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The Battle For Hagley

Started by Indirik, June 23, 2014, 11:04:51 PM

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So, how about that Battle for Hagley? That was amazing. Three massive battles in a row, the south wins the first two. The north wins the last one, and immediately starts a TO of the region, enabled by Westmoor's declaration of war against Eponllyn between the second and third battle.

Since I'm a sucker for battle stats... :p

Total rounds of battle: 20
The Northerners were the attackers: Eponllyn, Sirion, Nivemus, rogue
The Southerners were the defenders: Perdan, Westmoor

First battle

UnitsInf      MI      Arch      Cav      SF      CS     

Rounds: 7


1      2      3      4      5      6      7      Total
Attacker losses:140317397242182211471536
Defender losses:12838654222514211881549

Nivemus had no units present in this battle. It Perdan/Westmoor v. Sirion/Eponllyn.

Look at that southern infantry wall!  :o Perdan always had a huge infantry division. And they have a nice cavalry advantage, too! That's gonna hurt...

The North suffered more casualties per round in all but the second and third round.

Both sides suffered an average of ~220 casualties per round.

Total noble wounds:
North: 16
South: 13
The north suffers the only serious wound inflicted in the entire series: Adenadh Dubaine, Dame of Slimbar.

North: 1
South: 1

Second battle

Units       Inf       MI       Arch       Cav       SF       Undead       CS

Rounds: 8


1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      Total
Attacker losses:582461279221775032703
Defender losses:10434213316046986811962

Nivemus had one SF unit show up for this battle.

Apparently the southerners had a lot of retreated units led by nobles who were wounded and couldn't rally them.

The south wins, but suffers more casualties per round for every round except the last, in which the north had only a single archer unit left.

Despite losing the battle, the north suffers only ~88 casualties per round, while the south suffers ~120 per round. The south had only 130 more men than the north, but suffers 260 more total casualties. Apparently the northerners had a lot of archer units set with very low retreat rates, for both of the first two battles. This could be supported by the fact that even with a clear CS advantage, the northerners still lost.

An undead unit joined the attackers this round. It absorbed ~4100 hits in the first round, including ~2700 archer hits, wiping out the entire unit of 50. Nice meat shield for the north.

Also, for some reason, Westmoor chooses this moment to declare war on Eponllyn... unfortunate timing, for them. Unless they figured that the northerners would run, and the south could move to TO Greatbridge? Who knows. I don't think it worked out for them in the end, though.

Total noble wounds:
North: 7
South: 8

Trivia point: Iulia Baceolus, Dame of Slimbar, was the first noble wounded in the first round of the first two battles.

North: 0
South: 2

The captured nobles include the lord and a knight of Woolton.

Third battle

Units       Inf       MI       Arch       Cav       SF       CS

Rounds: 5


1      2      3      4      5      Total
Attacker losses:88201325721399
Defender losses:18029112411927741

Nivemus finally shows up in force for the third battle.

In the last battle of the series, the south suffers a staggering ~150 casualties per round, while the north suffers only ~80. The south suffers much heavier casualties than the north in every round.

With a 1.7:1 CS advantage, and a 1.5:1 troop advantage, the north finally pulls out a victory.

Total noble wounds:
North: 9
South: 7

North: 1
South: 0

The captured northerner was Meristenzio Peristaltico, royal of Sirion.

Overall notes
So, a total of 20 rounds of battle.
Total losses:
North: 2,638,  ~132 per round of battle
South: 3,252,  ~163 per round of battle

North: 32 (including the only serious wound taken in the series)
South: 28

North: 2
South: 3

The south suffered more casualties per round in 14 of the 20 rounds, including all both the last round of the second battle, which they won.

In both of the first two battles:
The northerners had higher CS/man, and higher CS/unit.
The southerners had higher men/unit.
This seems to follow a trend I've seen going back for years, all the way back to when I joined BattleMaster in '06. The southern realms (Perdan in particular) seem to have bigger units, filled with lower quality troops. I don't remember that Perdan ever really advocated this, but IIRC it's always been true.


1st Battle      2nd Battle


1st Battle      2nd Battle


1st Battle      2nd Battle

Quality beats quantity?

Anyway, this was a nice series of battle to play around with.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Heh, so it was just me and Peri that got captured. Just my luck. At least I should have some good company in prison  ::)