Author Topic: Political power score  (Read 15039 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: Political power score
« Reply #15: May 04, 2014, 02:20:15 AM »
There's no incentive to have an income...? Knights who don't take estates have no income.

The problem is clearly not with the lords, either, because they are putting up a ton of estates that don't get filled, despite your claim that they have no incentive to do so.
Knights will take an estate, usually in city if they can, but there’s no benefit to the lord. It just means he has to share his gold with somebody.

More nobles already means more power.
No it doesn’t. One noble can rule a region just as easily as 4, and the more nobles there are, the less revenue. That’s why the most powerful realm on Dwilight (Morek) has only 1.3 nobles per region, and the most powerful realm on Beluaterra (Riombara) has about 1.2 nobles per region.

Why do we need a new feature to repeat what is already true?

First of all it’s not true. Secondly, the benefits include the following:
•   It recognizes the inherent strength of the team, thereby promoting teamwork.
•   It assigns value to knights and encourages dukes and lords to attract knights to their regions.
•   By making the increments cumulative, it recognizes that a team is more powerful than the sum of its parts, which in turn promotes increased density.
•   It provides you with some background information about the char you’re interacting with and where you rank in comparison.

Look, there are already values assigned to honour, prestige, and about 20 different fame scores. This IMO has a lot more practical use than those other ones, and frankly, there's no downside. Either players will find it useful, or they'll ignore it.