't very fun without interacting with people. The need for h/p gets them traveling and interacting, either because they are in a war for a little bit or because they are wondering chasing down monsters, either one has them interacting with people, preparing them for a fun time with the other classes. I even supported the suggestion to remove an h/p requirement for courtier and instead just do a time requirement.

Eirikr, there is a huge issue with first point. There is a 15 day minimum between class changes I fully support, and if a new player decides he doesn't like courtier, he isn't going to stick around to wait. If a new player decides he just hates being a warrior, then I see that player not sticking around for very long.

To your second point, as I already said, I don't see the classes as bad, just bad for a new player to start in.

At Buffalkill, like I said a new player doesn't actually know what he will enjoy right away, but with new players almost always having a low initiator of interaction early on, the class of courtier won't be that fun of one, which is why forcing some interaction will prepare them to have fun as a courtier or other class that requires interacting, especially initiating, to be fun.

As well, I supported allowing all stewards to become traders, which in most instances will just require requesting the lord, if not it would be switching your estate to a rural lord, then requesting  because they generally have few if any knights. If they can't ask a lord to make them steward, I don't see them talking with foreigners to actually make trading successful.
“The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.”
― G.K. Chesterton