Author Topic: The Trials and Tribulations of the 'Kings Guard'  (Read 10390 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Roleplay from Logar Soul

When Logar spoke of the misfortunes recently suffered by the people of Asylon, and of the many buldings and land lost--Lands which still held vast ammounts of history and memories--The tavern master listened intensely. After, they spent two hours laughing, joking and drinking ale.

Loger turned and faced the tavern master, grinned and spoke with an intoxicated slur "Go-ood sir, th-thish ere tavern requireths a a change of name..woulds yoo not agree?
"Indeed it does M'lord" tavern master agreed
"The 'Pig in Lipstick' is unbef-ffitting for a city oof susch grandure" Logar continued, "Fwom ere on, it shall be knoown as 'The Sword Swallow Inn', to weplace the one lost in old Asylon"
"As you wish Lord Logar" the tavern master once again agreed.
"Yer whores are filth!" Logar yelled "Get some wif some standards for our noblemen". He thrust a small bag of gold coins into the lap of the tavern master.

Upon the chair beside Logar, was sat a flat wooden oak box. He picked it up and placed it on the table and opened it. The tavern master watched with curiosity.
"This tavern shall also be the central hub of the 'Kings Guard'" Logar announced, "It is the most suitable location for organising our work"
With that announcement, he picked up the flat, finely pressed cloth from within the oak box. Immediately the tavern master understood, raised his hand and clicked his fingers. A scruffy young lad; looking no older than fifteen years; rushed to the table. The tavern master gave him an order, handed the cloth to him and ushered him away swiftly.

When Logar exitted the 'Sword Swallow Inn' he turned and looked upon the building, as he had done when he entered. As he looked up, he saw the banner of the Kings Guard--dwarfed by the banner of Asylon beside it--both gently blowing in the new wind of these new lands.
He stepped back for a better look, stumbled and woke the next morning bathing in a horses trough.
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd