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Taselak- A mixture of Natural Selection & Survival of the Fittest

Started by Cren, May 23, 2014, 09:59:39 PM

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Returning player, player of the Haerthorne family, marketing team member, and prospective fixer-upper-er of the wiki.


To me it sounds like Tay-se-lak, rather than Tassel-ack, so such puns have no power over me :p


Quote from: Hyral on June 10, 2014, 11:49:42 AM
To me it sounds like Tay-se-lak, rather than Tassel-ack, so such puns have no power over me :p

That's how I hear it too. Glad I'm not alone.


Quote from: Woelfy on June 10, 2014, 04:52:57 PM
That's how I hear it too. Glad I'm not alone.

You're both wrong.
Team Tassel
Geg Family: Elshon (Bel)


As General of Taselak, I will stick to my version. Tassel is accepted, but not the official way to say it.


Returning player, player of the Haerthorne family, marketing team member, and prospective fixer-upper-er of the wiki.


Just makes me think of some barbarian tramp getting shot in the chest by a little kid. :P


I kind of wish they'd kept it as it happened in the books, with Jon searching afterwards, worrying that it was one of his arrows that downed her, and finding her dying in the snow, relieved that he wasn't the one who killed her and then guilty because he was relieved - but the entire fight at Castle Black was so different from how it happened in the books that really, I suppose, that wouldn't have been possible. I'm pretty happy with how the show depicted it all, all things considered. TV Ygritte was way more likeable than book Ygritte, anyway.



Just gonna say it, book Ygritte didn't seem as hot as TV Ygritte was.

Also, I agree entirely. Book version with the search and emotional level was great. I am not unhappy with the TV version though, as you say: all things considered.


Ban Ban Ban!
I went down with a big bad bang bang bang!
Celebration's underway, everyone join in the fray-
There is no black or white, only shades of grey!
Just stay alive and kicking, raise your voice when its needed. Through reason you can show the mistakes of others, something violence can't do.

I don't break rules, I bend them- a lot.


Hahaha, you will be sorely missed Cren. I look forward to seeing you on the battlefield ;)

Fuor Family

Team Tassel, it is. Pretty sure the General has little to no power over what is or isn't 'official' in referring to the name of the realm, that'd be more the Queen's business if anyone's.


Pfffft. When Taselak is the supreme force on the island, people are gonna be sayin' it my way. 8D