Author Topic: Federation Soup  (Read 8259 times)


  • Honourable King
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Re: Federation Soup
« Topic Start: May 20, 2014, 01:40:50 AM »
I don't really think that either of these needs to happen. (Although I admit that the second suggestion is interesting. It has its own problems, though. Like: Who determines the state of the relationship?)

First: Federations allow a group of small realms to play the big game. I wouldn't want to restrict the flexibility to the extent that two-realm federations would do.

Second: I think that the act of federating may need to be more transitive, and far-looking when signed. It needs to do a recursive look at relationships when accepting a new federation partner. If it is possible, through the new relationships that a federation will create, to trace a Federated-or-Aligned path to someone with a War or Hatred status, the federation should be impossible, regardless of the distance of that relationship. This restriction already applies, but I don't think it looks far enough when accepting new partners into an existing federation. We had a situation on EC where Perdan was allied to Westmoor and at war with Ibladesh, while Ibladesh and Westmoor were Federated. There's a bug about it on the bugtracker somewhere... If these relationships were further traced out to look for conflicts, then this kind of thing would not happen.

The situation you dislike, I disagree on. I see it as good as it allows conflict to still happen. It seems like the people problem of people going into large federations/alliances forever is more or less impossible to stop so I would rather have a situation that allows for war to still happen.

 Personally I hate federation status as it encourages peace a hell of a more than alliance. You were considering to betray a federated partner? O that sucks, you have to fight all of your current federated partners than.

As I said above, I am definitely for requiring everyone in the federation to agree to the new partner, not just one realm.
Well, I don't know about the supposed to happen (although I suspect you are right from what I have heard), but I must admit that it is hilarious. Tara gets a new federated partner, then get a double portion back on their plate. Classic.
Its not funny to me. All that happened was someone figured out how to use game mechanics to forcefully end a war. I didn't complain when it happened with Carelia joining the federation about them not getting a choice, because I thought they did, which then surprised me we made got into the federation. Now I know thats not true, so I don't care for that either.

Personally I think federation status should not be group-connected. If people want to make a group federation, go for it, but I see no benefit to the current group-connected federations vs just keeping it like the rest of the relations.
“The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.”
― G.K. Chesterton