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Adventurer Thread

Started by Bael, May 16, 2011, 12:47:10 PM

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An adventurer general discussion and Q & A thread.

I've got so many things to put in here, but I'll start off with only a few.

For a start, on the wiki it says: "Move around. After gathering in one region for a while, it will get more and more difficult to find items. Move on to the next region and continue from there. "

I have found nothing to confirm this, although then I do not know what time period 'a while' is. After about four days gathering in a region I am still finding stuff at about the same ratio, or better.

Second, what effect does the adventure gear/skill have exactly?

Finally, can an item gain prestige while held by an adventurer? Logic says no, but then that isn't always what counts :)


Your swordfighting skill helps you fighting tough monsters and undeads; your adventuring skill helps you do a variety of things, some of which I can guess at, none of which am I entirely certain about.

Your gear, however, limits your skill, i.e. if you have a 40% skill as verified at the academy, but 20% fighting gear, you will fight like a 20% skill noble. Buying more gear than your skill level, however, does not help you.
After all it's a roleplaying game.


I think the advy skill, among other things, determines how often you see rogue groups when hunting. E.g. a skilled advy will have a good chance of finding monsters when "there are some rumours about undead", where a less skilled advy will need "many reliable reports", or something :)

I think it also has an effect on item gathering, and perhaps even on repairing items/finding sages. The latter two being pretty improbable though.

Maybe higher adventuring skill allows you shorter travel times as well? That should be easily confirmed :)


Quote from: Skyndarbau on May 16, 2011, 01:25:11 PM
I think the advy skill, among other things, determines how often you see rogue groups when hunting. E.g. a skilled advy will have a good chance of finding monsters when "there are some rumours about undead", where a less skilled advy will need "many reliable reports", or something :)

Yes, this would make sense.

Quote from: Skyndarbau on May 16, 2011, 01:25:11 PM
I think it also has an effect on item gathering, and perhaps even on repairing items/finding sages. The latter two being pretty improbable though.

If it did affect gathering, I wonder if item gathering would increased adventurer skill? I know it tells you when it increases from hunting, but if it increases when gathering, there is no message. I somehow suspect it does not increase. My adventuring skill would be 100 if it did (not that there is any way that I can tell what it is...) In theory anything that uses a skill should also increase it, however.

Quote from: Skyndarbau on May 16, 2011, 01:25:11 PM
Maybe higher adventuring skill allows you shorter travel times as well? That should be easily confirmed :)

Now that you mention it, I recall hearing this before somewhere. Definitely merits investigation.


Yes, if you need skill for doing something, you should definetely gain skill from performing that action. But maybe the skill increase for gathering is so small you barely notice because of the frequent skill increase through hunting. That should be easily confirmed too, if anyone has an advy that never hunts (weird thought ::)  ??? )

Does anyone have a really skilled advy, willing to test the travel hypothesis?


While we're waiting for others to post, I am wondering if there are certain items that people have found really hard to get (excluding those from cities and towns, of course)?

For me, this would have to be the Bottle of Black Oil, mainly because I have been trying to get it specifically from badlands regions and failing. However, I still have 28 more (non-consumable) items to get (33 altogether), so I'm quite a long way off (I have collected 58 different types of items so far). Hm, looking at that I'm about two-thirds of the way :)

(based on:


Looking at your list, I'm still a long way off, even if I would combine found items for the two adventurers I've had so far (one is paused now, the other fairly recent)

Several items don't even ring a bell.

Also, I've heard that some adventurers are looking for portal stones and the book of demon banishing. Is there any mechanics backing these items up?

And: is anyone's advy member of a guild of some kind?


I've only ever collected a single portal stone, although I heard of someone else collecting 3 or 5 of them, not completely sure. see the Colonies/Adventurer thread. When you try and use it, it says to collect x more portal stones, for a total of 8. someone should establish a portal stone cult and try and get all the advies on an island to collect them.

There are adventurer guilds on several continents, I think Darka on Atamara and Fissoa on Dwilight for starters. Adventurers can't be elders, although they can be made standard members.


Quote from: egamma on May 18, 2011, 03:33:42 AM
I've only ever collected a single portal stone, although I heard of someone else collecting 3 or 5 of them, not completely sure. see the Colonies/Adventurer thread. When you try and use it, it says to collect x more portal stones, for a total of 8. someone should establish a portal stone cult and try and get all the advies on an island to collect them.

There are adventurer guilds on several continents, I think Darka on Atamara and Fissoa on Dwilight for starters. Adventurers can't be elders, although they can be made standard members.

Yes, my character started the one in Fissoa. He's now being persecuted for 'breaching peace' and 'commoner-loving'. Haha :)

I think a realm in the north of Dwilight had one too, called the Reliquarium or something. And my char has had talks with Asylon, they're starting one too.

But I really was actually asking for the view from the advy side: would anyone be interested in joining? I've noticed it's not as easy as I had thought to recruit members, even offering them a salary...


There are commoner's guilds all over the place. Corsanctum has one. There used to be one in Astrum, but I think it fell apart, There were rumors of another being started there. My characters all have, so far, intentionally ignored them.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.



Mostly because associating so closely with commoners is below their dignity. My characters have also fought strenuously to oppose any form of commoner protection laws, and other such nonsense, as well.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on May 18, 2011, 08:25:05 PM
Mostly because associating so closely with commoners is below their dignity. My characters have also fought strenuously to oppose any form of commoner protection laws, and other such nonsense, as well.

Aha, so your characters are nobles. I was looking to see why _adventurers_ wouldn't be interested to join said venture, really :)

Why are you against laws that protect commoners? I agree that most powers of the nobility should be maintained, but I have to say I'd act if I saw an advy I care about being mistreated. Not that I want to start a whole (IC) discussion here :P


Quote from: Shizzle on May 18, 2011, 11:35:37 PM
Aha, so your characters are nobles. I was looking to see why _adventurers_ wouldn't be interested to join said venture, really :)

It costs money? Don't advies have to spend money to send messages to guilds? My advy doesn't have enough money to waste on hiring scribes to send letters for him.

QuoteWhy are you against laws that protect commoners? I agree that most powers of the nobility should be maintained, but I have to say I'd act if I saw an advy I care about being mistreated.

And is it required for there to be a law in place before you take that action?
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Well, yes it costs them some money to send letters. But seeing they receive between 5 and 15 gold each month if they make it to the full ranks, that shouldn't be a problem. I wonder how other advy guilds work around that though.

Not necessarily, so I thought. But my speaking up has only brought forth a huge discussion (medieval trolling, ftw), and the Judge is just making my character look like a fool :P I have in no way the writing capabilities some of BM's nobles seem to have! Now he will stand trial, for 'breach of peace', and could possibly be banned from Fissoa, for offering his opinion. Interesting buzz, though.  8)