Author Topic: Political power score  (Read 15026 times)


  • Honourable King
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Re: Political power score
« Reply #15: May 01, 2014, 09:08:30 AM »
Individuals can be more influential than their official titles suggest. There's what's sometimes called the "power behind the throne," e.g. a trusted adviser who exercises power by virtue of his influence over the holders of political offices, formally or informally. If you can think of an effective formula to measure that, I'll add it to the feature request.
That is our point. People can be much more powerful than titles suggest. They can also be less powerful than their title might suggest, although it is less common. There is no formula for this though, which is the reason I am against this. It is not a person's true political power. Authoritative power, sure, but political power, no.
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― G.K. Chesterton