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New Mentor

Started by Thehatter, May 05, 2014, 04:03:17 PM

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Summery: Allow older Characters to mentor younger character

Details: Give older character after they have reached a certain age and skill, the ability to mentor younger characters similar to the effects of training at the academe. Example if a character has high sword fighting,trading,infiltrating,jousting...etc they can pass their skills and knowlage to another character in exchange for hours and their skills will effect the outcome of the exercise.

:Can only have one mentor at a time.
:mentors skills have to be higher then yours

Benefit: It will develop closer bounds and RP experience with actual game mechanics.

Exploits: Free training instead of using the academe.


We had a system like that before but it was phased out.  I'm sure there is someone here with more details.
Kabrinski Family:  Nathaniel (EC), Franklin (BT), Aletha(DWI)


Do you mean the mentor class? I remember that but it was more of a way to integrate new players, the mentors never raided your skills.


Quote from: Motosuwa on May 06, 2014, 03:54:22 AM
Do you mean the mentor class? I remember that but it was more of a way to integrate new players, the mentors never raided your skills.
I think you meaning raised your skills instead of raided your skills.

About this Mentor Feature Request.

I like it, as this will ensure players have ways to give back to the Battlemaster game they love. They can guide, teach their skills to the younger players. Now go on, become my Minions...
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)


when I first played several years ago, I was mentored by a player which helped me imensely. Since returning the mentor class has been withdrawn. I do still think it would be a good feature which my encourage new players to stay on.
I would become a mentor myself now, if the feature was still available.

I am unsure though why it was removed in the first place. There must have been a reason.
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd


The old mentor system had mentor points rewarded to mentor characters.
They could spend those points to gain certain special information that you would normally not as easily access.
I think the information included foreign realms tax days and possibly details on their food stored.
Then there where some other options for your mentor points that i can only vaguely remember as useless.

I think the mentor points where accumulated by completing the mentoring of new characters.
New player characters could choose a mentor and at the end of the course fill in a mini survey, if the survey was positive the mentor got points for it.

It never really worked as mentors where not really out to get new students, as the rewards where not very high and also because there was no one responsible by nature of this system.
The responsibility was diffused over the few mentors that where part of usually, only larger realms, nor did they generally cooperate.
I remember kind of abusing it just to get constant tax day information from the enemy as a young player.

I think the idea to assigning an individual as responsible by an in game system, to help new or even just less experienced players is still potential.
Yet we have to incorporate a good top down responsibility hierarchy to make sure every single individual has their own specific task/responsibility, without taking way part(s) of the free, player driven character of the game.
Something like our feudal system, where a duke appoints the lord positions(responsibilities).
Where we can have for example a government(judge or ruler?) member assign mentors to students.
The same old system with the mini survey can be applied on this for the students to rate their mentors work.
Our top responsible, the government member whom assigns students to the right mentors, can see the total score of these mentors based on the surveys from the students.
If the top responsible doesn't assign (certain) students to a mentor, he gets reminded and perhaps a score can be held of how fast characters where assigned including the average ratings of the realms mentors.
This info could be public realm information, also when creating a new character or immigrating to a new continent, but also for the titans of that continent.
Rulers/realms who ignore the system can be asked to do more to help integrate our new players by those Titans if scores drop considerably.

When the survey is filled and thus both student and mentor have agreed that the basics are mastered, one can always keep or change their mentor for rp flavor.
Especially if its easily publicly accessible by many other characters, it can be an interesting social status for a character to be mentored by the King and other highly respected individuals, or even better; mentoring the King your self.

Brutus the Brute - Kleptes the Thief - Atreus the Brave - Alucina the Lucid


The old mentor class didn't do anything for the students except give them more knowlage of the game. The new system purposed is a one on one training where the student can boost their stats such as swords fighting, infatuating, trading, etc.

This will give characters the chance to bond and develop and the higher the masters skills the better the training will be. if it had to go somewhere it wouldn't be a new class but it should go in the politics section and would have to be accepted by both parties. It would also be used for people of separate realms.

It would be a nice form or recruiting and could lead to interesting political developments. Even give it an option in tournaments where people seek out the strongest and most skilled person to be their mentor. Give more reason for showing off.


Sounds like a great idea and really fits with the ethos of the medieval atmosphere of the game.  Perhaps mentee's could be classed as squires to their mentors in the various classes, would make a really good innovation for those periods between wars and certainly build the bonds between players.

Eduardo Almighty

It seem more like a Squire system. I'm not right about it, but I think is usual to send a young son (a noble) to serve a good Lord (also a noble) to let him serve and learn for some time.
Now with the Skovgaard Family... and it's gone.
Serpentis again!


It wouldn't really be a squire system because the master will have to have a night skill level and might not be a lord.

Eduardo Almighty

Knights mentoring Knights? Sounds... strange.
Now with the Skovgaard Family... and it's gone.
Serpentis again!


If a knight is renounded for having 80% in swordfighting it wouldn't sound strange.