Author Topic: Make HP more meaningful  (Read 3848 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: Make HP more meaningful
« Topic Start: April 26, 2014, 01:31:43 AM »
One big glaring hole in your system: It only accounts for negative game-mechanics actions. i.e. abandoning your unit, or perhaps murderous looting rampages. It completely leaves out any kind of accounting for actions which a character may take that have no game mechanics basis. i.e. betraying a non-mechanics oath, or starting war by using murderous settings to cause your realm to switch sides in a key battle, appointing the worst enemy of your religion as it's new leader, or any of innumerable actions where the game mechanics can't measure the effects, or have nothing to do with the actions taken.
I totally agree. I've been trying to think of a way to ascribe values to exactly those "soft" acts like oath-breaking and other such behaviour that the system doesn't capture, since those are the things that reputations are really made of. All the ideas I've come up with involve input from other players. Personally I would love something like that because it's more human and closer to real life, but my gut tells me that the BM community doesn't trust each other to be fair. I would love to be told I'm wrong about that.