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in game misogyny?

Started by Passeri, May 28, 2014, 07:42:17 PM

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Jens Namtrah

Would you consider it a rational, reasonable standpoint to play that " he believes that men aren't worthy of being a ruler or anything, let alone of a realm like Taselak that respects empathy above all. And that they'll ruin everything just like men have ruined his family and childhood"

Or would you find that to be a pretty stupid idea?


No its a pretty good idea. If a number of characters RP that then they can create a sort of an Amazon themed realm. A female dominated society where men are considered inferior or outright not allowed. After all Wonder Woman, Lara Croft and Thundra are in my favourite characters list as the envision the idea of strong women worthy of being worshipped.
Just stay alive and kicking, raise your voice when its needed. Through reason you can show the mistakes of others, something violence can't do.

I don't break rules, I bend them- a lot.


I wanted to highly favour women in Eponllyn but there are way more male characters in BM than female so it never really worked out.


Here's the problem with playing a misogynist character: Women already have to deal with a disgusting amount of misogyny on the Internet, especially women gamers. They don't need yet another place online that reminds them of that. No matter how much backstory you layer on, from the outside your character is indistinguishable from any number of misogynist trolls out there who aren't pretending. And I'll bet any amount of money that a new female player doesn't go seek out your backstory to determine if your misogyny is IC, not when it's so much easier to just quit.

I usually agree with the people saying "let the players work it out IC" but please be practical here. It's not a good look for you. It's not a good look for BattleMaster. The things your character says are identical to the abuse directed at women every day in public forums. IC or not, it's just unpleasant to read. Nobody wants to go back to the drawing board but this is not a hill worth dying on.
Never approach a vast undertaking with a half-vast plan.


Speaking as a female gamer, I routinely have characters display some form of misogyny, if it's appropriate to the world - as it usually is in BM, especially in the SMA areas like Dwilight. I've got a mildly sexist womanizer on that continent atm. I see nothing wrong with it so long as it remains a character thing only. Take it OOC, and that's too far - but I have no problem with it IC.


Personality flaws lead to conflict. Conflict leads to great RP. I'm all for despicable characters.
Just keep ingame stuff ingame.


Ii have no issues with the way this character is being played, there are ways to be found within the game to deal with such characters (if your character dislikes the particular character in question).
I am probably a little biased though because I have another character in Cathay who interacts with another of Crens characters. In fact Crens other character happens to be a woman, who also happens to be in love with the King of the realm. Basically I dont see any OOC bigotry on the back of Crens characters that I have interacted with. The player Cren has also stated in the realm OOC, before this forum post was created, to please not mistake the RP with his OOC personality. He did make an attemot to allieviate any concerns before fully acting out his 'bigotted' character.
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd


My personal take on this is that it's within the rules but not particularly cool either.

I mean, if I created a character who was overtly homophobic or something then I'd expect to get a lot of stick for it and to offend people so I wouldn't do it.

Also, if the only way you can think of to create a bad guy character is misogyny then you're being pretty lazy with character invention and you should really try and think of something more interesting instead other than "girls are girly and I hate them".


Honestly! In this game we kill, burn and rape, We commit genocide and destroy cities and realms!

And a misogynist character is a problem??? IMHO totally ridiculous.


Quote from: Poliorketes on May 29, 2014, 10:44:53 PM
Honestly! In this game we kill, burn and rape, We commit genocide and destroy cities and realms!

And a misogynist character is a problem??? IMHO totally ridiculous.

The difference is that we're nobles talking to other nobles - the treatment of peasants is a completely different topic, we can be as horrible to them as we like.


I think as long as you can separate the game from reality, you should have nothing but fun with it.

Misogyny was actually MUCH more prevalent in the time period than is ANYWHERE on BM. I have  a feeling such things will work themselves out in game.

Also consider that many people playing female characters are men (and vice versa).

It might actually be beneficial for a few men to experience the casual misogyny that women have to deal with on a day to day basis. Did you consider that?


Quote from: Antonine on May 29, 2014, 11:39:58 PM
The difference is that we're nobles talking to other nobles - the treatment of peasants is a completely different topic, we can be as horrible to them as we like.

We kill between ourselves too! And make assassinations and some torture too... I think some characters were tortured to death, if I remember well... While he speaks as a noble, and not become obscene as a peasant, I don't see the problem... This is a game, not real world.

Jens Namtrah

Quote from: squirrel on May 29, 2014, 12:34:28 PM
Here's the problem with playing a misogynist character: Women already have to deal with a disgusting amount of misogyny on the Internet, especially women gamers. They don't need yet another place online that reminds them of that. No matter how much backstory you layer on, from the outside your character is indistinguishable from any number of misogynist trolls out there who aren't pretending. And I'll bet any amount of money that a new female player doesn't go seek out your backstory to determine if your misogyny is IC, not when it's so much easier to just quit.

I usually agree with the people saying "let the players work it out IC" but please be practical here. It's not a good look for you. It's not a good look for BattleMaster. The things your character says are identical to the abuse directed at women every day in public forums. IC or not, it's just unpleasant to read. Nobody wants to go back to the drawing board but this is not a hill worth dying on.


In short, if I were the Ruler of that realm I would tell him to stop, and give him an OOC ban if he didn't. I would encourage all players in an OOC manner to put him on ignore and not interact with him. Let the Titans do what they want to me if they disagree.

As I said before, there are 50,000 different role plays you could do to the same effect, but without risk of real-life offense to people in the game. You've been told this isn't cool by many people here, so show some consideration.


Quote from: Antonine on May 29, 2014, 11:39:58 PM
The difference is that we're nobles talking to other nobles - the treatment of peasants is a completely different topic, we can be as horrible to them as we like.

And nobles weren't horrible to one another?


I'm all for in-game racism, sexism, any other -ism that leads to conflict (for characters, not players)....but it requires discretion. There is a fine line between pissing everyone off, and creating realistic and dynamic RP.

Something like "all women are whores" can spark OOC hate...something like "My character is so ugly that no women will look him in the face, therefor he thinks all women are whores out of spite" gives irrational in-character motivation a better face. If you go over the line (or you see someone go over the line), work with players in a friendly manner (OOC) to make sure both of you are having fun. Sometimes all it takes is a different presentation or a softer touch.

You have to be consistent, though. Sexism/racism should be played as a character flaw. If you aren't willing to demean your character more than the group he's demeaning, then you are being a dick. Be a villain that curls his mustache or be the egalitarian white-knight...but don't be the one who uses BM as a soap-box for real life hang-ups. Roleplaying games are for escaping real life hangups.
Eoric the Dim (Perdan), Enoch the Bright (Asylon), Emeric the Dark (Obsidian Islands)

Orobos, The Insatiable Snake (Sandalak)