Author Topic: Drinking beer, listening to Alice in Chains, feeling calm.... Sandalak  (Read 44866 times)


  • Freeman
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So I dunno about folks in other realms but, for those who remember BM's heyday in 06-08, I'm starting to wonder if The Problem has been no War Islands. Because I'd frankly forgotten what a big realm was like, and a realm where there's a clear, decided, indisputable final objective. Sandalak feels to me (in all the good and bad ways) much like what most of BM felt like when I was newer around here: rowdy, feud-ridden, very little IC/OOC distinction, but (hopefully) team play. We'll see if team play shows up, I think it will.

I was around (with a different family) in those days, and my experience was SO different.

I started in a realm that was VERY dull, with established king/general/judge/lords and TOTAL stagnation. I think my first character saw no combat for weeks, and the older players had zero interest in engaging newcomers. I found other realms that were more active, but in general the game was the opposite of rowdy, and it seemed IMPOSSIBLE to get lordships or council seats, and I found exactly one other player that engaged in active, character to character RP.

Thinking back on it now, the longest RP going on was basically a story about the king's wedding and it was interminable. It went on forever, and involved no one else in the realm. Yeesh.

It's kind of funny how player experiences can be so world's apart, depending on region. For whatever reason, my experience this time around has been much more fun/lively.
